Number one activity for preschool
21 Number 1 Activites for Preschoolers
5. Number Scramble
Find all the 1's and color them in. This can be a little challenging for some kids to look at, but will definitely be a fun activity for others. It might be fun to set a 30-second timer and see how many 1's students can find.
Learn more: Clever Learner
6. Let's Learn Number 1
I would print these out and laminate them for kids to be able to practice over and over again. I love that it has multiple ways for kids to practice this math concept, without being overwhelming. I could see this turned into a poster as well, by simply completing the box and circling the 1s.
Learn more: Shutterstock
7. Little One Egg Craftivity
How cute is this fun math craft? It comes with templates for you to trace and cut the pieces or you can print them on colored paper and then cut them out. These are bound to be lots of fun! It is found on Teachers Pay Teacher for the low price of $3, which is money well spent, once you see these completed.
Learn more: Teachers Pay Teachers
8. Number One Coloring
Two different options for coloring number 1. Trace and color can be used earlier on and then find the number later on in the learning journey. This is great for reinforcing basic math skills. Find the number is a fresh take on color by number.
Learn more: Dreamstime
9. Do-A-Dot
Preschoolers love to use dot markers, so this is the perfect math activity for them. Using the dot markers is great for teaching kids how to properly hold a writing implement so they get clean dots. This template could also be used to glue pompoms on.
Learn more: My Teaching Station
10. Find and Color
Find the 1's and color them in! Change up how the 1's are covered, such as with paint, pompoms, or counters. This could also be sent home for students to practice their basic math skills at home, especially if laminated.
Learn more: Alamy

Here's a cute activity that will also help with cutting skills. Kids get to choose a fish to glue in the fishbowl. Although it's not stated on the sheet, I would also have students practice writing the number 1 on the lines at the top of the page.
Learn more: Preschool Printable Activities
12. Road Numbers
Kids can use all different objects for this, but I think that cars would be best. Using real objects helps reinforce the skill. Minnie on the top makes this math activity even better. I would anchor them on construction paper and laminate them so they can be used over and over.
Learn more: Mega Workbook
13. Number Minibook
These are eight activities that get cut apart and stapled together to create a mini book for kids to keep and look back at. These activities for preschoolers will help any child with number recognition and build their basic math skills.
Learn more: Twisty Noodle

This cute little caterpillar will help preschoolers learn how to write the number 1. The Very Hungry Caterpillar has been around for generations and this is a fun activity to tie into math skills. There are other variations on this activity as well.
Learn more: Kendra and Karen
15. Paper Plate Art
The directions call for using colored push pins, but I don't think I'd feel comfortable with that in the school setting. Alternatively, kids can glue pompoms, buttons, or anything else you have handy. This is a fun hands-on preschool number activity.
Learn more: Homeschool AEC
16. Number Puppets
Kids can decorate their puppets however they like and use them in a class play or just play with them in pairs or small groups. If you have a number 1 poem or song to go along with them, it would add to the fun.
Learn more: Preschool Activities

Cut out some felt number 1's and have kids add googly eyes and a dot. Using more concrete objects is beneficial in the earlier stages of number instruction. This "one" can be cut out of any color felt you'd like and you can let your students select the dot color as well.
Learn more: Preschool Crafts
18. Count to 1 Chart
Stamps, stickers, and more can be used to help preschool students learn the number 1 with a visual representation. I like an activity that can be easily adjusted to suit your needs and is one that any preschool child will enjoy.
Learn more: Family Theme Days
19. I Spy Number 1
Find the number one and cover it with a paint fingerprint. This is such a fun number activity for preschool students, which may get messy, but is going to help them be able to identify the number 1.
Learn more: Twinkl
20. Ladybug Coloring
Trace the number, write it, and color one ladybug. This activity gives kids a good foundation in math and is something that most should be able to do independently. This fun math sheet is guaranteed to please.
Learn more: Clever Learner
21. Number 1 Circle and Draw
Some boxes have students draw 1 object, while others ask them to circle. Either way, they are practicing their math skills in a fun way, even if it is on a sheet of paper, especially if they use colorful markers to complete it.
Learn more: ESL Printables
40 Awesome Number Activities for Preschoolers
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27 Apr
Math & 123s
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Number activities for preschoolers don't have to be boring and just worksheets, make them fun so your preschooler will love math!
I love math. I’m a nerd, yes. But I love anything to do with numbers.
I really do hope I can pass this along to my kids by making learning activities about numbers and counting fun for them and not a chore.
As I’m typing this, Henry’s shouting excitedly as he’s counting how many things on his sprayer…though I’m not really sure what he’s counting exactly. He made it to 39 though!
Because I’m a huge math nerd I searched for easy and fun number activities for preschoolers.
My Favorite 40+ Number Activities for Preschoolers!
Try these activities to help preschoolers learn their ABCs!
Recognizing Numbers Activities for Preschoolers
Identifying numbers can be a learning experience for preschoolers (and younger!). Many of the ABC recognition activities can also be adjusted for numbers.
My kids love these 12 number activities for preschoolers to recognize numbers.
- Turn a number into sensory art – perfect for the 100th day of school!
- Go on a hunt for numbers and match it with the same number!
- Follow a number from start to finish in a maze.
- Trace numbers, really big!
- Little Family Fun created a parking lot with numbers.
- Pop! Find the number and pop it!
- Find and match playing cards.
- Have target practice with water balloons and numbers, like Motherhood on a Dime
- Make art! Do this paint by number canvas art.
- Use stickers and printable number cards to play hide and seek, from Teach Mama.
- Draw and paint over numbers with q-tips, like Toddler at Play!
- Clip and match with giant numbers from You’ve Got This Math!
Activities for Number Recognition
Counting Activities for Preschoolers
Learning there’s a sequence to the numbers and what comes next. Try these 18 number activities to help preschoolers learn to count.
- Connect the dots! A simple past-time activity that reinforces the order of numbers.
- Upcycle a box into a puzzle of numbers!
- Create a maze of numbers to drive through. Can they count their way to the end?
- Stacking up boxes and counting how high you can go!
- Make a craft together with multiple pieces.
Have your child do the counting!
- Count cars of a particular color while on the road, or semis, or vans, whatever suits their interest!
- Create a learning game with your ABC mat and number blocks. Choose a number block and pound the corresponding times with a hammer on the corresponding number mat!
- Let your child run an experiment and measure how much something holds! How many cups fit?
- Make puzzles with a picture. Label sections of the puzzle in numerical order. Cut apart and have your child put it back together again, from Growing in PreK.
- Use friendly animal crackers to practice counting and number recognition, like I Can Teach My Child.
- Measure objects (or yourself!) and count how big they are, from The Imagination Tree
- Count objects around the house. No Time For Flash Cards wants to know “How many doors do you have?”
- Play any board game, or make your own! Little Family Fun creates a fish race game!
- Count with LEGO! Do Play Learn likes to label a paper with numbers and count out the LEGO next to it.
- Snack time! Use dice and fruit snacks and play until you eat them all up, like Kids Activities Blog.
- Have a bean bag toss on the stairs, number them!
- new
- new
Counting Activities for Preschoolers
One to One Correspondence Activities for Preschoolers
Knowing your numbers is one thing and knowing how to count is another. But being able to put them into context that they each have meaning is done with one to one correspondence.
Get ready for preschool with 35 name activities!
I love these 12 number activities that help a preschool practice one to one correspondence.
- Head out into nature and explore flowers. Count and compare flower petals!
- Go on a hunt for a number and match it to its corresponding dots.
- Build towers of blocks on a number mat, with the correct number of blocks high!
- Spark your child’s interest with their interests! A farming approach of loading grain bins with the corresponding number of pieces of “grain.
- Have a newspaper throwing game and count up the newspaper balls, or how many you make, or miss!
- Make something in the kitchen together, or do an experiment and let your child measure out and do the counting.
- Sort through objects by color, and count how many you have of each!
- Fill a dump truck with objects (like Dominoes!) and count how many you can fit in there, like Inspiration Laboratories.
- Estimate first for some fun and then count item, from Teach Preschool.
- Have a counting race in the front yard and pick dandelions in the process!
- Roll a die (or two!) and practice one to one correspondence as kids build towers with blocks.
- Use a dice and small objects (like pom poms or corn kernels) and count them and fill up a tray.
One to One Number Activities for Preschoolers
Counting and number books that will get preschoolers excited about numbers:
- The Baker’s Dozen: A Counting Book
- I Spy Numbers
- One Big Building: A Counting Book About Construction (Know Your Numbers)
Do you actively work on numbers and counting with your child? Share your favorite activities!
About Jamie Reimer
Jamie learned to be a hands on mom by creating activities, crafts and art projects for her three boys to do. Jamie needed the creative outlet that activities provided to get through the early years of parenting with a smile! Follow Jamie on Pinterest and Instagram!
Reader Interactions
Abstract of lesson No. 1 with preschoolers "Acquaintance". | Planning to the lesson (1st grade) on the topic:
Municipal budgetary educational institution
“Secondary school No. 18
named after Hero of the Soviet Union
Eduard Dmitrievich Potapov”
Preparatory classes
“First-grader school”
Lesson lesson lesson lesson №1
Zatsepina E.M.
Introductory lesson: "Introduction"
Lesson in progress.
- Introductory speech of the teacher.
Dear guys! Congratulations on the start of school! Today is the first time you sat at your desks at school. May you not be a student yet. But we will have real lessons.
We will get to know each other, learn
school rules, that is, we will learn to be students. You will learn to sit at your desk, write, read. I wish you all success! Let's start our first lesson.
Let's play a game? I'll ask you questions, if you agree, clap your hands.
-Did you come from home?
- Is it spring now?
- Who is in a good mood today?
Let me try to guess. Why are you so happy today.
- Because you are very smart and beautiful today?
- Because you came to school for the first time today?
- Because you met your teacher today?
All this is very good, children, but you must really want to get to know me better, right?
Teacher: My name is... If you forget my name, come up to me and ask. Good? I am your first teacher. I dreamed of becoming a teacher since childhood. I like children very much. I have…. I love... I don't like... My biggest passion is... You and I will study together, and I will always be happy to help you.
I'll tell you about everything:
Why there is thunder,
Both about the north and about the south,
And about everything that is around,
About the bear, about the fox
And about the berries in the forest.
I will teach you how to draw,
Build, sew and embroider.
Guys, try to guess what the riddle is about:
The house is standing on the street,
The kids are in a hurry to get to it.
They carry notebooks, books
Boys and girls. (School.)
-Where are you now? (We are at school.)
And what is this riddle about:
Girls and boys are here
They take out notebooks, books.
Work hard,
Listen carefully.
Those children are one family.
Who are they, I ask you?
(Class, schoolchildren, pupils.)
At each lesson, fairy tale characters will “learn” with you. Today, cheerful Carlson came to our lessons. (Slide 2) He, too, has never been to school, but would really like to learn everything.
- Acquaintance with the rules of conduct at school, in the classroom.
Teacher. You met me, and our fairy-tale hero too, but how can I get to know you? I came up with! Now I will count to three, and you will all say your names out loud together.
- Agreed? One two Three! I didn’t understand anything, some: Wow!
-Let's get louder! One two Three!
- Guys, what's the matter, why can't I hear your names? When everyone speaks at the same time, there is noise, it is difficult for me to understand what you are saying. What to do?
Children offer different options. We must first try to voice everything except the raised hand. During the discussion, the teacher leads the children to this rule.
Teacher: Listen, children, what does Carlson offer us - raise your hand? Guys, let's try to get to know each other in this way: if you want to answer, raise your hand. Show how to raise your hand. How else can you raise your hand, children? Let's choose the most convenient way to raise your hand. (Introduction of the sign) (Slide 3).
The school has a rule:
“If you want to talk, raise your hand!”
(The teacher shows how to raise your hand correctly.)
(Thus, together with the children, we established a new rule and immediately stipulated its implementation. )
- Why do we need this rule? (To get acquainted).
Teacher: Let's try. Who wants to tell us their name?
(The teacher asks three or four children to use the new rule).
Although we have a small, but already a school. And the school has other rules. Do you want to know which ones?
If you want to answer, don't make noise.
Just raise your hand.
If you want to answer, you have to get up,
When they let you sit down, sit down.
A desk is not a bed
And you can't lie on it.
You sit at your desk harmoniously
And behave with dignity.
And now I want to get to know you better. I know how to do it. Now you will raise your hands according to the rule when you hear the task. Be careful! So, we started:
- Hands up... boys.
- The girls raise their hands.
- Those who have a pet raise their hands.
- Those who love ice cream raise their hands.
- Those who have bows raise their hands.
- Those who live on the street ... (street name) raise their hands.
- Those who will study in the 1st grade raise their hands. (All children raise their hands, the teacher checks the correctness of the answers).
- That's great, now I found out which of you like ice cream and which have pets.
Do you guys like working under the new rule? So you agree to accept him into our school life?
Summary of the lesson.
- Was it interesting?
-What school rule do we have now?
- When should you raise your hand?
- What else very important happened at the lesson today? Why do people meet?
-Since we have become friends, let's thank each other.
Theme of the lesson: "Introduction to speech, letters."
Lesson objectives: to introduce children to letters; introduce the concepts of "vowels", "consonants"; learn to find a working line in a notebook; instill a love of reading; work on language development.
1. Physical education minute "Steam locomotive". (Slide 4).
(Elbow movement, signal).
The locomotive hummed and the wagons were taken!
Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo I will rock you far away!
The green trailers are running, running, running
And the round wheels are all thump, thump, thump!
2. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.
Look where we've come. We are in an unknown country called "Speech" (Slide 5).
And in order not to be afraid, you need to get to know its inhabitants.
Everything we say is speech. Guess what is the name of the speech that we are using now? (Voiced, beautiful, etc.)
-Such speech is called oral, because we use our mouth (mouths), we pronounce everything with the help of a vocal apparatus, when the work of the lips is clearly visible. We use oral speech when we talk, listen, ask. Oral speech we hear and pronounce.
- Everything that we have just talked about is oral speech.
-But besides oral speech, there is speech, which is marked with letters in books and newspapers. We are reading it. This is written language. We master the skills of writing in the process of learning to write.
-Now listen to the poem:
The autumn forest rustled
Golden foliage.
Parting with the warm summer
We are sad with you.
The bell will ring,
Sonorous and cheerful.
Today he invites all the children
to school.
A maple will knock on the window
With a red and yellow paw,
And a sparrow will chirp:
Good luck, guys!
-What speech did you just hear?
(A picture of a castle hangs on the board, in which we will put the learned letters. On the one hand, vowels, on the other, consonants)
Picture of a castle (Slide 6).
Vowels stretch in a ringing song
They can cry and scream.
In the dark forest to call and call out
And in the cradle to cradle Alyonka,
But they don't know how to whistle and grumble.
A consonants agree
Rustle, whisper, creak.
Even snort and hiss,
But they don't want to sing.
- Acquaintance with vowels.
A, o, u, s, i.
The teacher makes riddles, the children guess them, and the letters are placed on the lock.
Here are two posts diagonally,
And between them is a belt.
Do you know this letter? BUT?
The letter A is in front of you!
Game "Who is more?" (Slide 7).
Think of words that begin with the letter A.
Game "Tell me a word."
Riddles. (Slide 8).
- It is as big as a soccer ball,
If ripe, everyone is happy.
It tastes so good.
And his name is (watermelon).
- He is kinder than everyone in the world.
He heals sick animals,
And once a hippopotamus
He pulled out of the swamp.
He is famous, famous,
This is a doctor (Aibolit).
- Let me take you,
I don't need oats.
Feed me gasoline, give me rubber for hooves,
And then, raising dust,
Run (car).
(Slide 9).
There is no corner in this letter,
That is why it is round.
Before she was round,
She could roll.
Riddles. (Slide 10).
(all answers start with the letter o).
- Without windows, without doors,
The room is full of people. (Cucumber)
- On a green fragile leg
A ball has grown near the path.
The breeze rustled
And scattered this ball. (Dandelion)
- Not motors, but noise.
Not pilots, but flying.
Not snakes, but stings. (Wasps)
(Slide 11).
There is a knot in any forest
You will see the letter U.
Phonetic exercises. (Slide 12).
How does a wolf howl?
How does a baby cry in a stroller?
How do children call to each other in the forest?
How does a cuckoo crow?
(Slide 13).
Here is an ax, a log nearby.
The result is what you need:
The letter y is obtained -
All of you should know it.
Game "Lost letter". (Slide 14).
S-r, m-lo, r-s, r-tank.
(Slide 15).
I got the hammer.
He knocked down a letter from the planks.
How many boards are there?
What letter?
Game "Name the letter and". (Slide 16).
Ira, Igor, Ivan, Inga, Inna, Ilya, Irina, Ilona.
Physical education minute. (Slide 17).
Are you tired?
Well, then everyone stood up together.
Stamped with feet,
Hands clapped.
They turned around, turned around
And everyone sat down at their desks.
We close our eyes tightly, and together we count up to 5.
We open. We blink
And we continue to work.
Sounds we hear and pronounce. To make the sounds visible, letters were invented to designate them
. Here is the alphabet. It is illustrated. (Slide 18).
(Put on the board a colorful alphabet with images of animals, birds or flowers on
each letter).
- Does a person need letters to transmit oral or written speech?
- The spelling of each letter consists of several elements. (Slide 19).
Summing up.
Help me complete the sentence:
- Everything we say is... (speech).
-Speech is... spoken and written
-We cannot see... (sound).
- To make a sound visible, it is necessary to designate it ... (with a sign or a letter).
The long-awaited call is given -
And the lesson ended. (Slide 20).
The long-awaited call is given -
The lesson begins. (Slide 20).
We open the notebook with the words:
I will open my notebook
And lay it down
I will not hide from you, friends,
I hold the pencil like this.
I'll sit up straight, I won't bend,
I'll get to work.
You see a track in the notebook. It is quite narrow. Your task is to walk along the path without going beyond its borders. And in order for your fingers to obey, they need to be warmed up.
Finger massage in progress.
This finger is the thickest, strongest and largest.
This finger is for showing off.
This toe is the longest and stands in the middle.
This finger is nameless, he is the most restless.
And the little finger, although small, is very dexterous and daring.
- Learning to find a working line (display on the board). (Slide 21).
Dot the entire narrow line up to the red line.
Place one dot at the top of the line and another at the bottom of the line.
- Draw circles in the narrow line. (Slide 22).
- Physical education minute. (Slide 23).
One, two, three, four, five!
The children went out for a walk.
We found ourselves in a meadow.
I'm running faster!
Buttercups, chamomile, pink porridge
Collected our class.
What a bouquet we have!
Theme of the lesson: “Fascinating country “Mathematics”. Introduction to numbers. Number 1"
Lesson objectives:
- Find out how children can count;
- Introduction to the number 1;
- Learn to solve simple problems.
Lesson in progress
The long-awaited call is given -
Lesson begins.
- Counting to 10 and back
- Counting objects. (Slide 24).
- Acquaintance with the number 1. (Slide 24).
Let's start the show
Surprise for the kids!
Let's get acquainted, friends:
One is me!
I walk the tightrope,
I take everyone behind me.
- Solving problems using object pictures. (+1, -1). (Slide 25).
It turns out that the cat has three kittens.
The cat has three kittens.
They meow loudly.
We look into the basket:
Where did one go?
Suddenly we see: from under the bench
He is carried out by a cat.
He was the first to stand on his feet
And got out of the basket.
How many kittens can't walk yet?
5. Physical education minute. (Slide 26).
Stay on one leg,
As if you are a steadfast soldier.
Left leg - to the chest.
Don't fall down.
And now stay on the left,
If you are a brave soldier.
- Letter in a notebook. (Slide 27).
Open a notebook with the words:
I will open my notebook
And I'll put it obliquely
I won't hide it from you, friends,
I'm holding the pencil like this.
I'll sit up straight, I won't bend,
I'll get to work.
6. Draw an apple in the album and shade it with chopsticks.
Refine at home. (Slide 28).
- Repeat letters a, o, y, s, i.
- Find words that contain these letters.
- Draw an apple in the sketchbook and shade it with chopsticks.
(Slide 30).
We worked hard,
We drew and frolicked,
But it's time to say goodbye!
Goodbye, kids!
Sound extraction. (Slide 29).
We urgently need to help one heron. She had an emergency.
Fairy tale "Chicken Chick"
Chicken Chick hatched from the egg very first and now sat on the porch and waited for the rest of the chickens to hatch.
- Mom, you're sitting wrong! You see - no one hatches anymore!
The hen was so surprised that she just closed her eyes.
- Well, you sit down, - says Chick, - and I'll go for a walk. Chick went out into the field, went up to the flower and said:
- You bloom wrong! It is necessary to bloom downward with a flower, then all sorts of butterflies and beetles will not sit on you.
Said and moved on. Looks - the caterpillar crawls.
- Hey caterpillar, you're crawling wrong!
- How is it necessary? the caterpillar was surprised.
- We must curl up and roll, it will be faster! He said and moved on.
Looks - a heron catches frogs,
- Hey, heron, you're catching wrong! See it right! And how to jump into the swamp.
The end of Chick would have come, well, the heron pulled him out.
- To teach, says the heron, you need to know something yourself. Understood, Chick?..
(G. Yudin)
-What happened to the heron? What lesson did the chicken learn?
-Name the words with the sound c.
Writing in notebooks
- Magnetic letters, numbers.
- Lock design.
- Object pictures for counting.
Parent-child interaction training. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2002.
"School of the future first-grader". Authors - compilers: Ivanova Galina Alexandrovna
primary school teacher. Lapshina Tamara Gennadievna
primary school teacher, 2010
- Fopel.K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: A practical guide in 4 volumes. - M.: Genesis, 2001.
- Fopel K. Pause energy. Psychological games and exercises: A practical guide. - M .: Genesis, 2001.
School psychologist No. 5,2010
Educational activities for kids.
Are you playing correctly with your child? "What a strange question!" - exclaim most of the adults - "How can you play right or wrong?". That's the thing, it's possible! Let's take an ordinary pyramid. Playing with it, the kid alternately strings the elements onto the base and, usually, he quickly gets bored with this activity. And you explained to the baby that all the details are different in color and size, that you can assemble the pyramid in reverse, that this ring is red like mom's dress, and this one is green like grass, etc. Yes, 50% of parents do not even imagine that with a simple pyramid you can come up with many games. And all of them will belong to the category "Educational games for kids."
Dear parents and grandparents, remember the main thing - your children learn when they play. Try to help them! Undoubtedly, you can take your child to kindergarten, as well as to additional classes in a children's developing club, where there are ready-made programs and algorithms. But there is another alternative, to compose a complex of educational games on your own and train at home. Trust me, it's fun!
Educational activities for one-year-olds
By the first year of life, the child already tries to speak, understands what is being explained to him, is able to recognize and memorize objects. The task of the mother is to interest the baby, to concentrate his attention on the main thing. As for classes, you can use any bright objects at hand: mittens, pictures, toys, plastic containers and other items.
- Find an item. Hide a toy nearby and invite the baby to find it, while telling what color, size, shape it is. Invite the baby to repeat the name of the hidden toy with you. This game develops memory and imagination.
- Gymnastics for fingers. Develops fine motor skills well. Try to pick up verses in advance, so it will be more interesting for the child to depict with pens what is said in funny verses.
- Ball games. Even if the baby has not yet learned to walk, he will be happy to crawl after the ball and roll it. For classes, you can turn on fun music.
- Dancing. All children love to dance. Turn on the music, make movements and be sure to repeat everything aloud: “Right hand forward ...”. Such developmental activities for kids improve coordination of movements, form a spatial perception of the world.
Educational activities for children from 1 to 3 years old
Children from one year old love to repeat everything after adults. It's amazing how much they notice their parents. Use children's curiosity for educational activities.
- Role playing. Invite the child to take on the responsibilities of an adult: put the bear to bed, wash clothes for the doll, wash the dishes, fix the typewriter ... Be prepared to learn a lot about yourself that you didn’t notice before.
- The ratio of shapes, colors and sizes of objects. You can buy the appropriate games in the store, but practice has shown that it is sometimes more interesting for a child to deal with familiar things. Invite the baby to put large toys in the box first, then soft ones, then green ones, then round ones, etc. Oh, look, there are no more toys scattered around the room!
- Modeling. Modeling classes can start from 1.5 years. And optionally, run after plasticine. Make cookie dough and sculpt various shapes together. Teach your baby to make a sausage, a ball, a cake, and when he masters the simplest figures, move on to complex ones.
- Drawing. Do not rush to give the baby a pencil! Practice finger painting. To do this, use old wallpaper and special finger paints that are safe even if the baby puts his hands in his mouth.
- Outdoor activities. Walks in the fresh air can be combined with developing activities about the world around. There are so many interesting things around, pay the child's attention to all the details, talk about nature, people, houses, cars.
Educational activities for children from 3 to 5 years old
Three-year-old children usually speak well, are able to remember a lot of information, and begin to comprehend the alphabet and numbers. For parents, the main thing now is not to force the child to sit and tediously memorize rhymes and show you the necessary pictures in educational books. Don't forget the game, and only the game!
- Development of memory. Learn poems with your child - they are remembered faster. Play the game "Remember More Items": first lay out 3 items, let the child look, and then cover with a handkerchief and ask them to list.
Gradually increase the number of items. Offer to switch roles, and try to deliberately make a mistake, let the baby tell you what is hidden under the scarf.
- Tell us about the properties and characteristics of objects. For example, that ice is cold and hard, a cow is a pet and loves hay, candy is sweet, and fish lives only in water, etc.
- Make riddles. Easy at first, then more difficult. Let the kid learn to think logically and compare facts.
- Read books. If the kid can already retell the entire content of the fairy tale, invite him to dream up: “What will happen if the fox did not eat the bun?”.
- Teach your child the etiquette of communication. He must know and be able to operate with such concepts as "thank you", "good morning", "goodbye". For these purposes, transfer all life situations to the game: put the doll to sleep, feed the bunny, receive guests.
Educational activities for children from 5 to 6 years old
Children 5-6 years old are ready to start preparing for school.
Learn more
- Activities for 4 year olds that promote cognitive development
- Rhyme with others
- Space nursery rhymes
- Wild life story
- Soak n grow
- Short stories for little kids
- One two buckle your shoe
- Fairy tales for kids with pictures
- Fun math activities for preschool
- Sound games for kindergarten
- Letter c projects for toddlers