Fairy tales for kids with pictures
Popular Fairy Tales for Kids in English
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Welcome to the world of fairy tales. Here you will find the best selection of fairy tales list, that will enchant the young minds with positivity of the most popular fairy tales. These fables and fairy tale characters have been collected from different cultures, and you will always find something new for the kids,including the ubiquitous king, prince and princess fairy tales. So, just scroll down and enjoy these English fairy tales. Happy Reading!
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Mowgli A fairy tale with pictures » For children and parents
A long time ago, a tiger named Shere Khan lived in the jungle. Everyone was afraid of him - he was cruel and spared no one.
On the day this story began, the smell of prey brought him to the river bank. Making his way through the thickets, he saw a crying child. "A man-cub!" exclaimed Shere Khan.
But just as he was about to pounce on the child, three angry wolves blocked his way. "One more step, Shere Khan, and you will die," they said. "This is our territory. Get out!" With three wolves, the tiger could not cope and he retreated, vowing revenge. Meanwhile, the wolves were looking at the child. "Poor thing! He'll die alone in the jungle!" - said the mother wolf. Turning to the other wolves, she added: "I would gladly take him into my family."
Adopting a human cub is not easy - such decisions are not made overnight. Each wolf had to express his opinion at the Great Council of the Wolf Pack. At night, when the full moon was over the jungle, the whole Flock gathered on Council Rock. In addition to wolves, there were Bagheera the panther and Baloo the brown bear. He spoke first: "I agree that the human cub stays with us. It will not harm anyone."
"Be careful!" Bagheera said. "What if he cheats on us later? When he grows up, he can return to the people and bring them here to hunt us." - "We need to make him love us," answered the mother wolf. "I will take it upon myself." "I'm in favor". So, the Great Council decided to accept a human cub into the Pack. The mother wolf gave him the name Mowgli.
Several years passed. The mother wolf could be proud of her adoptive. Mowgli grew up with the cubs - he became smart and strong and loved wolves like his brothers, but he was terribly curious and wandered through the jungle, unaware of the danger that lurks at every step. “If you stumble upon Shere Khan, you will not be in trouble.” “But I have you, Bagheera,” replied Mowgli. “What should I be afraid of?”
"Monkeys are not your friends," Baloo told him. As soon as he said this, a monkey appeared among the branches. She plucked a coconut and threw it straight at Baloo's head - bang! In a moment there was no trace of her, and Mowgli could not help laughing.
The next day the monkeys reappeared. Now there were a whole bunch of them. They came to Mowgli. "Come with us," they told him, "you'll like it here. Do you want to visit our palace?" Mowgli thought - doubts overcame him: "What if Baloo is right, and this is a trap?" But curiosity turned out to be stronger - after all, to visit the ruins of an ancient Indian city where monkeys lived was his old dream. And, forgetting the instructions of Baloo, he set off.
Noticing the disappearance of Mowgli, Baloo immediately guessed that the monkeys still managed to lure the boy into their lair. The bear rushed to look for Bagheera. "Together, - said the panther, - we can not cope with them. There are too many monkeys. I see only one way out - to ask for help from Kaa." Kaa was a huge snake - a boa constrictor. He was terribly voracious and climbed trees like monkeys, so they were mortally afraid of him. Kaa, without hesitation, agreed to help Bagheera and Baloo.
They found Mowgli in a deep snake pit at the entrance to an ancient Indian city. "The monkeys deceived me," Mowgli complained. "I'm hungry and bruised. They wanted to make me their slave and threw me here." Cobras writhed at his feet. "I'm already tired of fighting off this poisonous people," he added, throwing another cobra away. "I'll deal with them," said Bagheera. "But we must hurry before the monkeys gather their strength."
"That's my concern," said Kaa. And then a terrible fight began. Mowgli's friends turned out to be stronger. Only flight could save the monkeys. But they had only two options for this: either jump into the water, where Bagheera was waiting for them, baring their terrible fangs, or trying to slip past Kaa, who opened his terrible mouth. Few of the monkeys managed to escape the jaws of a huge boa constrictor.
So Mowgli was saved. The excitement has been left behind. "Well," said Bagheera, "I hope the lesson will do you good this time. Just think how much trouble you've given us three!" Ashamed, Mowgli lowered his eyes. But Kaa, who knew nothing about moralizing, objected: "Ah, in my opinion, everything was just right. We had a good time - I'm satisfied. And my stomach, even more so." - "Thank you, glorious Kaa," said Mowgli. "I will never forget this."
Bad news awaited Mowgli in the Wolf Pack. Old Shere Khan reappeared in these places. But even worse was that he managed to sow discord among the wolves. The old wolves were on the side of Mowgli, but the young ones believed that he should leave the jungle and return to the people. They did not know that Shere Khan wanted to tear Mowgli to pieces at the first opportunity.
But Bagheera knew that. And she suggested to Mowgli what to do: "Go to the people and do not return until you get the Red Flower!" In the language of animals, fire is called the Red Flower - only this formidable weapon could scare off Shere Khan. With the onset of night, Mowgli went to the village. There, unnoticed by anyone, he obtained a whole pot of burning coals and brought them into the jungle.
Mowgli summoned Shere Khan to the Great Pack Council. Raising the burning torch high, he called out to him: "Sher Khan, I'm not afraid of you! Get away and remember: next time I will come to the Grand Council with your skin!" The tiger took to flight. But this did not reconcile the wolves, on the contrary, it became another reason for contention between the old and the young. And then Mowgli decided to go to the people.
At first life in the village amused Mowgli. Never before had he heard so many ridiculous stories about the jungle and the animals that lived there. At first, he tried to dispel human delusions, talked about the secrets of the forest, about how wolves raised him. But no one believed him, and, in despair, he fell silent. More and more often he dreamed of returning to the jungle. Separation from friends and mother-wolf was hard for him.
People assigned him to herd a herd of buffaloes. Mowgli took advantage of this and drove the animals to the very edge of the pasture, where the jungle began. There he once met two young wolves. "You were right," they told him.
So Mowgli realized that he could return to the jungle, to the life he loved. "Call Shere Khan here," he suggested to the wolves. "Tell him that I'm alone, and that he can easily devour me. And I'll take care of our meeting." The wolves exactly fulfilled his request. In less than a day, a tiger appeared at the edge of the forest. Deciding that Mowgli was really defenseless, the tiger prepared to jump, but the boy launched a herd of buffaloes right at him.
Confused, Shere Khan ran away, and Mowgli, with loud cries, chased his buffaloes after him. The tiger was agile and fast, but obstacles interfered with it - large boulders, fallen trees ... But nothing interfered with the buffaloes - they rushed ahead. Shere Khan was doomed. The herd overtook him and trampled him. Shere Khan was dead and the kites were already flocking to him. There was nothing left of him, except for the skin and eyes bulging in deathly horror.
Mowgli returned to his Pack as a true hero. Bagheera, Baloo and the wolf brothers were proud of him, and this filled his heart with happiness. On the day of his great victory, he vowed never to leave the jungle again.
Translation by Alina Kuberskaya, artist V. Gul
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This section of our site presents both Russian folk tales with vivid illustrations and collections of fairy tales by foreign and Russian authors: Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, Perrault, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Suteev and many others. The site is constantly updated with new authors and works.
For your convenience, we have written a brief description of each fairy tale and developed a system of labels (tags). Thanks to them, you can easily pick up fairy tales according to age and preferences. To quickly find the desired author, use the menu. Happy reading :)
Fairy tales for children are one of the very first literary works that young readers get to know. The roots of these stories go far into antiquity, but they do not lose their relevance today. Children believe in magic, in reincarnation, in the victory of good over evil, in the existence of good wizards, and it is children's fairy tales that give rise to this belief - pure, naive, bright, at the same time instructive and educating. Most often, animals are the main characters, so popular works also instill love for our smaller brothers.
The site mishka-knizhka.ru contains a fabulous collection - a real magical wealth for the children of domestic and foreign authors, Russian folk tales and tales of the peoples of the world, illustrated and printed without abbreviations. Through such works, kids get to know the world and learn to distinguish good from bad, highlight the positive and negative qualities of a person, form their correct position in life. They learn the rules of conduct, the way of life of their own and other countries. The benefits of a children's fairy tale can hardly be overestimated, and the huge variety and popularity is a direct confirmation of this. The whole section is completely at your service, so you won’t have to look for a long time what to read with your child. A convenient online format will allow you to use the site, read with your child anytime and anywhere, even if you are in transport or waiting in line. Spend time with benefit, plunging into the world of unique reincarnations.
Reading is an important stage of learning. At an early age, children can listen to adults and look at illustrations, imagining unprecedented colorful pictures, empathizing with the characters, trying to find clues, draw logical chains and draw conclusions.