Space nursery rhymes
Space preschool songs and rhymes
Songs and Rhymes AboutSpace Here is a collection of songs and rhymes with a SPACE theme for preschool, pre-k and kindergarten children. Space theme activity printables |
Sung to: "One little, Two little, Three little ..." Twinkle, twinkle, little star, I know what you really are: The tiny stars you see at night Are like our sun, so warm and bright - But far away, they look so small, They barely give us light at all. Sung to: "Where have you been Billy Boy?" Put on your spacesuit. Bend and stretch, reach for the stars | BECOME A MEMBER MEMBERS' LOG - IN |
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Space Songs for Kids, Preschool, Pre-K, Kindergarten
By Karen Cox | Affiliate Disclosure | Filed Under: Outer Space Theme
Try these fun Space songs for kids. These songs can be used with Preschool, Pre-K, Kindergarten kids during a Space theme.
These songs are collected from You Tube. Play them on a computer projector or play audio only through the computer.
Countdown to Blastoff, by Jack Hartmann
Planets Song, by The Singing Walrus
Solar System Song, by The Kiboomers
Zoom, Zoom, We’re Going to the Moon, by The Kiboomers
Mr. Sun, by Super Simple Songs
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, by Super Simple Songs
Counting Numbers 1-20 (Stars), by The Singing Walrus
Eight Planets, by Mother Goose Club
The Planets, by Pancake Manor
Planets Song, by Have Fun Teaching
Time to Shine: Moon Song, by Story Bots
I’m So Hot: The Sun Song, by Story Bots
We Are the Planets, by Story Bots
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About Karen Cox
Karen is the founder of PreKinders. com. She also works as a full-time Pre-K teacher in Georgia. Read more...
Children's poems about space
Poems about space and astronauts, planets and constellations, and also about the Moon, Gagarin and the Milky Way. The collection includes the most rhythmic, suitable for memorizing poems. All the verses about space presented in the section can be used for thematic classes with kids, accompaniment in drawing lessons and for explaining complex things in a simple, understandable literary language for preschoolers.
Ursa Major and Ursa Minor
Vot Ursa Major
Starry porridge stirs
Big ladle
In a big cauldron.
Ursa Minor glows dimly nearby.
Small dipper
Collects crumbs.
How to find the north?
There is a golden ladle in the sky
The name is Big Bear.
The secret - to find where the north is - is simple:
In the direction of the extreme stars
Lead a straight line,
Find the Polar Star,
Stand straight, look at it,
And the north will be ahead.
In order, all the planets
Name any of us:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him - Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
Under the name of Pluto.
A. Haight
Old and growing months
If the month is the letter "C",
So the old month;
If you add a stick to it
You will attach 9 to it0007 And you will get the letter "P",
So, he is growing,
So, soon, believe it or not,
He will become fat.
Starry sky
Here is the starry sky! What can be seen on it?
The stars there shine with a distant fire!
Are only the stars shining in the sky?
No! Planets roam among the stars!
How do they wander like that? Roads do not know?
No! It looks like they're wandering!
All of them - Suns are a big family.
And under the influence of its attraction
Eternally create circular motions!
And with them my planet -
The one that is called the planet "Earth",
The one on which you and I live!
Each planet has something of its own,
What distinguishes it most clearly.
You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -
It is surrounded by a large ring.
It is not continuous, from different stripes.
Scientists solved the problem this way:
Once upon a time, water froze there,
And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.
R. Aldonina
Yuri Gagarin
In a space rocket
With the name "Vostok"
He was the first on the planet
He was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.
V. Stepanov
It's so cool in space (excerpt)
It's so cool in space!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Slowly floating!
It's so cool in space!
Sharp missiles
At great speed
Rushing here and there!
O. Akhmetova
Month-confectioner, wonderful baker,
What do you bake in heavenly heights?
Maybe delicious cakes
Silver star flour?
No. In vain we look, guessing.
What to expect from such a lazy person!
He baked a thin bagel for us,
And at dawn the bagel went out.
R. Sef
Lunokhod landed.
Lunokhod in the lunolet.
Circuses, craters and holes
Lunokhod is not afraid.
He leaves drawings
On the surface of the moon.
A lot of dust, no wind.
Drawings live for a thousand years!
Valentin Berestov
Moon Sea
By the Moon Sea
Special secret -
It doesn't look like the sea.
There is no water in this sea
Not a bit
And there is no fish either.
In its waves
It is impossible to dive,
You cannot splash in it,
You cannot drown.
Swimming in that sea
Convenient only for those
Who can swim
Can't swim at all!
I will be an astronomer
- That's it, - I said firmly at home, -
I will only be an astronomer!
Universe around the Earth!
R. Aldonina
In the black, velvety sky
Stars shine brightly.
Silver shimmery night
Decorates your outfit.
Mysterious, distant light,
Calling and beckoning,
To high aspirations
Calling me to heaven.
L. Gromova
Above the Earth at late night
Above the Earth at a late night,
Just reach out your hand,
You will grab the stars:
They seem to be nearby.
You can take a Peacock feather,
Touch the hands on the Clock,
Ride the Dolphin,
Swing on the Scales.
Above the Earth at a late night,
If you cast a glance into the sky,
You will see, like clusters,
Constellations hang there.
Above the Earth at a late night,
Just stretch out your hand,
You will grab the stars:
They seem to be nearby.
A. Haight
Cat's sadness
I have bad news.
I am sad like never before.
I found out: among the constellations
there is no constellation Cat!
There is a Wolf and a Hare in the sky,
Dove, Lizard, Whale.
The starry swan flies:
Even the fly is sitting there!
And around - Dogs, Pisces,
Two Bears and Lions,
A horse with a shaggy mane wanders
Among the cosmic grass:
Only there is no Cat. I'm crying!
No Star Cat!
Not even Cat's Whiskers,
No Cat's Tail!
I've been looking at the sky all night!
Just exhausted!
Why did I annoy the astronomers so hard
O. Akhmetova
Funny astronomy for kids (excerpt)
They stand in a circle and dance nicely
Aquarius with Capricorn,
Pisces wave their fins,
Aries hurries into the circle rather.
And Taurus will be by his side,
He tap dance famously.
There will be a dance until you drop,
A round dance will be kind.
Twins are dancing,
Cancer is backing behind them:
"What kind of strange dance is this?
Circle or belt?" - Zodiac!
Leo and Virgo became friends,
They swirled in a round dance,
Taking Libra with them
Amazing beauty.
Scorpio squatting
And waving its claw to Sagittarius.
This glorious round dance
will bypass the Sun in a year.
There are twelve of them in a round dance,
Is there more like it in heaven?
"How many constellations are there?" - ask!
"Exactly eighty-eight!"
Zh. Paramonova
Milky Way
Sky black velvet
Embroidered with stars.
Light path
Runs across the sky.
From end to end
Spreads easily,
As if someone had spilled
Milk across the sky.
But, of course, not in the sky
No milk, no juice,
We see our own star system
from the side.
This is how we see the Galaxies
Native distant light -
Space for astronautics
For many thousands of years.
R. Aldonina
Poems about space for children
The universe, planets and the first flight into space of Yuri Gagarin are interesting for children of all ages - both schoolchildren in grades 1, 2,3, 4, and preschoolers 5-6 years old. Many children's poems have been written about space - short and long. As a rule, they learn more easily than ordinary poetry, because they are interesting. The personality of Yuri Gagarin has become legendary for children, and many want to be cosmonauts in childhood. We have selected the famous and best poems for the Day of Cosmonautics for children - schoolchildren and preschoolers! Learn poems about space with pleasure!
Poems about space for children 5-6 years old
The verse "Planets" (A. Haight)
All the planets in order
Name any of us:
One - 07, Two - Venera Three is Earth, Four is Mars.
Five - Jupiter, Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus, Behind him - Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
Under the name of Pluto.
A short verse for preschoolers about Yuri Gagarin
In a space rocket
With the name "Vostok"
He was the first on the planet
He was able to rise to the stars.
Spring drop sings songs about this:
Gagarin and April will be together forever.
Short verse "Saturn" (V. Stepanov)
Each planet has something of its own,
What distinguishes it most clearly.
You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -
It is surrounded by a large ring.
It is not continuous, from different bands.
Scientists solved the problem this way:
Once upon a time, water froze there,
And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.
Famous verse "I will become an astronaut!"
I will become an astronaut —
The whole family knows this.
I will fly to deep space
And I will study the constellations!
I can't count all the planets...
So I want to fly
From star to star
Unprecedented beauty!
I'll give mom and dad
The dawn of a new star,
And the cosmic flower
I could also find it.
How many secrets, discoveries are waiting,
They are calling to the wonderful distance!
Only a house -
One land,
She will be waiting for me.
A poem for children about a rocket (N. Migunova)
My friends and I in the yard
We were building a rocket.
We only have fuel,
Unfortunately, no.
We couldn't fly
To Mars and Venus.
But we have everything ahead of us.
I firmly believe in this!
Verse "Moon"
Night in the dark blue sky
Have you baked a ruddy pancake?
From the cosmic basket
Has an orange rolled in?
Or a golden saucer
Shine in the sky?..
Fantasize, at times,
So amusing in the moonlight!
Nursery rhyme about a comet
What a magnificent wonder!
Almost occupying half the world,
Mysterious, very beautiful
A comet hovers over the Earth.
And I want to think:
— Where did
come from?
And I want to cry when
It flies away without a trace.
And they tell us:
— This is ice!
And her tail is dust and water!
It doesn't matter, the Miracle is coming to us,
But the Miracle is always beautiful!
(Rimma Aldonina)
Spreading its fiery tail,
The comet rushes between the stars:
- Listen, constellations,
Latest news,
Wonderful news,
Heavenly news!
Rushing at wild speeds,
I was visiting the Sun.
I saw the Earth in the distance
And new satellites of the Earth.
I was flying away from the Earth,
Ships were flying behind me!
(G. Sapgir)
Poem about "Milky Way"
Black velvet of the sky
Embroidered with stars.
Light path
Runs across the sky.
From edge to edge
Spreads easily,
As if someone had spilled
Milk across the sky.
But no, of course, in the sky
No milk, no juice,
We see our own star system
from the side.
This is how we see the Galaxies
Native distant light -
Space for astronautics
For many thousands of years.
(Rimma Aldonina)
- Everything, - I said firmly at home, -
I will only be an astronomer!
Universe around the Earth!
(Rimma Aldonina)
I want to become!
How tempting
Become an astronomer,
Closely familiar with the Universe!
It would not be bad at all:
Observe the orbit of Saturn,
Admire the constellation Lyra,
Detect black holes
And compose a treatise by all means -
“Study the depths of the Universe!”
(Yu. Sinitsyn)
Poems about the stars
What are stars?
If they ask you -
Answer boldly:
Hot gas.
And add,
Which, moreover, is always
Nuclear Reactor -
Every Star!
(Rimma Aldonina)
Poems for schoolchildren of grades 1,2,3,4
A poem about the solar system for schoolchildren
Meets the first solar storms
Elusive, little Mercury.
The second, behind him, Venus flies
With a heavy, dense atmosphere.
And the third, the carousel is spinning,
Our earthly cradle.
Fourth - Mars, rusty planet,
Red - orange most.
And then they rush, like a swarm of bees,
Asteroids in their orbit.
Fifth - Jupiter, very big
Visible well in the starry sky.
Sixth - Saturn, in chic rings,
Charming, under the rays of the sun.
Seventh - Uranus, lay down like a couch potato,
After all, his distant path is difficult.
Eighth - Neptune, the fourth gas giant
In a beautiful blue shirt dandy.
Pluto, Charon, ninth in the system,
Passing time in the darkness in a duet
(Author unknown)
Children's poem "Mercury"
Look! Do you know who this stranger is?
It is called the name of the god - the messenger.
The closest planet to the Sun -
Let's get acquainted - this is Mercury.
He likes to hide in the rays
Fastest of all and very strong
From the heat in solar ovens
The surface is hot for a long day.
From the wind of the Sun, only the atmosphere
And where the realm of the dark night,
0007 Under minus two hundred. By the way,
Looks like a twin of the Moon, a neighbor.
Familiar landscapes around,
Meteorites often fall
Even the composition of the soil is similar.
Very close to us, but still
From an incredible height
Venus is looking down at us.
This planet is named
In honor of the goddess of beauty.
Although a beautiful name
And a pleasant appearance -
The planetary spirit of Venus
Because of the dense atmosphere
Terrible, menacing and angry.
There are winds everywhere, clouds
And acid rains,
Hurricanes, and volcanoes,
Along the valleys and mounds
There the heat swirls in circles . ..
Very long days there.
And Venus is visible in the morning
A very bright star,
That hangs over the horizon
And looks at you and me.
(V. Berendeev)
There is one garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests make noise,
Calling migratory birds,
Only on it alone bloom
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies only here
They look into the river in surprise ...
Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other similar one!
(Roman Sef)
Faithful companion, decoration of the night
Additional lighting.
Of course, we must confess:
It would be boring for the Earth without the Moon!
(V. Aldonina)
Fourth - Mars, red - orange,
Wanders in the sky along the ecliptic constellations.
Two, crumbs, satellites, discovered once,
Under the names: Phobos, Deimos - like retribution
Two times smaller than Venus
And the force of gravity is small
Atmospheres are similar in composition,
But it is very rarefied
And rarely completely transparent
From long dust storms and light clouds.
There are riverbeds long lost.
Volcanoes are sleeping, mountains have shot up high
Less heat from the Sun - and water
Frozen in the permafrost.
Twice: his path is longer, years.
But days count like on Earth.
(Author unknown)
The fifth in the name of the Universal Ruler
And the name of the Roman king of the gods is Jupiter.
Jupiter is very, very big
And sixty moons have already been discovered
Space swallows garbage well
Has three elite rings.
More massive at once than satellites, planets
Rotates quickly with colored clouds
And sometimes "super lightning" traces a trail
Possesses strong magnetic fields.
Built like a puff ball of gases
And a solid inner core.
Let's look through the telescope, we'll see right away,
Centenary whirlwinds, Red House.
And to the satellites discovered by Galileo:
Callisto, Io, Ganymede, Europe,
Space probes have flown for a long time,
Through space, paths have been laid.
brighter than all the stars, after Venus,
Jupiter in the sky looks like us.
I didn't get enough in size
And I didn't have an hour to become a star.
(Author unknown)
Every planet has something different,
What makes it stand out the most.
You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -
It is surrounded by a large ring.
It is not continuous, from different bands.
Scientists solved the problem this way:
Once upon a time, water froze there,
And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.
(Rimma Aldonina)
Neptune in blue radiance – “sea deity”
Found, in calculated coordinates, - Halle.
The calculations of Adams and Le Verrier became a triumph -
of all whose labors the laws of heaven revealed.
Eighth from the Sun, thirty times farther from our Earth
Much denser, among giant planets.
Thirteen companions are known from his family,
He is in rings, dust particles, elegant.
Methane atmosphere, winds, clouds,
One of the satellites, in reverse motion,
With a surface covered with nitrogen only slightly
What gravity was enough for is clear.
(Author unknown)
My friends and I in the yard
We were building a rocket.
We only have fuel,
Unfortunately, no.
We couldn't fly
To Mars and Venus.
But everything is ahead of us.
I firmly believe in this!
N. Migunova
A ship is flying
It is flying in space
A steel ship
Around the Earth.
And even though its windows are small,
Everything is visible in them
Like on the palm of your hand:
Steppe expanse,
Sea surf,
Or maybe
And us!
V. Orlov
Big Bear
Here Big Bear
Starry porridge stirs
Big ladle
In a big cauldron.
Ursa Minor glows dimly nearby.
Small dipper
Collects crumbs.
There is one star in the sky,
I won't say which one,
But every evening from the window
I look at her.
She shimmers so brightly!
And somewhere at sea
Probably a sailor now
It checks the path.
Like a rainbow in the sky -
Silk pattern!
Hy and a rainbow in the sky,
Like a colored carpet!
And above the rainbow - a rocket
Soared to the skies.
Here is the same rocket
I will build myself.
And on the starry path
Fly on it,
I got the stars lykoshko
To my mother.
Grigore Vieru
Stars shine in the dark sky.
An astronaut flies in a rocket.
The day flies and the night flies
Vini looks at the ground.
He sees fields from above,
Mountains, rivers and seas
He sees the entire globe of the earth,
The globe of the earth is our home.
V. Stepanov
Cosmonautics Day
A Russian guy took off in a rocket,
He saw the whole earth from above.
Gagarin was the first in space...
How will you be?
Author: V. Orlov
The rocket reached the Luna station
With a palm, shielding from the light,
A boy is sitting.
And suddenly magic:
- The rocket has reached the Luna station.
And looking up from the notebooks,
He said with dignity:
- Order. —
As if it should be so.
It must be so,
And not otherwise.
And there is no wonder,
What is it by us,
We started
Storming of unsolved planets.
Do not reproach him for his stinginess:
The boy is restrained because
That the continuation of discoveries
was entrusted to him by the epoch!
Author: L. Tatyanicheva
The space flight is over,
The ship descended in a given area,
And now the pilot is going to the virgin land,
To again take the earth in his hands . ..
And in space I thought only about her,
Because of her I flew to such distances -
And only about her all two hundred long days
I wrote in my space magazine!
Author: V. Orlov
Stars, stars, for a long time
You chained forever
Man's greedy gaze.
And sitting in an animal skin
Near the red fire,
Inseparably into the blue dome
He could look until the morning.
And looked in silence for a long time
A man into the expanse of night -
Now with fear,
Now with delight,
Now with a vague dream.
And then with a dream together
A fairy tale ripened on the lips:
About mysterious constellations,
About unknown worlds.
From that time they live in the sky,
As in the night land of miracles, -
Sagittarius and Cygnus,
Leo, Pegasus and Hercules.
Author: Yu. Sinitsyn
* * *
The cry of the first satellites of
was touchingly thin.
So among the young starry cereals
A planet hatched,
like a chicken,
From a blue airy shell.
How high has lifted Russia!
Cruel cosmic night
I know how insanely hard it is
To leave the protective shell
And step beyond the habitual line,
Faced with the abyss, heat and cold —
How to open a vulnerable and quivering soul before a stranger.
At the turn of the cosmic age
United, temporality destroying,
Rebellious consciousness of man
And boundless soul of space!
And the irresistible radiance of the stars
Again blinds the eyes of earthly children.
Farther and more dangerous distances,
And people are closer and closer to us.
Author: V. Kostrov
It was worth living!
We have lived to see this!
It was worth living!
Wait, hope, think, work, try,
So that the first of us
Could pave a brave path
Through outer space.
In this region of no-stars, soundlessness,
mysterious darkness
He ascended for the first time
Flight of unheard-of glory.
Lonely. The only one. No, not alone:
we are with him,
We are the native peoples of the Great Soviet Power.
To an unexplored world, to an incredible height
He has risen, and the world will be forever grateful to him.
He got up, and we got up with our souls
at the same time,
At the same time!
Soul to soul with you, comrade Gagarin!
Author: N. Aseev
To star man Yuri Gagarin
Let your
fade in the rays of victory This fact...
And it was like this: .
They gave bread to a cute singing couple,
They kept them at home for half an hour
And in your name, Major Gagarin,
They let me go - straight to heaven.
That's it.
But it seems to Natasha,
What a noisy city of Moscow is
Our larks live
And own the expanse of the field.
You will hardly find them,
But when you look at the zenith,
Listen and believe that above you
Their earthly music is ringing.
Author: S. Smirnov
The first trace
... A rocket deep into the sky
will lay a trace
And the darkness will sew
with a silver thread,
And man
prepares to sail
Into the bounds of unknown planets.
Dust will rise
cosmic roads,
A living spark
will flash over the abyss,
will reach us from the thousand-star darkness
A leisurely Russian dialect.
Author: V. Kochetkov
Milky sky
Look into this milky sky,
Into this world of endless worlds,
And understand that it is absurd to be angry0007 After all, the stars of the Universe are beautiful,
A proud path to the universe,
Somewhere they fall, somewhere they do not go out,
Somewhere they just hang, not burning . ..
Author: A. Prelovsky
At the TV
TV windows again
By a miracle of Russian thought lit,
The word arises from space,
As from the mystery of eternal silence.
Sounding thought - it is in motion,
Thought works, and we can see
Turned into an image
Electromagnetic wave.
To the left — hard and gradually
Behind the rounded side of the ship
In clouds of bluish foam
The Earth is turning.
To the left is an abyss, sinister cores of stars,
A looming shadow... And suddenly
Outline of a space suit in the abyss:
An astronaut exits through the hatch.
He waves his hand from the depths of the unsteady
To mankind, dear hearts,
And his fearless smile
As the pinnacle of the spirit shines on us.
And in the midst of the universe, like a milestone,
Seen from Earth his success,
Smiling with the smile of the century
Through the porthole a man.