Reading checklist for kindergarten

Kindergarten skills checklist

  • Reading & Writing
  • Mathematics
  • Logic & Problem Solving
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Creativity & Life Skills
  • Personal & Social Skills
  • Language Learning
Is your child ready for kindergarten? Refer to this skills checklist. 

Is your child ready for kindergarten? Although each child is unique and develops at his or her own pace, most educators and developmental experts agree upon a certain set of skills as essential tools for further development and achievement in school. Here’s a checklist of the developmental skills children need exposure to and knowledge of before they enter kindergarten.

Social skills

  • Uses words to solve problems or conflicts
  • Uses words like please, thank you and excuse me
  • Adjusts to new situations
  • Attempts new tasks knowing it’s okay to make mistakes
  • Shows pride in accomplishments
  • Follows a simple direction
  • Stays with an activity to completion
  • Asks for help
  • Interacts appropriately with adults and peers
  • Respects the rights, property and feelings of others
  • Works cooperatively (listens to others, shares and takes turns)
  • Demonstrates increasing self-control
  • Participates in clean-up activities
  • Takes responsibility for own belongings (lunch, coat, etc. )
  • Is able to dress self
  • Adheres to a routine and schedule for personal hygiene, eating meals and going to bed
  • Uses good hygiene habits and table manners
  • Uses appropriate bathroom skills
  • Follows simple safety rules
  • Offers to help peers and family
  • Tries to regulate emotions properly and articulates feelings in words

Motor skills

  • Puts puzzles together
  • Cuts with scissors
  • Holds and uses crayons, markers, pens and pencils correctly
  • Builds using blocks
  • Tries to tie own shoes
  • Bounces, kicks, throws and catches a ball
  • Rides a tricycle
  • Enjoys outdoor activities, like running, jumping and climbing

Reasoning & concept development

  • Matches or groups objects according to size, shape or color
  • Groups objects that are the same
  • Understands concepts of in/out, under/over, on/off, front/back, etc.
  • Shows an understanding of the passing of time, including concepts of before and after, and today, yesterday and tomorrow
  • Experiments enthusiastically with new games and toys, sometimes in a trial-and-error manner
  • Describes how objects are the same or different

Language skills

  • Talks in sentences 
  • Follows one- and two-step oral directions
  • Uses sentences that include two or more ideas
  • Uses descriptive language
  • Knows by heart and recites some common nursery rhymes and songs
  • Pretends, creates and makes up songs or stories
  • Tells or retells stories and/or everyday experiences
  • Asks questions and expresses curiosity
  • Expresses ideas so that others can understand

Reading skills

  • Looks at books or pictures on their own
  • Pretends to read books by reading the pictures
  • Tries to read in everyday situations (signs, labels, etc.) 
  • Recognizes rhyming words
  • Blends sounds into words
  • Recognizes some common words in print
  • Recognizes many uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Recognizes some letter sounds
  • Describes characters’ actions and feelings in a story
  • Relates stories to personal experiences
  • Puts events of a story in order

Writing skills

  • Tries to write, scribble or draw
  • Asks you to write words or notes to others
  • Attempts to write own name and recognizes own name in print

Mathematics concepts

  • Compares the size of groups of objects using language such as “more,” “less” and “same as”
  • Arranges objects in size order (big to small, or small to big)
  • Uses comparison words, like "bigger," "smaller," "heavier," etc.
  • Understands concepts of none, some and all and more than and less than
  • Identifies and draws a square, circle and triangle
  • Correctly counts four to ten objects
  • Knows that the final number counted represents the total number of objects in a set
  • Recognizes some numbers, 1 – 10
  • Can distinguish numbers from letters, and understands that numbers relate to quantity
  • Understands the effects of addition and subtraction


  • Shows interest and asks questions about objects and events observed in their environment
  • Notices common properties and differences among objects and materials
  • Knows some facts about common plants and animals, such as what they eat and baby names
  • Recognizes some objects in the sky such as the sun, moon, clouds and lightning

Creative arts & music

  • Recognizes and names basic colors
  • Draws recognizable shapes and simple objects
  • Tells a story with pictures
  • Moves to a beat
  • Explores with common musical instruments
  • Enjoys improvising or copying musical patterns

Social studies

  • Recognizes basic traditions such as birthdays
  • Understands that people live in different parts of the worlds and have different customs and traditions
  • Explores simple maps and visual representations of neighborhoods or communities

Ready to Read - Reading Readiness Signs and Checklist

How will I know when my child is ready to read? What are the reading readiness signs and skills that show my child is ready to read? You may have wondered these questions a time or two before.

Today, we’re going to explore a few readiness signs and I have a free, printable checklist {at the END of the post} that you can use to assess to see if your child, or student, is ready to read!

*This post contains affiliate links.


Signs that a Child is Ready to Read

The pressure to have kids reading at an early age is sometimes so unbearable that parents and teachers alike push kids before they are developmentally ready to read. And as these kids get older, we wonder why they are struggling to read to keep up!

I believe with every teaching fiber in me that we need to follow the lead of our kids, especially when they are young. Our kids will let us know when they are ready to read AND there are things we can teach them to help prepare them along the way. While I’m listing these 5 reading readiness signs separately, they really do all work together to help beginning readers. Let’s explore together. {You can find more resources for reading readiness at The Measured Mom. }


1. Your Child is Interested

For me, interest is KEY. So much so, that I put is as #1. If your child isn’t ready, he will let you know! BUT, I would also encourage you not to give up. Continue reading with your child, purchase toys that feature the alphabet or math concepts, make it as meaningful as possible, or make a big deal about your child’s name {especially that beginning letter}.

If your child is fighting you, don’t make learning a question and answer session, where you “grill” your child, “What’s that letter?” or “What rhymes with bat?” Live it. Show it. Read it. Integrate literacy into your every day. Sneak it in whenever possible.

And whatever you do, don’t compare your reluctant learner to a sibling or another child. Oh, such a trap this is! Every child is different. That’s the beauty {and sometimes frustration} of it.


2. Your Child Can Remember & Retell Simple Stories

Do you ever catch your child “reading” a story you’ve read to him? Does your child answer simple questions about stories as you read her? This is an important skill needed for reading, too.

Quality literature is vitally important. While we do have the occasional TV character book, this is not what fills our shelves. We have several quality book lists: Our Favorite Books {5-day series}, Letter of the Week Book Lists, and Rhyming Books for Kids.

Reading WITH your child, not just TO you child is another point I want to mention. And there is such a subtle difference. When you read with your child, your child is in your lap or right beside you, giving your child the opportunity to see and interact with the pictures and the story. Reading to a child usually means the child takes a less active roll in the story.

While there is a place for both, reading with younger kids has the better potential of developing a love for reading and understanding of how books work {see number 3.} You’ll find lots of tips for reading with your child on my collaborative Read Aloud Resources Pinterest Board.


3. Book & Print Awareness

Book awareness is something that most kids pick up naturally as you read with them. How do you hold a book? Where is the front of the book? Where is the back of the book?

Print awareness, while it can be “caught”, requires a little more explicit instruction because there is a wider range of vocabulary from simple vocabulary like words to much harder concepts like quotation marks. Please hear me say that kids do not need to know everything there is to know about print before they are ready to read either.

Included in the checklist {at the end of this post} are some simple things about print that kids need to be taught, like “These are the words and this is the picture.” or “This is the first letter in the word.” You can read even more about book and print awareness here and find ideas from A to Z here.


4. Your Child Can Play with Sounds in Words

What exactly do I mean by this? While we have a 7-day series on this topic that goes into more depth, the “cliff notes” version is that kids can play word games without any written letters or words. The games can be played ANYWHERE {and I highly recommend playing them anywhere, too!} The three biggest helps before reading are 1- playing with rhymes, 2- playing with syllables and 3- playing with sounds in words.


Rhyming Fun

Teaching rhyming is so much fun! You can do this through rhyming books {see our book lists for kids HERE and HERE.} You can even do this on the swing outside: “I can rhyme with bat…cat.” My absolute favorite way to teach rhymes is through songs.

Some of our favorite artists over the years have been Raffi, Greg & Steve, Hap Palmer, Dr. Jean, and Super Simple Songs. Listening to and singing these songs prepares readers to rhyme and understand the foundation of how words work. I’ve yet to teach a child {including my own} who turned his nose up at these fun songs!


Learning  about Syllables

For pre-readers, the ability to count syllables in words is enough, although I have included blending syllables on the printable checklist as well. Clapping, stomping or jumping to syllables in words is a great way to get kids actively involved.

I also like to have a physical way for kids to count them, like we did in our DUPLO block syllable counting activity. This way, syllables become concrete as they can physically count them as they say the word. You can find more syllable counting ideas in each lesson of Reading the Alphabet, in our seasonal Pre-K/K Packs, or these awesome syllable clip cards from The Measured Mom.


Learning About Individual Sounds in Words

In order to read, kids need to understand how letter sounds form words {sometimes called “sounding out words”.} But before I focus on reading simple words in print, I like to play sound games with alphabet picture cards to help them take those individual sounds and make words. You can find TONS of sound games, like our Letter Sounds Tic-Tac-Toe game, on our ABC Goodies Pinterest board.

Beginning consonant sounds are easiest for kids to hear, so I start there {see more about this in #5 below. } After beginning sounds, come the ending sounds. Then, middle vowel sounds.


Once kids are hearing the beginning, ending and vowel sounds, I play a simple listening games, especially ones to help kids blend sounds together to form words. For example, “I’m going to say a word very slowly. Can you figure out which word I’m saying? /b/-/e/-/d/.” {Notice that I’m saying letter sounds with a pause in between.} The child is to take those sounds, blend them together faster, and then realize the word is bed.

You can read about and see more listening games in action like this one over at Imagination Soup or in our post on Phoneme Blending.


5. Your Child Knows MOST of His Letters and Sounds

You might be surprised that I didn’t say all letters and sounds. Some letters are trickier and less frequent than others, such as q, x, or z. And while we want our kids to eventually get those letters, kids can actually start reading before they are completely mastered.

I also believe that kids need to know letter names {upper and lowercase} AND their letter sounds. Not either/or, but BOTH. You can read more about why here.

Once again, beginning consonant sounds are the best place to start when teaching letter sounds within words. Why? Because developmentally speaking, these are the easiest for kids to “hear” in a word. One of the first strategies kids learn when figuring out unknown words is to use the first letter to help them start to say the word.

For example, when reading “My Letter Gg Book” from Reading the Alphabet, my 4 year old read present instead of gift {even though we went over the vocabulary before reading it.} After all, it does look like a present, right? This is about how our conversation went that day.

Me: “Let’s look at this word right here.” {pointing to gift.} “What letter would have to be at the front of this word for it to be present?”

MBug: “Umm…p-p-present. A p.”

Me: “Yes, you’re right. But look at the word again. Does it have a p at the front?”

MBug: “No.”

Me: “So, it can’t be present because we’d see a p at the beginning of that word. It must be another word that means the same thing as present, but it starts with a /g/ sound instead. How about gift?”

MBug: “Yeah, gift!”

Me: “So help me remember. What clue did the word give me to help me know that it is gift and not present?” {Checking to see if she can put it in her own words.}

MBug: “The first letter…the sound it makes.”

Me: “Yes, the first letter in a word can sometimes give you a BIG clue and help you know what the word says {or doesn’t say.}”


Reading Readiness Checklist

Anytime I hear the word checklist, I automatically think, “non-flexible. ” So, before I share our printable Reading Readiness Checklist, I want to remind you that all kids are different. This checklist was developed to help you see the strengths and weaknesses of your child in regards to the five readiness skills we talked about above. It can be given as a “sit down” kind of test, although I would NOT advise doing it all at one time; or you can simply use the ideas as a springboard for integrating them into you day.

And, as always, YOU are the expert on your own child. I might know how to tell if a child is ready to read, but you know your child better than me. Use your own judgment when making that call.


Ready to download the checklist? Click below!



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References for future first-graders

We invite first-graders

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Family Reading of Future First Graders

Dear Parents of Future First Graders! Of course you want your children to be curious and aspired to knowledge, and, as a result, would have achieved success in life. One of the best means of development in all times were books. Taking into account the leading role of the book in the development of the child, before you and before us, teachers, task teach to love the book . This is a huge collaboration!

We bring to your attention a possible recommended list of children's books for family reading. In order for them use, you must observe the following rules for educating a child's need for reading and books

Rule 1

Remember that a book is not a punishment. You can not interrupt the child's game by ordering to urgently read the book, because it given to read at school. It is important that the child wants to read. To do this, parents use various methods. For example, an adult begins to read and asks the child to continue reading; asks to read a short text under picture, the rest of the text is read by an adult; read a book with the whole family (dad starts, mom continues, ends child). Let the meeting with the book bring joy! nine0003

Regulation 2

In order for a child to want to read for himself, he needs to read to adults as much as possible. Set the rules in the family: before At bedtime, an adult must read an interesting book for half an hour.

Rule 3

Arrange at home (in the family) a discussion of the books read (who read what, about what, what interested, surprised, ready share). It is important for the child to participate in these discussions as well. Draw your favorite book characters.

Rule 4

On long trips (by car, train, plane), invite your child to listen to an audiobook. Discuss with him who of the characters he liked, he (she) would like to listen to the book of this author.

Rule 5

The list of books below is a guideline. Only a parent can know the preferences of their children, therefore, you have the right to use this list or supplement it with your own books, which you will gladly read by your child. nine0003

List of fiction for family reading with future first graders


Literary fairy tale

  1. Andersen Hans Christian "Thumbelina" and other fairy tales (by choice).
  2. Brothers Grimm "Rose and White", "Seven Brave Men", "The Brave Little Tailor".
  3. nine0050 Kipling Rudyard "Elephant" and other stories about animals.
  4. Perrault Charles "Little Red Riding Hood" and other fairy tales (optional)
  5. Alexander Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" and other tales.
  6. Rodari Gianni "The Adventures of the Blue Arrow", "The Adventures of Chippolino".
  7. Chukovsky Roots "Cockroach Fly", "Cockroach", "Telephone".

Stories about children and for children

  1. Nosov Nikolay "Druzhok", "Live Hat", "Karasik", "Dreamers". nine0051
  2. Leo Tolstoy "Girl and mushrooms", "Bone", "Mouse went out for a walk . ..", "Fire dogs", "Old grandfather and granddaughters."

About animals

  1. Bianchi Vitaly "Like an ant hurrying home", "Who sings with what", "Fox and mouse", "Teremok", "Tails".
  2. Prishvin Mikhail "Gadgets", "How a cat and a dog quarreled", "It's cold for Aspens", "Rowan blushes".
  3. Charushin Evgeniy "Volchishko", "Stupid Monkeys", "If you want to eat - you will learn to speak", "Pig", "Cunning Mom”, “What kind of animal?”, “Shur”. nine0051

Poetry for children

  1. Agnia Barto "Help and other poems", "Left away".
  2. Zakhoder Boris "Gymnastics for a Tadpole", "Once Upon a Time Fip", "About Furry and Feathered".
  3. Marshak Samuel "Merry alphabet", "Merry count from 1 to 10", "That's how absent-minded ...". * "Where did the sparrow dine?", "All year round", "About everything in the world."
  4. Mikhalkov Sergey Poems.
  5. Moshkovskaya Emma "One Hundred Children - Kindergarten". nine0051
  6. Sapgir Heinrich "Losharik", "Night and Day", "About a Sheep and a Little Man", "Shadow-Deer", "Clouds".
  7. Uspensky Eduard "Colorful family".
  8. Harms Daniil "Bulldog and Taxi", "Merry Siskins", "Liar", "Ivan Ivanovich Samovar", "Ivan Toporyshkin", "Cats", "Million", "Very scary story", "What was it?".

We wish you success and happy reading!

Primary school (grades 1-6). nine0003

List of children's literature by age

January 3, 2015

Estimated reading time: 23 min.

A link to the article will be sent to you by E-mail:

The list was compiled on the recommendations of parents and child psychologists. However, the editors of the Teach Good project did not analyze and evaluate each work, as is the case with the lists of modern films and cartoons recommended for children.

A good book can become a part of a personality… There are a huge number of offers on the shelves of bookstores today, but not everything in a beautiful and bright cover will be useful for children to read. The best will be those works that differ not only in a fascinating plot, but also carry certain educational ideas: they teach goodness, justice, honesty. nine0003

The list can be edited according to your feedback. Write to us.

Literature for the formation of moral self-awareness

(senior preschoolers, 6-7 years old)

Humanity - hatred of mankind

  1. Kataev V. "Flower-Semitsvetik".
  2. Zelenaya R., Ivanov S. "The story of an adult".
  3. Oseeva V. "Revenge".
  4. Zhitkov B. Beard. “Smoke”, “How one boy drowned”, “On an ice floe”, “Mail”, “Fire”, “Collapse”, “Flood”. nine0051
  5. Kuprin A. "Elephant".
  6. Permyak E. "Reliable person".
  7. Baruzdin S. "Sea dagger".

Mutual support, mutual assistance, mutual help - self-love (individualism)

  1. Tolstoy L. "Stories for young children."
  2. Neverov A. "Bug", "Collective".
  3. Baruzdin S. Fur seal.
  4. Russian folk tale "Zimovie".
  5. Berg L. Stories about a small car.

Avarice (greed) - generosity

  1. Ushinsky K. "Close together, but boring apart."
  2. Andersen G.H. "Thumbelina".
  3. Oseeva V. "Three Comrades".
  4. Fairy tale of the peoples of India "Whose hands are more beautiful".

Politeness (tact) - rudeness

  1. Oseeva V. "The Magic Word".
  2. Zelenaya R., Ivanov S. “In the Stone Age”, “Ha-ha-ha! Adults”, “Be careful, elbows!”, “Pan”.
  3. Russian folk tale "The Choker".
  4. Ladonshchikov G. "Savage in the forest". nine0051

Honesty (truthfulness) - deceit

  1. Brothers Grimm. "Hare and hedgehog".
  2. Tolstoy L. "Liar".
  3. Ushinsky K. "Terrible goat".
  4. Oseeva V. "Why?"
  5. Dal V. "Crow".

Justice - injustice

  1. Oseeva V. "Cookie".
  2. Pogorelsky A. "Black chicken or underground dwellers".
  3. Aksakov S. "The Scarlet Flower".
  4. Zakhoder B. Lisitsin Court.

Modesty - immodesty

  1. Korean fairy tale "Brothers".
  2. Zelenaya R., Ivanov S. "Dangerous couple".
  3. Italian fairy tale "How the donkey stopped singing".
  4. Garshin V. "Traveling Frog".
  5. Tolstoy L. Pavlin. "Peacock and Crane".
  6. Marshak S. "The Story of an Unknown Hero".

Thrift - extravagance

  1. Uspensky E. "Three from Prostokvashino".
  2. Medvedev V. Savings cat. nine0051
  3. Mikhalkov S. "Bulka".

Straightforwardness (openness) - cunning

  1. Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".
  2. Hungarian fairy tale "Two Greedy Little Bears".
  3. Feather Sh. Little Red Riding Hood.
  4. Baruzdin S. "Fox".

Courage - cowardice

  1. Ushinsky K. "The Eagle and the Cat".
  2. Tolstoy L. "Kitten".
  3. Tale of the peoples of Alaska "Little Mouse's Big Journey".
  4. Russian folk tale "Fear has big eyes". nine0051

Compassion (mercy) – callousness

  1. Prishvin M. “A sip of milk”.
  2. Hugo V. Les Misérables (Chapter Cosette).
  3. Suteev V. "Under the mushroom".
  4. Charushin E. "About rabbits".
  5. Zelenaya R., Ivanov S. "Crow".
  6. Garin-Mikhailovsky N. "Theme and the bug"
  7. Neverov A. The bugs. Korolenko V. "Children of the Underground" (chapter "Doll")

Humility - obstinacy

  1. Russian folk tale "Morozko". nine0051
  2. Feather C. "Cinderella".
  3. Pushkin A. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"
  4. Yanikovskaya E. "I go to kindergarten"
  5. Zelenaya R., Ivanov S. "Let it go."

Good - evil

  1. Ushinsky K. "It is bad for him who does no good to anyone."
  2. Oseeva V. "Good". "On the rink". "Badly".
  3. Tolstoy L. "Bird". "Soldier". "The Dog and the Thief". "Squirrel and Wolf". "How many people?"
  4. Neverov A. Orphanage. "Collective".
  5. Udmursk folk tale "The hunter and the snake". nine0051
  6. Barto A. "Hot".
  7. Emelyanov B. "Mom's grief".

Books for children up to 3 years old

  1. Small forms of folklore: nursery rhymes, songs, rhymes, pestushki (such little rhymes that accompany the life of a child: how we eat, how we dress, how we wash ourselves), Russian folklore and folklore of other peoples of the world.
  2. Russian folk tales about animals (Gingerbread Man, Teremok, Turnip, Ryaba Hen, Zayushkina hut)
  3. Vasnetsova Yu. Poems, fairy tales, nursery rhymes with illustrations
  4. Suteev V. "Fairy tales and pictures"
  5. Chukovsky K. Fairy tales and poems
  6. Marshak S. Poems, songs, riddles.
  7. Barto A. cycles of poems "Toys", "Younger brother", "Nastenka", "Vovka - a kind soul".
  8. Charushin E. "Cat", "Chicken", "How Tomka learned to swim".
  9. Moritz J. "Poems".
  10. Levin V. "Stupid Horse" (poetry).
  11. Pushkin A. "Tales", excerpts or in full.
  12. Poems of Russian poets (V. Zhukovsky, A. Fet, V. Pleshcheev, E. Baratynsky, F. Tyutchev and others) about nature. nine0051
  13. Tokmakova I. Carousel.
  14. Ushinsky K. "Tales".
  15. Tolstoy L. Fables and stories from the "ABC".
  16. Garshin V. "Traveling Frog".
  17. Alexandrova Z. “My Bear”, “Stompers”
  18. Oster G. A cycle about a Kitten named Woof.
  19. Tolstoy L. Stories for young children. (The main thing here is to find a publication with high-quality pictures, since there is not much text there at all, the main attention should be paid to the intonation, beauty and melody of traditional Russian speech, the image of rural life). nine0051
  20. Ushinsky K. Stories about animals, about children
  21. Blaginina E. Poems about nature, about mother, about how children help mother.
  22. Kharms D. "Poems".

Books for children from 3 to 5 years old

Russian Literature

  1. Tolstoy A. Pinocchio, or the Golden Key
  2. Akim Yakov Poems for children
  3. Blaginina A. Poems for children 9005 and 900 cycles of poems, for example, "Vovka kind soul"
  4. Belozerov T. Poetry
  5. Berestov V. Any works for children
  6. Vvedensky A. "Uncle Borya says that .." and others
  7. Dragunsky V. fifth grader, and not all of them will be of interest to a child at the same age).
  8. Volkov A. A cycle of stories about the Emerald City.
  9. Garshin V. Traveling Frog
  10. Georgiev S. Tree-sticks or Field Marshal Pulkin, One Boy, One Girl, Cat Spell, Puppies
  11. Dolinina N. "My Captain", "Lemboy", "Chucha", "How small the world", "We are twins with Seryozhka", "A Girl Lost"
  12. Druzhkov Yu. "The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin"
    Ezhikova Z. "The Mole and His Friends"
  13. Zhitkov B. "What I saw", "Stories about animals", "About Pudya", "How I caught little men", "What happened"
  14. Zhuravleva E. "Funtik" and other books
  15. Zhukovsky V. “Poems for children”
  16. Zakhoder B. “Poems for children”
  17. Zoshchenko M. “Funny stories”, stories about Lela and Minka
  18. Krylov I. Fables, "The Crow and the Fox" and "The Monkey and Glasses" in the first place.
  19. Ivanov A. "The Adventures of Khoma and Gopher"
  20. Kozlov S. "Shake! Hello!"
  21. Kondratiev A. Poems for children
  22. Kornilova G. "Our friend Bumchik"
  23. Kryukova T. "Bip car"
  24. Lebedeva "How Masha quarreled with a pillow"
  25. Levin V. "Stupid horse" 9005 "Children in a cage"
  26. Mayakovsky V. "What is good and what is bad"
  27. Mikhalkov S. "Laughter and Tears", "The Bunny-Knower", "Uncle Styopa" and other poems
  28. Moritz Yu. Poems for children, "Bouquet of Cats"
  29. Moshkovskaya E. Poems for children
  30. Nestaiko V. "In the Land of Sunny Bunnies"
  31. Nosov N. The first book about Dunno (the other two are designed for schoolchildren), stories.
  32. Oleinikov N. “I sent eccentrics to the market”, etc.
  33. Paustovsky K. “Cat-thief”, “Badger nose”, “Rubber boat”, “Steel ring”
  34. Petrushevskaya L. Children's plays, Fairy tales. nine0051
  35. Plyatskovsky M. “The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi”, “How the Duckling Kryachik Lost His Shadow”
  36. Prokofieva S. “The Patchwork and the Cloud”, “The Island of Captains”, “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase”, “Astrel, Princess of Twilight”, “Leave window open”, “Machines of fairy tales”
  37. Pushkin A.S. Fairy tales
  38. Rumyantseva "About the little pig Plyukh"
  39. Samoilov D. "The baby elephant went to study", "The baby elephant tourist"
  40. Sapgir G. Poems for children
  41. Sladkov N. "Fairy tales of the forest"
  42. Sobakin T. Poems and fairy tales
  43. Stepanov V.A. poems (optional)
  44. Suteev V. "Peter and Little Red Riding Hood" and other fairy tales
  45. Tokmakova I. Poems for children
  46. Usachev A. "Living book", "We played Papovoz" and other poems, "Clever dog Sonya, or Good manners for small dogs”
  47. Uspensky E. “Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena”, “Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat”, “25 professions of Masha Filippenko”, “Guaranteed little men”, “About the boy Yasha”, “ About Vera and Anfisa "poems for children
  48. Fadeeva M. Smirnov A. “Adventures of parsley”
  49. Tsyer Tales

Foreign Literature

  1. Asbiernsen “Norwegian Tales”
  2. Balint A. Gnoma
  3. Gzhani Rodari “Chipolino”
  4. Konopnitska M. Orphan Marysya and the Dwarfs
  5. Kruger M. Blue Bead, Hello Caroline
  6. Lindgren M. Fluffy Bunny
  7. Milne A. Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All »
  8. Nesbit E. Billy the King, Bellinda and Bellamant
  9. Perro C. Tales
  10. Pino C. Tales
  11. Potter B. Tales of Tabitha the Cat
  12. Hogarth Ann Muffin and Friends
  13. Eno Roud Muff, Half Shoes and Moss Beard
Books for children Books for children from 5 to 8 years

Russian Literature

  1. Aksakov S. "The Scarlet Flower"
  2. Aleshkovsky Yuz "Shoo and Two Portfolios", "Shoo and I in the Crimea"
  3. Alexandrova G. "Domovenok Kuzka and magic things" ( with continuations)
  4. Afanasyev A. Tales
  5. Bazhov P. "Malachite Box", "Ural Tales", "Silver Hoof"
  6. Bianchi V. "Forest Newspaper", "Sinichkin Calendar"
  7. Bulychev Kir "Adventures of Alice"
  8. Veltistov E. "Adventures of Electronics" , "Gum-Gum", "A Million and One Days of Vacation"
  9. Volkov A. "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  10. Gaidar A. "The Blue Cup", "Chuk and Gek"
  11. Geraskina L. "In the Land of Unlearned Lessons"
  12. Golyavkin V. "My good dad", "Harp and boxing", "How I sat under the desk", Stories
  13. Gor Gennady "Boy"
  14. Grabovsky Jan "Fly with whims"
  15. Grigorovich "Gutta-percha boy"
  16. Gubarev V. "Three on the island", "In the distant kingdom", "Kingdom of crooked mirrors"
  17. Davydychev L. "The Life of Ivan Semenov"
  18. Danko E. "The Defeated Karabas"
  19. Demykina G. "The House on a Pine Tree"
  20. Dragunsky V. "Deniska's Stories", "20 Years Under the Bed", "The Dog Thieves"
  21. Durov V. "My animals"
  22. Ermolaev Yu. "House of brave cowards"
  23. Ershov P. "The Humpbacked Horse"
  24. Zhuravleva Z. "Take Off the Shell"
  25. Zabolotsky "The Tale of the Crooked Man", "Knock-Knock-Knock Beater"
  26. Ivanov S. "The Former Bulka and His Daughter"
  27. Ilyin M. "One Hundred Thousand Whys"
  28. Kaverin V. "Hourglass"
  29. Kataev V. "Flower-Semitsvetik", "Pipe, Jug", "Magic Horn of Oberon"
  30. Kokovin E. "Din-Dag"
  31. Konstantinovsky M. "KOAPP"
  32. Korzhikov V. "Solnyshkin's Merry Sailing"
  33. Krylov I. Fables
  34. Kumma A., Runge, S. "The Second Secret of the Golden Key"
  35. Kuprin "Elephant"
  36. Lagin Lazar "Old Man Hottabych", "The Blue Man", "Patent AB"
  37. Larry Yan "The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali"
  38. Lermontov "The Air Ship"
  39. Magalif Yuri "Zhakonya", "Kotkin the Cat"
  40. Mamin-Sibiryak D. "The Gray Neck", "Alyonushka's Tales"
  41. Marshak S. "Twelve Months ”, “Smart things”
  42. Medvedev V. “Barankin, be a man!” nine0051
  43. Mikhalkov S. "The Feast of Disobedience"
  44. Naumov E. "Coral City", "Magic Whirlwind"
  45. Nekrasov A. "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel"
  46. Nekrasov N. "Grandfather Mazai and Hares"
  47. Nestaiko V. One with deception”, “Five with a tail”, “Mysterious voice behind”, “Toreadors from Vasyukovka”, “Kidnappers are looking for the victim”
  48. Nosov N. “Adventures of Dunno and his friends”, “Vitya Maleev”, “Dreamers”
  49. Odoevsky V. "Town in a snuffbox"
  50. Olesha Y. "Three fat men"
  51. Oseeva V. "Dinka", "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades"
  52. Oster G. "38 parrots"
  53. Panteleev L. "Honest word", "Squirrel and Tamarochka", "Merry Tram"
  54. Permyak E. Skazki
  55. Perova O. "Children and animals"
  56. Pivovarova "What my head is thinking about", "Once Katya with Manechka"
  57. Pogodin R. "Brick Islands"
  58. Pogorelsky A "Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants"
  59. Pocheptsov G. "School Tales", "Country of Cities", "Bureau of Good Offices"
  60. Prishvin M. “The Pantry of the Sun”, “Kashcheev's Chain”
  61. Pushkin A. “Song of the Prophetic Oleg”
  62. Raskin A. “How Little Dad Was”
  63. Rozanov S. “The Adventures of Grass”
  64. Lev Rubinshtein “ Grandfather of the Russian Navy”, “In the Gardens of the Lyceum”
  65. Rutkovsky V. “Guests on a broomstick”, “Friends from a quiet backwater”
  66. Rybakov A. “Dagger”, “Bronze bird”, “Shot”
  67. Salomatov A. “ Our extraordinary Gosh”
  68. Salie M. “Tales of 1000 and one night”
  69. Sotnik Y. "How I was independent"
  70. Tikhomirov O. "Green Window"
  71. Tokmakova I. "Alya, Klyaksich and the letter A"
  72. Tolstoy A. etc.”
  73. Tomin Yu. "Merry-go-rounds over the city", "A, B, C, D, E, etc.", "A magician was walking through the city"
  74. Tolstoy L. "Jump", "Lion and dog", stories and fairy tales
  75. Mustache G. plays-fairy tales
  76. Chaplin V. "Pets of the zoo", "My pupils"
  77. Chepovetsky E. "Fidget, Mukish and Netak"
  78. Cherny A. Fox Mickey's Diary
  79. Chekhov A.P. "Kashtanka"
  80. Sharov A. "The Boy Dandelion and Three Keys", "The Adventures of Ezhinka and the Painted Little Men", "The Star Shepherd and Ninochka", "Magicians Come to People", "Children and Adults", "Pirrow Island", " A Tale of Ten Mistakes, Okoem
  81. Schwartz E. Cinderella, The Snow Queen, Ordinary Miracle, Two Maples
  82. Emden Esfir House with Magic Windows, Adventures of a Little Actor
  83. Jagdfeld and Gernet N. "Katya and the Crocodile"

Foreign Literature

  1. Andersen G. Tales and Stories
  2. Babich I. "My Familiar Animals"
  3. Barnford S. "The Incredible Journey"
  4. Barry J. "Peter Pan and Wendy" Baum9050 051 "Land of Oz"
  5. Brzehwa Jan "Academy of Pan Blobs"
  6. Bisset D. "Forgotten Birthday", "Krokokot", Fairy Tales
  7. Blyton Enid "The Famous Duckling Tim", "Noddy's Adventure"
  8. The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
  9. Vangeli S. "The Adventures of Gugutse", "The Blue Hut", "Chubo from the village of Turturik"
  10. Verne Jules Traveling Around the World in 80 Days (Children's Edition)
  11. Westly A-K. “Dad, mom, 8 children and a truck”, “Aurora from building “C”.
  12. Gauf V. Skazki
  13. Hoffman E.T. The Nutcracker, Beautiful Child, The Orange Princess
  14. Graham Kenneth The Wind in the Willows
  15. Darell J. The Zoo in My Luggage, The Land of Rustles, The Talking Bundle, The Hounds of Bafut
  16. d'Hervilly E. The Adventures of a Prehistoric Boy
  17. Salten F. Bambi
  18. Kern Ludwig Jerzy "Ferdinand the Magnificent"
  19. Kipling R. "Mowgli", "Little Stories"
  20. Collodi K. "Pinocchio"
  21. Crews J. me”, “Wizard in the Inkwell”
  22. Lagerlöf Selma “The Wonderful Journey of Nils”
  23. Lindgren Astrid “Brothers Lionheart”, “Pappy Longstocking”
  24. Lobatu Monteiro “Order of the Yellow Woodpecker”
  25. Lobe Mira; Ferra-Mikura Grandma on the Apple Tree
  26. Lofting Hugh The Adventures of John Dolittle, John Dolittle Circus
  27. Lewis Clive "The Chronicles of Narnia"
  28. Maar Paul "Subbastic", "7 Saturdays a week"
  29. Malo Hector "Without a family", "In the family", "Romain Calbri"
  30. Maeterlinck M. "The blue bird", "Ariana and Bluebeard"
  31. Nesbit E. "Five Children and a Beast", "Phoenix and Carpet", "The Talisman"
  32. Pelin Yelin "Yan Bibian"
  33. Preusler O. "Little Baba Yaga, Ghost, Water"
  34. Eno's Raud "Clutch, Half Shoes and Mossy Beard", "Sipsik"
  35. Rodari Gianni "The Adventures of Cipollino", "Cake in the Sky", "Journey of the Blue Arrow", "Gelsamino in the land of liars"
  36. Saya Kazis "Hey, hide!"
  37. Swift J. Gulliver's Travels
  38. Saint-Exupery A. The Little Prince
  39. Seton-Thompson E. Animal Tales
  40. Stevenson R. Heather Honey
  41. Mark Twain "Tom Sawyer", "Huckleberry Finn"
  42. Travers Pamela "Mary Poppins"
  43. Fekete Istvan "Little Fox"
  44. Frans Anatole "The Bee"
  45. Harris Joel "The Tales of Uncle Remus", "Brother Rabbit and His Friends"

    1 Little Hodgert princess", "Little Lord", "Secret Garden"

  46. Hopp Sinken "The Adventures of Jun and Sophus"
  47. Egner Thorbjorn "People and Thieves from Cardamom"
  48. Ekholm Jan "Tutta Karlsson the First and Only, Ludwig the Fourteenth and others"
  49. Ende Michael "Endless Book", "Jack Button" ”, “Momo”

Books for children from 9 to 12 years old

Russian Literature

  1. Abramov S. “Above the Rainbow”
  2. Adamov G. “The Mystery of Two Oceans”
  3. Akim Zhivotnykh, I. Mir "Mammals or Beasts" and other books
  4. Aleksin A. "The Secret of the Old Cottage", "My Brother Plays the Clarinet", "Meanwhile Somewhere"
  5. Alekseev M. "Karyukha"
  6. Almazov "The Most Beautiful Horse"
  7. Amatuni P. "ChAO — the winner of the magicians”
  8. Arseniev V. “Across the Ussuri region”, “Dersu Uzala”
  9. Astakhov E. “Treads of Captain Stormstil”
  10. Bulycheva A. “Trumpeters from Solnechnaya Street”
  11. Vasilenko I. “Artemka”, “ Asterisk
  12. Vlasov A. Wagtail Army
  13. Voronkova L. “Girl from the City”, “The Village of Gorodishche”, “Altai Tale”, “Elder Sister”, “Personal Happiness”
  14. Vronsky Y. “The Extraordinary Adventures of Kuksha from Domovichi”
  15. Gabbe T. “City of Masters”
  16. Gaidar A. "Military Secret", "The Fate of a Drummer"
  17. Gasenko G. "Terentich and Fedya", "Steppin's Neighbors"
  18. Gershenzon M. "Robin Hood"
  19. Gogol N.V. "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka", "Mirgorod"
  20. Guryan O. "Ivashka runs after a horse", "Witnesses"
  21. Davydychev L. "Hands up, or Enemy N 1"
  22. Dombrovsky K. "Island of inexperienced physicists"
  23. Zheleznikov V. "Scarecrow", "Password "Dragonfly""
  24. Zhitinsky A. "Old man from Bolshaya Pushkarskaya" , "Courtesy Visit", "Cheops and Nefertiti"
  25. Zorich A. "The Secret of the Golden Anemones"
  26. Ilyina E. "The Fourth Height", "This is My School"
  27. Kaverin V. "Two Captains", "Open Book" , "Nemukhin's stories", fairy tales
  28. Chernolussky M. "Phaeton"
  29. Kassil L. “Be ready, Your Highness”, “The Great Confrontation”, “Street of the Youngest Son”, “My Dear Boys”, “Konduit and Shvambrania”
  30. Kataev V. “Son of the Regiment”, Tetralogy “Waves of the Black Sea” : “The lonely sail turns white”, “Khutorok in the steppe”, “Winter wind”, “For the power of the Soviets!”
  31. Katerli Nina "Collection of Dr. Emil", "The Monster", "Potion", "Nagornaya, 10", "Window"
  32. Knorre F. "Captain Crocus", "Olya"
  33. Koval Yu. The lightest boat in the world”, “Vasya Kurolesov”, “Five kidnapped monks”
  34. Y. Korinets "Gizi's Song"
  35. A. Kostecki "Knock on my window", "I want to fly!" ”, “Squire Kashka”, “Riders from Rosa Station”, “Tide”, “Dovecote”, “Great Crystal”, “Flying Tales”, “Portfolio cap. Rumba "Crane and Lightning", "Lullaby for a Brother"
  36. Kulikov G. "The Secret Messenger"
  37. Levshin V. "Dwarfing and Al-Jebra"
  38. Likstanov I. "The Adventures of a cabin boy", "Baby"
  39. Medvedev V. Flute for a Champion, Sovri-Head
  40. Mikhalkov S. Sombrero, Red Tie
  41. Molitvin P. At the Beginning of Summer Holidays
  42. Moshkovsky A. Five in a Starship , "Seven Days of Miracles"
  43. Naumov E. "Morning is wiser than evening"
  44. Novash N. "In the Kingdom of Kirpirlain"
  45. Panteleev L. "The Republic of Shkid", "Clock", "Package"
  46. Pogodin R. "Dubravka "," Tales of Good People and Fair Weather "," Dumpling Soup, "Tournament in the Kingdom of Fiofigas"
  47. Poletaev S. “The Story of Two Fugitives”, “Magic Pipe of the Captain”
  48. Popov V. “The Adventures of Two Unfortunates”
  49. Potapova Alla “The Fearless Zuar”
  50. Pocheptsov G. “In Search of the Magic Sword”, “Golden Ball”
  51. Prishvin M. "In the land of fearless birds"
  52. Sadovnikov G. "Savior of the Ocean"
  53. Svirsky A. "Ryzhik. The Adventures of a Little Tramp
  54. Sergienko K. Kees - Admiral Tulipov, White Rondel, Goodbye, Ravine, Ksenia, Days of Late Autumn
  55. Sladkov N. "Zakhar Zagadkin", "Into the forest in riddles"
  56. Sotnik Y. "Elixir Kuprum Esa", "Clairvoyant"
  57. Stanyukovich K. "Around the world on the "Kite"
  58. Sukhanova N. "In the caves
  59. Tolstoy A. "Nikita's Childhood"
  60. Task S. "The Mystery of the Red Cat"
  61. Troepolsky G. "White Bim Black Ear"
  62. Trublaini N. "Schooner Columbus", "Wings of the Pink Gull"

    1 9005 Fedorov V. “Flying to the North”, “Journey Up”
    Chukovsky N. “Frigate Drivers”

  63. Shefner V. "A Name for a Bird", "A Million in the Sweat of His Face", "A Man with Five "Nots", "A Round Secret"
  64. Yacheykin Y. "My and Other Secrets", "Pavlik Khvalimon"

Foreign literature

  1. Asimov A. "The Adventures of Robot Norby"
  2. Arthur Robert., Cary M. et al. "Lord of Mars", "Tarzan", "Pellucidar", "The Timeless Earth", "Venus"
  3. Blyton Enid "The Magnificent Five", "The Secret Seven", "Five Finders and a Dog"
  4. Demostene Botez, Yonel Pop "Encounters with Nature"
  5. Broshkevich Jerzy "One is more interesting than the other", "Three from the Tenth Thousand"
  6. Boussinard Louis "Captain Tear Head"
  7. Verne Jules "Mysterious Island", "15 Year Old Captain" , "20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", "Captain Grant's Children", "2 Years of Vacation"
  8. Voynich E. "The Gadfly"
  9. Garner A. "The Magic Stone of Breezingamen"
  10. Henry O. "The Leader of the Redskins"
  11. Greenwood J. "Little Rag"
  12. Gallico Paul "Thomasina", "Jenny", "Snow Goose"
  13. Dixon F. "The Hardy Brothers"
  14. Doyle A. C. "Professor Challenger", "Sherlock Holmes"
  15. Žilinskaitė V. "Journey to Tandadrika"
  16. Carlier Lieber "The Secret of Altamare"
  17. Erich Kestner "Emil and the Detectives", "Button and Anton", "The Boy from the Matchbox" »
  18. Keen Caroline "Nancy Dru"
  19. Coin Irmgard "The Girl You Were Not Allowed to Hang With"
  20. Korczak Janusz "King Matt the First"
  21. Kotzwinkle William "E.T. (The alien and his adventures on Earth)"
  22. Crawford C.P. Three-Legged Run
  23. Cooper Fenimore Pathfinder and other books about Natty Bumpo, Enchantress of the Sea
  24. Astrid Lindgren Emil of Lenneberg, Rasmus the Tramp
  25. London Jack "Hearts of Three", "White Fang", short stories
  26. McCallay Johnston "The Sign of Zorro"
  27. Nestlinger K. "Conrad, the Child from the Tin Can", "Down with the Cucumber King"
  28. Nemtsova B. "Grandmother", Zolotaya book of fairy tales, Silver Book of Fairy Tales
    Aldridge J. "The Amazing Mongol", "The Last Inch", "The Boy from the Forest Bank"
  29. Petkevičiu V. "The Great Hunter Mikas Pupkus"
  30. Porter E. "Pollyanna"
  31. Prokop G. "Detective Pinky"
  32. Przymanowski Janusz "Tricks of Jonathan Koot"
  33. Raud Eno "Stainless Saber" T050 90 90 .Main "Headless Horseman", "Sea Wolf", "Young Hunters", "Children of the Forests"
  34. Roni Joseph "Fight for Fire", "Cave Lion"
  35. Simak K. "Ring Around the Sun"
  36. Gray Owl (Grey Owl) Sajo and Her Beavers
  37. Stevenson R. Treasure Island, Black Arrow, Stolen, Catriona
  38. Mark Twain The Prince and the Pauper, The Frog of Calaveras
  39. Tolkien J.R.R. The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, The Blacksmith from Big Wootton
  40. Tutuola Amos Journey to the City of the Dead
  41. Wild Oscar The Canterville Ghost, The Star Boy, The Happy Prince
  42. Fallada Hans Fridolin — cheeky badger
  43. Forester S. The Saga of Captain Hornblower
  44. Francis Burnett Secret Garden, Little Lord Fauntleroy, The Little Princess
  45. Haytov N. "Dragon"
  46. Chopich Branco "Feet in the field, head in the wild"
  47. Alfred Shklarsky "Journeys of Tomek"
  48. Ergle Zenta "It started in the house of flowers"

Books for children from 12 to 14

Russian Literature

  1. Aksenov V. “A chest in which something knocks”, “My grandfather is a monument”
  2. Aleksin A. “A late child”, “Home Council”, “A Very Scary Story”
  3. Altaev Al. Historical stories
  4. Astafiev V. "A Horse with a Pink Mane"
  5. Bakhrevskiy V. "The Ataman's Treasure", "Kiprey-Polykhan"
  6. Belyaev A. "The Island of Lost Ships", "Ariel", "The Last Man from Atlantis", amphibian”, “Seller of Air”
  7. Belyaev V. “The Old Fortress”
  8. Bromley H. “The Adventures of a Boy with a Dog”
  9. Brunstein A. “The Road Goes Far”
  10. Vigdorova Frida “Chernigovka” other two parts of the trilogy


  11. Vladko V. "Argonauts of the Universe", "Descendants of the Scythians"
  12. Voskresenskaya Zoya "Girl in a stormy sea"
  13. Govorov S. "Alkamen - theatrical boy", "The Last Carolingians"
  14. Grin A. "Scarlet Sails", "Golden Chain", "Running on the Waves", "Shining World" ”, “The Road to Nowhere”, “Jesse and Morgiana”, short stories
  15. Dymov F. “Where You Are Needed”
  16. Efremov I. “The Andromeda Nebula”, “The Hour of the Bull”, “The Razor's Edge”, “On the Edge of the Ecumene”
  17. Kazantsev A. "Flaming Island", "Stronger than time"
  18. Kamalov F. "Hello, Artem!" nine0051
  19. Kiselyov V. "The Girl and the Bird"
  20. Kovtun A. "The Baranova Balka"
  21. Kozlov V. "President of Kamenny Island"
  22. Levinzon G. "Farewell to Deberville"
  23. Lukyanenko S. "The Boy and the Darkness", "Today, Mom!", "Knights of the Forty Islands"
  24. Matveev G. "Green Chains", "Tarantula"
  25. Moskvin I. "Forward - in defense!"
  26. Perumov N. "Ring of Darkness" (Elven Blade, Black Spear, Adamant of Henna).
  27. Pogodin Radiy "Step from the Roof", "What Senka Had", "Turn on the Northern Lights", "Trend"
  28. Polevoy B. "A Tale of a Real Man"
  29. Polikarpova T. "Leaves of Future Summer"
  30. Popov V. "Dark Room", "Too Strong"
  31. Romanovsky S. "Blue Lightning", "Vyatka Lace"
  32. Rybakov A. "The Adventures of Krosh", "Vacation of Krosh"
  33. Ryazantseva E. "Fight, fight like that!"
  34. Sadovnikov G. "Adventure Seller"
  35. Sisnev V. "Notes of the Wickwick Club"
  36. Solovyov L. "The Tale of Hodge Nassredin"
  37. Strugatsky A. and B. "The Tale of Friendship and Enmity", "The Far Rainbow" , "Land of Crimson Clouds"
  38. Sukhinov S. "War of Fairy Tales"
  39. Sysoev V. "Golden Rigma", "The Last Leopard"
  40. Tobolkin Zot "The Sad Jester"
  41. Tolstoy A. "Peter the First", "Aelita", "Engineer Garin's Hyperboloid"
  42. Trunkatov Tour "The Adventures of Hook"
  43. Uspensky G. "Through the Reserve Wilds", "Askania-Nova", "Vaska the Traveler"
  44. Ustinov L. "Gypsy Tale", "Old Fashioned Miracles"
  45. Filatov L. " About Fedot the archer of a daring fellow”
  46. Fingaret S. “Great Benin”, “Feng sign on bamboo”
  47. Fraerman R. "Wild Dog Dingo"
  48. Schefner V. "Lucky Loser", "Girl at the Cliff", "Purple Ball", "Debtor's Shack", "Tea Party on the Yellow Veranda"
  49. Shtilmark R. "Heir from Kolkata"
  50. Shurlygin V. "Cosmonaut Sergeev"
  51. Schegolev A. "Cage for the violent"
  52. Yakhnina E. "Jacques the Brave from Saint-Antoine suburb"
  53. Yacheykin Yu. "Space wanderings of Captain Nebrekha"


    1. Azimov A. "Lucky Star - Space Ranger"
    2. Balzac O. "Shagreen Skin"
    3. Binz Archie "Buster, come to me!"
    4. David Bischoff "Unchildren's Games"
    5. Louis Boussinard "Ten Million Red Possum", "Ten Thousand Years in the Ice"
    6. Alan Garner "Elidor", "Owls on Plates"
    7. Charles de Coster "The Legend of Thiel Eulenspiegel"
    8. Defoe Daniel "Robinson Crusoe"
    9. Jellico Paul "Jenny", "Thomasina"
    10. Dickens C. "Great Expectations", "Oliver Twist"
    11. Dilov Luben "Star Adventures of Numi and Nicky"
    12. Doyle A.K. "Captain Sharkey", "Brigadier Gerard"
    13. Druon M. "Cursed Kings"
    14. Dumas A. "The Count of Monte Cristo", "Ascanio", "The Black Tulip", "Two Dianas"
    15. Kattner G. "The Professor covered"
    16. Kerwood James "Rogues of the North", "Into the Wilds of the North"
    17. Clark A. "Dolphin Island"
    18. Le Guin Ursula "Wizard of Earthsea"
    19. Lee Harper "To Kill a Mockingbird"
    20. May Carl "
    21. Nenatsky Zbigniew "The Adventures of Pan Samohodik"
    22. Norton Andre "Gray Magic", "Magic of Wool"
    23. Olssen Lars Henrik "Erik - the Son of Man"
    24. Preusler Otfried "Krabat: Legends of the Old Mill"
    25. Przyman Ya.. " Four Tankers and a Dog
    26. Rollings Marjorie K. Peers
    27. Sabatini R. The Adventures of Captain Blood, Black Swan, Tavern Knight
    28. Saito Ryusuke Fire Horse
    29. Sat Ok (White Feather) "Land of the Salty Rocks", "Listen to the Song of the Feathers"
    30. Selinger J.

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