Things that look like the letter q

201 Things That Start With Q

by Laura B. Kasper

Selecting the proper things that start with Q so that you can develop your understanding of things that begin with different alphabets can be difficult and time-consuming. It’s not always easy to study and teach your children the appropriate choices and develop strong vocabulary skills. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

We discovered everything that begins with the letter Q that includes things, objects, food, etc. To save your time and energy, we’ve gathered all of the reasonable items and combined them all in one place so that you can swipe down your screen and get to find them all. So, without any further delay, let’s get to the key topic.

Table of Contents

To begin with, we’ve created a precise arrangement of items using the letter Q. All of the items we’ve found are ones that we’ve seen and yet have no clue what they’re called.

As a result, we hope that our gathering of all these things will be greatly useful to you. The following is a list of items you can look into:

QuadrangleQuadrilateral Quena
Quiddany QuiritianQuitch
QatQuassia amaraQuercus lobata
QuiraQuince bush Quick grass
Quail brushQuillwortQuackgrass

List Of Objects That Start With Q 

Following the list of things, we’ll now discuss the objects that begin with the letter Q. We’ve trained our eyes to seek the things that we normally neglect. So here’s the list I’ve put together for you:

Quadrat QuadraturaQuadrireme 
Qanat Quadrel Quadriga 
Qoph Quadra Quant
Quadraphonic Quantometer Quannet 
Qualimeter Quamoclit Quantimeter
Quarion QuarlQuark
QuipuQuill PenQuarterdeck

Household Items That Start With The Letter Q

The following list is entirely made up of household items that begin with the letter Q. We hope that after reading the list, you will not forget anything important to buy for your home when you go food shopping, cosmetics shopping, or shopping for domestic supplies.

From daily basics to accessories, we’ve got you covered. Here’s what you can buy for your home:

QuillQuiver Quadraphony
QuipuQueen-size bedQuatrefoil
Quiche PanQuinoa Q-tips
Quicksilver perfume and cologneQuilted jacketQuicksilver t-shirts
QVS cosmeticsQuack (in case you have a pet)Quail (in case you have a pet)
Quilting wools and needlesQuilted Boots

Edible Things That Start With The Letter Q

Who doesn’t love to think about food? Consider a day when you only consume foods that begin with the letter Q.

You won’t have to waste time looking for meals because we’ve already done it for you; simply scroll through our list of foods starting with Q below. You can eat the following foods:

Queens fishQueso BlancoQuesadilla
QatayefQuail EggsQueen Elizabeth cake
QuesoQuinceQuisp cereal
QuicheQueso DipQuinoa
Quick BreadQuandongQuenelle
Quaker OatsQueen of puddingsQuaversQuarter PounderQuadrettini 
Quindim Queso CotijaQuorn
Queso flameadoQueso frescoQueso panela
Quinoa Breakfast Bowl Quaver Chewy Granola BarsQuills Pasta
Quatre-quartsQuinoa flourQeema
QuindimQuinine waterQuaff
Queso Manchego CheeseQuinoaQuadretti Pasta
QeqoraniQueen Apple Queen Tahiti Pineapple
Queen Forelle PearQuetzalQuesco 

Things That Start With Q For Preschoolers

A list to keep an eye on. We’ve compiled a list of things you can easily teach your young child. Also, his or her expertise will be strengthened with a brief overview of several items that begin with the letter Q, and he or she will be able to utilize this vocabulary in the future to construct better sentences. The following are some things to teach your child:

Quarry QuarteringQuibble
QuebecQuad BikeQuiet Book
Quad Ride-OnQueen of Hearts CrownQuickly
Queen poppy talking plushQuarter Horse toyQwixx
QwingoQuadropolisQantas Metal Airplane

Expensive Things That Start With The Alphabet Q

Last but not the least, after all of those analyses, it’s finally time to provide you with some expensive items that begin with the letter Q.

All of these are classics that can be kept as recollections or given as gifts to those you care about. So have a look at what we’ve got:

Quicksilver Kids ClothesQuadcopter with HD cameraQuadraphony
Quintsoul SwimwearQuartzQu Nexus smart sensor
Q2 – Audi carQwerkywriter

Final Words

Finally! We’ve compiled a list of all the things that start with Q that you might want to teach your children for building their vocabulary skills. We’re hoping for the best and that we haven’t overlooked anything.

We have chosen and selected the items that best serve the aim of your search and will be beneficial in the long run from a large number of options. If we’ve missed something, please let us know in the comments section below. Also, please share your thoughts with us; we are always interested in hearing from you.

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40 Quirky Q-Words To Add To Your Vocabulary

Q is the least used letter of the English alphabet. In fact, according to Oxford Dictionaries, you can expect Q to account for less than a fifth of 1 percent of a piece of written English—or, put another way, only one letter in every 510 will be a Q.

It might be the rarest letter at our disposal, but listed under Q in the dictionary is a clutch of fantastically bizarre words. Not all of them, unfortunately, are what you could call useful or everyday terms—it’s hard to drop words like querquedule (an old name for the garganey duck) or quarkonium (a meson particle comprising a quark and its corresponding antiquark, apparently) into normal conversation—but you might have better luck with the 40 quirky Q-words listed here.

1. Quaaltagh

An old Manx word for the first person you see after you leave your front door.

2. Quackhood

A 19th-century word for charlatanism, or falsehood—literally, the state of being a “quack.

3. Quader

An old Scots word literally meaning “to make something square,” but which can also be used figuratively to mean “to agree with or get along with someone.”

4. Quadragesimal

Lasting 40 days, or a set of 40 things. Like this list.

5. Quadrivium

An old word for a crossroads, literally a place where four roads meet. A place where three roads meet, incidentally, is a trivium. (A quadrivium was also a course offered at medieval universities, in which students learned the four “mathematical arts”: arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music.)

6. Quadruplator

An old term from Roman law for an informer, or for someone paid to attack someone else in court. No one is quite sure where this meaning comes from, given that a quadruplator is literally someone who increases something fourfold, but it’s been suggested that there might once have been a four-part punishment for those involved.

7. Quaff-Tide

“The season for drinking,” according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

8. Quagswagging

Shaking something back and forth.

9. Quallmire

An obsolete word from the 16th century for a quagmire.

10. Q


Disappointed, downhearted. Derives from an old English dialect word, quamp, meaning “to dampen someone’s spirits.”

11. Quandorum

A compliment, or a polite, well-mannered gesture or phrase.

12. Quaquaversal

Heading off in all directions, like an exploding firework.

13. Quavery-Mavery

Undecided or unsure; prevaricating over a tough decision.

14. Quean-Crazed

At one time an old word for a sex worker, quean came to be used as a nickname for any pretty young woman in the Middle Ages. A man who was quean-crazed was ultimately besotted or love-struck.

15. Queechering

Lazy, sub-standard work.

16. Queep

Another word for the high-pitched cheep made by a duckling.

17. Quench-Coal

Why call it a fire extinguisher when you can call it a quench-coal?

18. Queue-Pee

An old Yorkshire dialect word for a curl of hair on top of a child’s head.

19. Quibow

A word from the far north of Scotland for the branch of a tree.



Victorian slang for “right away” or “without delay”—as in “I’ll be there quicksticks!” Also used as a verb in 1930s slang to mean “to escape from the police.”

21. Quicquidlibet

Literally “whatever you like,” or “nothing in particular.” Borrowed directly into English from Latin.

22. Quidamity

Namelessness, anonymity.

23. Quiddle

An old 17th-century word from New England, variously used to mean “to play with something idly,” “to talk at great length about something trivial,” or “to fuss over inessential, unimportant things.”

24. Quidnunc

A gossip. Literally means “what now?” in Latin.

25. Q


A gulp or mouthful of drink—a quifting-pot is a glass or tankard that holds precisely half a gill (one-eighth of a pint).

26. Quignogs

An old Cornish word for pipedreams, or ridiculous thoughts or ideas.

27. Quinkins

The dried remains or dregs of food left in the bottom of a pan—and so, metaphorically, something of very little value.

28. Q


Describes someone who seems to constantly make jokes and quips.

29. Quiritation

Lamentation, complaining. Derives from a Latin word meaning “to protest in public.”

30. Quirklum

“A little arithmetical puzzle in which the answer depends on a catch or quibble,” according to the English Dialect Dictionary.

31. Q


American slang, from the 1930s, for a hand-rolled cigarette.

32. Quisle

The verb form of quisling (named after Norwegian Second World War traitor Vidkun Quisling), ultimately meaning “to betray your country” or “to collaborate with an enemy.”

33. Quisquilian

Worthless or pointless, literally “comprised of rubbish.”

34. Quisquous

A Scots word describing something tricky or baffling, or a subject that can’t be broached easily—the elephant in the room.

35. Quizzee

As well as being a word for the person who answers the questions in a quiz, in 19th-century American slang a quizzee was the butt of a joke.

36. Quizzity

Strangeness, oddity.

37. Quobbled

When your hands and fingers wrinkle up after they’ve been in water for a long time, then they’ve quobbled.

38. Quomodocunquize

Taken from a word coined by the Scottish writer and scholar Thomas Urquhart in 1652, to quomodocunquize is to make money by whatever means possible.

39. Quop

Also spelled quapp or quob, an old dialect word meaning “to throb with pain.”

40. Quotatious

Describes someone who likes to drop quotations into their everyday conversations.

English-Russian dictionary in Q - site of Igor Garshin

English-Russian dictionary in Q - site of Igor Garshin

English-Russian: A | b | c | D | e | F | G | h | I | J | K | l | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | v | w | x | Y | Z

Russian-English: A | B | In | G | D | E, Yo | F | W | I, Y | K | L | M | H | About | P | R | C | T | At | F | X | C | H | W | Щ | E | Yu | I

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Vocabulary English with the letter Q with translation into Russian. Total - 88 words.

  • quack - quack, quack, medicine man, charlatan
  • quackery - quackery
  • quadrange - quadrant
  • quadrilateral - quadrilateral
  • quadruped - quadruped
  • quadruple - four-piece
  • quaff - drink in large sips
  • quagmire - swamp, quagmire
  • quail - quail
  • quaint - strange, quirky
  • quake - tremble, shake
  • quaker - quaker
  • qualification
  • qualify - acquire a specialty, more precisely define, limit
  • qualitive
  • qualitively - qualitatively
  • quality - quality, grade, dignity
  • qualm - nausea, fear, doubt
  • quandary - predicament
  • quantify - quantify, quantify
  • quantitative - quantitative
  • quantitative assessment - quantitative assessment
  • quantity
  • quarantine - quarantine, quarantine
  • quarrel - quarrel, quarrel
  • quarrelsome
  • quarry
  • quart - quart
  • quarter
  • quarter - twenty-five cents, quartered, quartered
  • quarterly - quarterly magazine published every three months
  • quartermaster - quartermaster
  • quartz - quartz
  • quash - cancel
  • quasi - as if
  • quaver - quaver, trill, eighth note, tremble, vibrate
  • quay
  • queasiness - nausea
  • queasy weak, nauseous, scrupulous
  • queen
  • queer - strange, suspicious
  • quell - crush, crush
  • quench - quench, extinguish, cool / dust /
  • quenching - hardening /metal/
  • querulous
  • query - question, question, question
  • quest - search, search item, search
  • question
  • question mark - question mark
  • questionable - unreliable, doubtful
  • questioning
  • questionnaire - questionnaire
  • queue - questionnaire
  • quibble
  • quick
  • quick tempered
  • quick witted - smart
  • quicklime - quicklime
  • quickly - quickly, soon
  • quicksand - loose sand, quicksand
  • quicksilver - mercury
  • quid - pound sterling
  • quiescent - motionless, inactive, at rest
  • quiet
  • quiet down
  • quietly - quietly, quietly
  • quiettude - silence
  • quill - pen
  • quilt - blanket
  • quince - quince
  • quinine - quinine
  • quinsy - sore throat
  • quip - eptgram, taunt, mock
  • quirk - quirk
  • quit - leave, leave, quit
  • quite
  • quits
  • quiver
  • quixotic
  • quiz
  • quizzcal
  • quod - prison
  • quondam - former
  • quorium - quorum
  • quota - quota, share, production rate
  • quotation
  • quotation marks
  • quote quote

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Page updated 09/26/2022

Q Canon |

Canon starting with the letter Q |

January 27, 2021Colta Specials


text: Boris Falikov
© Stephen Melkisethian

On the eve of the inauguration of the 46th President of the United States, a photo of dark storm clouds over Washington appeared on the social network Gab , which was favored by right-wing radicals, accompanied by a mysterious caption: "What a beautiful black sky!" However, for millions of conspiracy theorists QAnon there was nothing mysterious about her. They hoped to the last that the inauguration of Joe Biden would not take place. Instead, Donald Trump will finally announce that the participants in the terrible pedophile conspiracy have been arrested and sent to Guantanamo Bay, where they will face a shameful execution by hanging. The apocalyptic “Storm” will break out and usher in a new era of the triumph of good over evil that has reigned for too long in the circles of treacherous billionaires like George Soros and Bill Gates, corrupt politicians like Hillary Clinton and Hollywood Satanists like Johnny Depp. Messiah Trump will return to the Oval Office and rule great America, if not forever, then long enough to finally weed the roots of the demonic conspiracy from American soil.

The exposure of the conspirators intensified in October 2017. It was then that the first message appeared on the Internet on an anonymous web forum - imageboard 4 chan from the author, who hid behind the pseudonym Q clearance patriot (tolerance Q is the designation of the highest level of official access to state secrets in the USA). All the secrets of the Madrid court, in this case the White House, were revealed to this patriot. Donald Trump led the country not by chance, he had a higher goal - to expose the machinations of the aforementioned villains and their henchmen, who settled in the highest echelons of power. They are the secret power (deep state) , which Savior Trump is called upon to eradicate in order to return America to its former greatness.

The messages of the patriot with the highest clearance, who became simply called Q , differed from most of the writings on 4 chan , which were dominated by banal racial hatred, glorification of the greatness of the white race and lamentation about the Islamic terrorists that flooded the United States. The messages were distinguished by brevity, enigma, prophetic pathos and allusions to the author's high connections. He himself called them bread crumbs to be baked. This is what the bakers-readers did from morning till night. The deciphering of the predictions led to the emergence of a conspiracy myth called QAnon , where Q is an abbreviated nickname of a high-ranking keeper of state secrets, and Anon is the beginning of the word "anonymous". The Internet is an ideal place for myth-making. Boundless and masterful fantasy is guaranteed an easy victory over the miserable attempts of the mind.

Historical origins

Myth QAnon , as it should be, consisted of mythologemes, the number of which grew at an incredible rate. However, it was immediately clear to any historian of religion that there was little new in them. Here, let's say, is the key one - the fight against powerful pedophiles. Apparently, this is a modernized version of the ancient "blood libel", when the Jews were accused of using the blood of Christian babies for ritual purposes.

This mythology arose even before the glorious Q entered the arena, and was called "Pizzagate". Here is how it was. Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta's mailbox was opened to reveal the address of the Washington pizzeria Comet Ping Pong , where he often ordered. No, it’s not Italian fast food that is brought from there, but vials with adrenochrome, one of the products of adrenaline oxidation, astute whistleblowers figured out. The fact is that there is a belief that this is a powerful hallucinogen, Aldous Huxley wrote about him (however, he still preferred banal mescaline), young scumbags from A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burges treated themselves to them, and, finally, restless drug addicts treated themselves to them from Hunter Thompson's novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. In the cult film based on the novel, Johnny Depp, convincingly depicting withdrawal, drips adrenochrome onto his tongue from a pipette, and seems to let it go. This frame got on YouTube millions of views thanks in large part to the curiosity of whistleblowers. Depp is a Hollywood star who has retained an amazing youthfulness, which means that adrenochrome is not only a drug, but also an elixir of youth. Further - more: in the novel, Thompson reproduces the delirium of stoned heroes - a real product can only be extracted from the adrenal gland of a living person, this is pure sadism. The conclusion of the conspiracy fighters: in an underground torture laboratory, the elixir of eternal youth is painfully extracted from kidnapped children in order to deliver it through a pseudo-pizzeria to the decrepit bastard Hillary. But Trump is on the alert, the first breadcrumb tells us0408 Q , a warrant has already been issued for the arrest of the criminal, and she is awaiting her imminent arrest. The prophecy didn't come true, but who cares! The myth of a conspiracy of pedophile tormentors is growing like a snowball - they not only dispose of children's flesh, but also enjoy it. And Hollywood is the main hotbed of satanic sin, they buy adrenochrome in liters.

The opinions of enlightened theologians differed about the purpose for which the ungodly Jews added the blood of Christian babies to matzah, but there could be no doubt about adrenochrome - the scoundrels-pedophiles want to live forever. And they will, if the luminiferous Trump does not stop them.

Another source of the pedophile myth is the moral panic. It played out in earnest in the United States in the early 80s of the last century and was generated by rumors that kindergartens, where mothers who go to work en masse began to take their children, are hotbeds of satanic cults in which educators involve their minors. pets. Cults allegedly practiced sexual abuse of children, terrible details filled the pages of the tabloids (there were no social networks at that time), but upon closer examination it turned out that no one had raped children, and satanic rituals were the fruit of a sick fantasy of American housewives. The roots of moral panic, in turn, also go back to the distant past. These are stories about covens of witches, where they copulated with the devil and attracted children to participate in orgies. Belief in conspiracies has always rested on the unshakable principle “the more terrible, the more reliable”: it is no coincidence that information about satanic sexual rituals, although they were knocked out of “witches” under torture, outlived their time for a long time and was easily revived in modern America.

The Trump Savior prophecy also has at least two sources. The first is intense apocalypticism dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries. It was he who gave birth to the "Great Awakenings" with their expectation of the end of the world, which largely determined the face of American conservative Protestantism. Therefore, among themselves, the adherents of QAnon call the arrest of the conspirators not only a “storm”, but also a “great awakening”. Trump's closeness to the conservative evangelicals who unanimously voted for him in the election is well known. But the second source of belief in the onset of the apocalyptic time is less obvious and is associated with the movement New Age ("New Era"). It would seem that what is in common between Trump, a fierce hater of liberals, and a movement that, for the most part, is of a liberal-utopian nature? But there is something in common. And to understand what it is, you need to look back into history.

“I am part of that force…”

One of the sources of modern conspiracy theories is the 19th century French occult revival. This is a romantic reaction to the domination of science, which led to the "disenchantment" of the world (later, the author of the theory of secularization, Max Weber, would use this poetic word, but it should be remembered that he borrowed it from the romantic Schiller). The world has become boring, rationalism ruthlessly extinguished the flight of the imagination. Western esotericists could not abandon the imagination, to which they attached an ontological meaning, they sought to enchant the world again. But at the same time, they were not at all going to abandon science: it would develop and overcome its rational one-sidedness (“Magic is the science of the future,” the founder of Theosophy, Helena Blavatsky, dropped). The meeting of esotericism and science gave rise to occultism.

The fathers of conspiracy theories settled in this enchanted world. They believed that the world was secretly ruled by evil forces who resorted to the help of the devil. The famous “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” are based on this idea, where the mask of Satanists was customarily worn by Jews. Let's expose the Jewish intrigues - we will defeat the devil. Here comes the kingdom of universal prosperity.

However, other kinds of occultists also lived in the enchanted world. The same Blavatsky hoped that the Theosophical Society she created would unite science and esotericism and be able to transform the consciousness of mankind on a planetary scale. In her worldview, evil did not dominate, although it relied on demonic forces; on the contrary, good was gaining strength, receiving help from above from supernatural accomplices - mahatmas. It is to this myth that the modern New Age , hence his liberal utopianism and democracy.

Supporters of QAnon have inherited the fear of their predecessors before the gigantic force of evil: he inspires them with persecution mania, they are its unfortunate victims. Evil is embodied in terrible Mexicans, black criminals, Islamic terrorists, and most importantly, in liberals who turn a blind eye to all this, moreover, they talk about some kind of democratic ideals that do not allow crushing terrible evil like a poisonous snake. The mythologization of these phobias leads to paranoia and feeds modern conspiracy theories. Tormented by impotent resentment, people nurture the self-awareness of the victim and, in revenge, begin to hate the world around them. That is, to experience that unpleasant feeling that Friedrich Nietzsche once called the French word ressentiment .

However, this feeling is familiar not only to trumpists, who are not too burdened by education, but also to quite enlightened progressives, who increasingly feel that they are the victims of a great injustice. Those of them who, like the supporters of the ideals of New Age , live in an enchanted world, now often see in it not only the enlightened faces of mahatmas, but also the devilish masks of evil. The belief that they will be able to transform the consciousness of humanity and bring it into the new age of Aquarius is weakening, and they begin to see in Trump the “Worker of Light”, who, being far from perfect, can still inadvertently shorten evil (of course, they understand by them other things than conspiracy theorists) and involuntarily help the onset of the New Era. In vain leaders New Age are trying to convince adherents who have pecked at the bait of conspiracy theories that Trump is the embodiment of evil. They just nod their enlightened heads and refer to Mephistopheles' autocharacteristic in Faust. And those who are more active burst into the Capitol with a crowd of Trumpists, like that tattooed white shaman from Arizona with horns on his head, who was in a lot of photos of the storming of the US Senate. He is just one of the broken New Ageers.

Conspiracy as a computer game

Imageboard 4 chan was driven by two people who can hardly be called intellectuals - James Watkins and Fredric Brennan. The first is a retired US Army, the second is a programmer, a wheelchair user. They were united by the pathos of the struggle for freedom of speech, so they provided an anonymous platform to everyone who was silenced by the official media. Mostly they were characters from the extreme right camp. Soon 4 chan became a hate speech rally where resentful right-wing radicals anonymously lashed out at America's enemies and the establishment, unable to defend it. Things did not go well at first, Watkins tried to earn extra money on porn for the Japanese, finding out that Japanese laws did not prohibit it if it was made outside the country. Our heroes moved to the Philippines, closer to the market, and in addition bought a pig farm. However, it soon became clear that online hatred easily overflows into offline hatred, and right-wing extremists are radicalized precisely on anonymous forums. The authorities closed the shop. Then Brennan built a new one - 8 chan , but became disillusioned with the fighting methods. Especially since Brenton Tarrant, who shot the parishioners of a mosque in New Zealand, staged a lifestream of the massacre on his forum. Colleagues quarreled and, as expected, exchanged mutual denunciations to the immigration bureau. Watkins' denunciation was read first, Brennan barely managed to get his feet out of the country, but his functions were taken over by James's son, Ronald, who shared his father's views. After closing 8 chan , father and son relaunched it under a new name 8 k un . Q debuted on 4 chan , but managed to check in on the other two, after Trump's defeat in the elections, he fell silent, but the adherents did not calm down, continuing to "bake" old crumbs. The canon for the letter Q was more or less formed, but the exegetes continued to create Tradition. Of course, everyone was interested in the identity of Q , but the Watkins got water in their mouths. They conducted a linguistic examination, it turned out that the prophecies and puzzles were composed by at least two people. Maybe the father and son stamped them themselves? Some Internet analysts even decided that the high-profile project is the product of rampant trolling.

Well, I know of similar precedents in classic conspiracy theories. In 1892, the famous French hoaxer Leo Taxil published the book The Devil in the 19th Century, and the sensational details of Satan's atrocities immediately spread around the world tabloid magazines, of which there were a dime a dozen in Paris alone. In their grandiose hoax (fascinatingly written about by Umberto Eco in the Prague Cemetery), Taxil and his comrades convinced the public of the existence of a conspiracy of Palladians who worshiped Satan. Once he personally appeared in the form of a winged crocodile, famously played the piano and disappeared in a cloud of hydrogen sulfide, having previously devastated all stocks of alcohol. "Created" Palladinism, as usual, cunning Freemasons. The most curious thing is that both erudite decadents like Joris Huysmans and half of the Catholic episcopate bought into all this. Everyone wanted to believe in the machinations of the devil.

So, we have before us a grand draw in the guise of Internet trolling? It seems to me - no. Taxil, as expected, revealed himself, it was in the spirit of the genre, he had to confirm his reputation as the greatest mystifier. When asked by journalists why he did this, Taxil shrugged his shoulders: you know, I am from Marseilles, we all have such people there. That is, in the end, he once again played a trick on the gullible. But Ron Watkins, on his Telegram channel with 100,000 followers after Biden’s inauguration, said goodbye to them in a completely different style: “We gave everything to this, now we need to return to life with our heads held high.” And he promised to introduce me to a new project in the near future. It doesn't look like trolling, more like a general's parting words to veterans after a lost battle. Cheer up, the fight continues.

It seems to me that the following is happening: Q A non - this is a new stage of secularization of the conspiracy myth. The role of the enchanted world this time is played by virtual space. There is where to hide for a loser, exhausted by self-pity and hatred for reality, the laws of which he does not understand and in which he cannot succeed in any way. Here he is a member of the new elite with the highest access to secrecy. The rituals in this community are like a computer quest: the main thing is to decipher the mysterious hints and move in the right direction. Some kind of intellectual entertainment. Whether Satan is real is irrelevant. As Nathaniel Hawthorne wisely remarked, "the devil himself is less terrible than in the form of another person." And the conspiracy theorist unconditionally believes in the malignity of his living enemies and is afraid of them like fire.

So the magical game of conspiracy is here to stay. This is what we have to live with. After all, she, like Proteus, can endlessly change her forms. Recently, let's say, I came across an entry in the telegram channel of the alt-right: “Why are you running into Biden?! He is on the side of Trump, but only a select few know about it. He will continue our great work. We will win!"

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Why does guilt immobilize and what should replace it?

Philosopher Maria Bikbulatova on what to do with the feelings that gripped many against the backdrop of military events - and how to move from emotions to rational action

March 1, 202285146

Motherland as loss

Gleb Napreenko about what inner territory he can find himself in these days - in relation to the feeling of the Motherland

March 1, 202260813

Often you write das Leid but read das Lied

Anglo-German and Russian-Ukrainian poetic dialogue between Yevgeny Ostashevsky and Yevgeny Belorusets

March 1, 202260532

Letter from Russia

Nadya Plungyan writes from Russia to Russia

March 1, 202272478

Colta Specials
Polyphonic Witnesses to the End and the Beginning. Essays by Ganna Komar

These days Kolta continues the project dedicated to the future of Belarus

March 1, 202255038

Chance and inevitability

Zara Abdullayeva about Dmitry Volkostrelov's "Russian Death" at the TsIM

February 22, 202245840

"I'm interested in minor female characters in prose written by a man"

Milena Slavicka: big interview

February 22, 202245689

Architectural History of the American Police

A chapter from Viktor Vakhshtein's new book Imagining the City.

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