Word for mom
MOTHER Synonyms: 17 Synonyms & Antonyms for MOTHER
See definition of mother on Dictionary.com
- nounfemale person who has borne children
synonyms for mother
- mom
- parent
- ancestor
- creator
- mommy
- origin
- predecessor
- progenitor
- source
- child-bearer
- forebearer
- procreator
See also synonyms for: mothered / mothering / mothers
What is another word for mother?
There are many synonyms for mother.
The most common is mom, which is an informal, familiar version of mother. The equivalent mum is commonly used in the U.K. and other places.
An even more informal and familiar word is mommy, which is especially used by children.
A similarly informal word is mama (and its alternate spellings momma and mamma).
All of these terms should be capitalized when they’re used as a way of addressing someone (in other words, when they’re used as a name or a substitute for a name).
A mother is a parent. A term that specifically references the role of a mother in bearing a child is child-bearer.
The term birthing parent is sometimes used as a gender-neutral term in the context of pregnancy and childbirth.
A mother who’s the leader of a family might be called a matriarch.
Because mothers are traditionally associated with nurture and caregiving, related words are sometimes used as synonyms, such as nurturer and caregiver.
Mother is also sometimes used as a verb meaning to care for someone as a mother or like a mother. Sometimes, it’s used in a negative way that implies that a person is smothering or being overbearing toward the person, as in Please don’t mother me—I can take care of myself.
How do you use mother in a sentence?
antonyms for mother
- descendant
- effect
- end
- result
- father
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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Though a mother of a US citizen who had lived in the US for decades would typically be able to apply for deportation relief, Binam’s conviction and plea deal made her ineligible.
In one spot, a mother in Texas shares the story of her son who has leukemia.
In the same way my mother thought she knew what she would name me before I was born, I thought I knew where I would bury her before she died.
Quannah Chasing Horse Potts said Mallott never propositioned her and that neither she nor her mother spoke to Downing.
Psychologists Don Moore, of the University of California, Berkeley, and Max Bazerman of Harvard, call it “the mother of all biases” in their textbook on decision making.
Jackson and a group of other men on May 26 reportedly attacked McDade after he assaulted his mother in her home.
My mother was a teenage mom who started as a receptionist in a marketing firm and fought her way to becoming a successful proven leader in the marketing industry who has now worked with some of the world’s biggest brands.
For many women, the trade in khat has been passed through generations, from mother to daughter and so on.
However, the hospital was adamant, her family told ProPublica, and her children came to believe that the decision to discharge their mother had already been made.
Erma Winston’s children remain convinced that Ochsner pushed their 83-year old mother into hospice because resources were limited and she had no family at her bedside to advocate for her.
- antecedent
- ascendent
- father
- forbear
- forefather
- foregoer
- foremother
- mother
- parent
- predecessor
- progenitor
- biological father
- biological mother
- birth father
- birth mother
- birth parent
- father
- mother
- natural parent
- biological father
- biological mother
- birth father
- birth mother
- father
- mother
- natural parent
- attend
- baby sit
- father
- keep an eye on
- keep tabs on
- look after
- mind
- mind the store
- minister
- mother
- nurse
- nurture
- pay attention to
- protect
- provide for
- ride herd on
- take pains
- tend
- wait on
- watch
- watch over
- au pair
- babysitter
- caretaker
- custodian
- father
- governess
- mother
- nanny
- nurse
- parent
- attends
- baby sits
- considers
- fosters
- keeps an eye on
- keeps tabs on
- looks after
- minds
- minds the store
- ministers
- mothers
- nurses
- nurtures
- pays attention to
- protects
- provides for
- rides herd on
- sits
- takes pains
- tends
- treasures
- waits on
- watches
- watches over
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
15 Synonyms of MOM | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus
Save Worda female human parent
- be sure to tell your mom and dad that you'll be home late for supper
- ma,
- mama
- (also mamma or momma),
- mammy,
- mater
- [chiefly British],
- mommy,
- mother,
- old lady
- materfamilias,
- matriarch,
- matron
- stepmother
- supermom,
- superwoman
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“Mom. ” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/mom. Accessed 3 Nov. 2022.
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Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/mom. Accessed 3 Nov. 2022.">MLA Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, s.v. “mom,” accessed November 3, 2022, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/mom.">Chicago Merriam-Webster.com thesaurus. Retrieved November 3, 2022, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/mom">APA Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/mom. Accessed 11/3/2022.">Merriam-Webster
More from Merriam-Webster on mom
Nglish: Translation of mom for Spanish Speakers
Britannica English: Translation of mom for Arabic Speakers
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The best kind words for mom: compiling a congratulation
To make a beautiful sincere congratulation for mom on a holiday (birthday, March 8, Mother's Day), to express your love and gratitude to a dear person, the right words are not always enough.
On this page you will find a lot of warm, sincere phrases about mom: compliments for mom, words of gratitude for what she has done for us and continues to do every day. Having chosen the right words, you can easily write a congratulation for your mother.
Kind beautiful words for mother
Mommy, you are the best for me.
You are the dearest and closest person to me, mother!
You are the main person in my life!
You are the most wonderful, beloved, smart, kind, … (see List of epithets for mom)
Mom, you are the wisest woman in the world, the most caring and attentive.
Everyone in the world has a mother, but only I have the most amazing one!
You are my feminine ideal.
You are the most sensitive and most reliable friend.
You are not only my mother, but also my closest friend.
You are the embodiment of femininity, beauty and harmony.
You are our sunshine.
Mom, you are the most beautiful, and your eyes shine brighter than all the stars.
You are an amazing woman who changes the world!
You are an amazingly hardworking and persistent person.
Everything in the house revolves around you.
How do you manage to do everything?
Your smile is the brightest and most tender, the most kind and sincere!
The unity of love and feminine wisdom is united in your soul!
You just have a heart of gold and a pure soul.
I marvel at your daily excellent mood!
You have a kind soul and a tender heart.
With your kindness and sincerity, you win over any person!
Your eyes are like stars at night, your smile is like the sun during the day.
You can rightly be called the guardian of the hearth.
You are the best mother a man could ever dream of for his child!
You are an excellent hostess, an excellent cook, a skilled needlewoman, and most importantly, the best mother!
You are the most cordial and hospitable hostess.
No one has such a caring and kind, beautiful and smart, talented and cheerful mother as I do.
Mommy, I want you to know that your age is a mirage, and your beauty is always real!
Being a real mother is not a duty, it is a vocation that you can handle!
Being a mother is not easy, but you are the best at it!
I know that being a mother is the most difficult job, without holidays and days off.
Many beautiful words, poems and songs about mother in the public “Best words about mother”. Subscribe: https://vk.com/zdravamama
It's good that I have you.
You gave me life.
You are always by my side.
You give us your love and warmth.
You always feel very comfortable next to you.
I love having you around. Together with you, I feel at home, wherever we are.
You surround me with love and tenderness.
You radiate warmth, kindness and love.
You warm me with your warmth and care.
Your love is always selfless and knows no boundaries.
Your love does not need to be earned or sought. You love me simply because I am, and this is the greatest happiness in life.
Your hands are the most affectionate and gentle.
More than anything, I love to feel the warmth of your hands.
I love it when you hug me.
Your hands are the rays of the sun, they can warm me to the core!
Your hands heal because they contain a sea of love and care.
Your food has always been and will always be the most delicious.
Your dishes are always so delicious because you season them with love!
Your kindness is endless, your care never gets tired.
Nobody can replace your kindness and care.
The radiance of your heart illuminates my path.
You are always ready to support me.
You always find words of comfort and support for me.
Mommy, your words are more precious to me than gold and brilliant diamonds.
You will always listen and never judge.
You are always ready to love and forgive, like no one else you know how to understand me.
You are kind and you know how to forgive!
Even when you reproach me for my mistakes with all severity, I know that in your heart you have already forgiven me everything.
You believe in me like no other.
You always wish me happiness.
You give me confidence in today and tomorrow, confidence that I will succeed!
You help in word and deed.
You will understand everything without words and support with just one smile!
Only you can rejoice so sincerely at my successes and worry about occasional troubles.
Every time I hear your native voice, I get a charge of vivacity!
You are the closest and dearest person to me, who will always support me in difficult times and share the joy.
You are always by my side in the most important and responsible moments of my life.
You can be trusted unconditionally, you will never betray me.
You always try to save us from troubles and hardships.
Sometimes my life resembles a storm, and only you are the harbor and support in it!
I'm not afraid of any trouble with you.
Mom, you are like a ray of sunshine for me - you always shine for me and support me in difficult times.
You always wait for me and meet me with a smile.
You taught me the most important things and helped me become a worthy person.
You were the first to help me understand the world around me.
I took the first step in life by holding your hand.
You made the holidays of my childhood joyful and memorable.
You made my childhood happy.
You answered my thousands of questions with ease.
You have always taken care of my health.
All my childhood resentment and sadness disappeared as soon as you hugged me.
You taught me to appreciate life.
You taught me empathy and compassion.
You taught me to always speak sincerely about my feelings.
You managed to explain to me what is good and what is bad.
When something didn't work out for me, you supported me and helped me finish what I started.
You taught me to believe in myself.
You taught me to be responsible for my promises and obligations.
You taught me useful and necessary skills that are indispensable in everyday life.
You taught me to find something good in everything.
You protected me from many troubles and helped me avoid annoying mistakes.
You instilled in me a love for nature.
You taught me amazing cooking.
You taught me how to ask for help and help other people.
You taught me to forgive and ask for forgiveness myself.
No matter what happens in my life, you will always comfort me and help me cope with all the difficulties.
Thanks to your love, patience, care and kindness, I have achieved significant success in life.
You love me the most.
Even at a distance I feel your support and love.
You like to surprise me.
You always sincerely rejoice at my gifts.
I am always a welcome and long-awaited guest in your house.
You can be trusted with any secret.
You can turn a boring day into a fun holiday.
I adore you for your ability to create comfort and give warmth to those you love.
I love you for your ability to approach many problems with humor.
Thank you for having me!
I was very lucky to have such a mother.
Thank you, mommy, for your love and support, attention and affection.
Thank you for being able to create such an amazing and wonderful family like ours.
You are always in my heart.
Mommy, I need you like the earth to the sky, like the sun to the fly, like a rainbow to the rain.
Mom, I blossom under the warmth of your love, like a flower under the gentle rays of the sun.
You are the most welcome guest in my house!
I love you.
I love my dad very much, but you even more!
Let all our petty quarrels and omissions be left behind, and sincere mutual understanding and love grow stronger with each new day.
We will always be there to please you, support you in everything and love you.
This holiday is just an excuse to tell you what I feel every day: Mom, I love you more than anyone on Earth!
Read also on the topic:
Short wishes for a woman on March 8 and birthday
List of 300+ short wishes in prose happy birthday for Mom). By the way, you can use the idea and, by analogy, compose your congratulations from A to Z.
The book “Parables and legends about mother” (pdf-format) - about 50 parables about mother
Presentation “Epithets for mother from A to Z”
Wishes to mother in your own words in prose to tears
Have you noticed that when we hit, or we are frightened, or we are surprised, we involuntarily exclaim “Oh God” or “Oh Mom!”. As in childhood, when my mother was the earthly incarnation of God. And then - the embodiment of home, protection, warmth, friend.
There is no dearer and dearer person than a mother who gave birth, taught wisdom and blessed for good deeds and undertakings.
There are many reasons to wish your mother and kind words - Birthday, March 8, Mother's Day ... The most "profile", of course, is Mother's Day - an international holiday in honor of mothers. On this day, it is customary to congratulate mothers and pregnant women, unlike March 8 - International Women's Day, when congratulations are accepted by all the fair sex. This day falls on different dates in different countries. As a rule, Mother's Day is celebrated in the world on the second Sunday of May, including in Ukraine, Estonia, the USA, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Belgium and a number of other countries.
In Russia Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, in Belarus on October 14, in Georgia on March 3, in Armenia on April 7. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mother's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of September, in Kyrgyzstan - on the third Sunday of May.
But it is not necessary to wait for some holiday in order to say kind words to mother. Love your mothers, tell them every day how important they are in your life.
Dear Mom! I really want you to always be cheerful and joyful, surrounded by family and friends, beautiful and blooming! And I will do everything for this. I love you very much, mom.
Mom, I just want to remind you that I love you. May your every day be wonderful, beautiful and unique, may you be surrounded by the people dearest to your heart. Stay always the same beautiful, young, cheerful and active. You are the best in the world.
Mom, this is what I thought. I have already become an adult, and you have not changed a bit, as before you smile with that bright smile that I remember from my childhood. Thank you, dear mother, for all the care, love, wisdom, and for your unique ability to keep the hearth even in the most difficult times! I love you.
Mom, thank you for your love, care and affection. Good luck with everything. Live in such a way that your soul sings, your neighbors envy you, and God rejoices. Well, I'll try to help you with that.
Mom, thank you for your hands for tenderness and care, your heart for love and kindness, and your eyes for a sincere smile. I wish you good health and the happiest happiness.
Beautiful and tender quotes about mom
The best quotes about the best person in our life - phrases and sayings about mom.
Each of us from childhood to his last days carries in his soul a unique and inimitable image - the image of his mother, who will understand everything, forgive, always regret and will selflessly love no matter what. Hurry to tell your mothers that you love them, hurry to say tender and kind words. Do not be lazy to pay attention to them.
Mom, thank you for giving me life. I love you very much. May your every day be filled with affection and care, positive and joyful moments.
Mom, I always remember the tenderness of your hands. Looking to the sky, I pray for your health. May the sun shine on you with prosperity and strengthen your faith in dreams. I wish you to be joyful, bright and happy. I hope that you will pass on your wisdom not only to my children, but also to my grandchildren.
Mom, may there never be clouds in your life, but only a big and warm sun always shines. I love you!
You are the most important person in the world to me! May your fate always be merciful to you, may luck always accompany you in life, and may true love, like a bright star in a dark night, always show you the right path. Mom, be truly happy!
Wherever I am, I know that my mother is always waiting for me. I can come to you and hug you, tell you about everything, and together we will rejoice or mourn. Thank you for having me. Be always happy and healthy.
Mom is a dear and dear person who gave us life, taught us wisdom and blessed us for good deeds and undertakings. The lessons of the mother remain the main ones on the path of life, and her love is a reliable amulet. Therefore, beautiful wishes for mom are only a small fraction of what you are able to do for her.
My mother, you have no idea what you mean to me. I can't even for a moment imagine life without you. I want to wish you to be the happiest mother on earth. I will do everything in my power for this.
Mommy, may the kindness that you give to people be sure to return to you a hundredfold. Be always young and beautiful. May all that you dream about come true. I love you!
Mommy, be always so beautiful, kind and gentle. May spring always bloom in your soul. Peace to you, mommy, longevity, prosperity and prosperity. I wish you good health, good luck in everything, may good news please you, may your dream come true. And I'll do my best to help!
Mom, may everything that you dream about come true, may everything go well in your life. May your life not be overshadowed by a single cloud of sadness. Good health to you, more joy and smiles. May fate be kind to you. May your wise advice help us to live right for a long time to come.
Mommy, no beautiful words can express how much I love you and how grateful I am to you. May all your dreams become reality, may the happiest star illuminate your path. Good health to you, well-being and all earthly blessings. Live and make me happy for many, many years. May hope, faith and love always accompany you, my mother.
All of us, children, or still very young, or already at an advanced age, should pray to God for our mothers and thank them for having received the gift of life thanks to them, for everything that they have done for us, for everything what they endured for us.
Mom, my beloved, you forgive me that I rarely tell you kind and affectionate words. In this daily bustle, I often forget about the most important thing. But you are my most beautiful, kind and most attentive mother in the world. You always, like no one else, could find a common language with me, knew how to prompt and advise in time, reconcile with a friend or loved one. Mom - you are the best! Be always healthy. Let only good and kind people surround you, so that you are happy and never know sadness.
Mommy, live and make me happy for many, many more years. Know that my life is full only if next to me you are the most important and dear person on earth. I love you.
Mom, you are the closest and dearest person in this world to me. May the good angel keep you, may sorrows and hardships forget your address. All earthly blessings to you, peace and prosperity.
Mommy, I don't often say kind words to you. But I love you very much and I pray to God that he will give you health for many years and an endless thirst for life. May success accompany you in all your affairs, and peace and tranquility reign in your heart. Know that I love you!
Beloved mother, you are brighter than a sunny day, more transparent than a dewdrop in the morning, you are the best on the whole Earth. May you always have good health, may luck accompany everything, may the years never age you, may the melody of spring always ring in your soul, may every day give you only pleasant moments. May the Lord protect you from all troubles and failures.
The best parables about mother
Short and tender parables about mother's love, patience and care.
Love for mother, respect for the dearest person in life is unshakable. The theme of motherhood cannot be trivialized, no matter how often writers, poets and directors turn to it. No matter how much they talk about it, no matter how they exploit it in different plots and genres, but life begins where the mother is. And rests on it. So take the time to call your mom and say a few warm, kind words. Every day is Mother's Day.
Mommy, the whole world of our family rests on you. Therefore, “let there always be a mother” is our family motto! Health to you, mommy, spring in the heart and peace of mind! I love you, I'm proud and I want to be like you.