Activities for verbs 2nd grade
5 Fun Activities for Teaching Verbs in the Primary Grades
Looking for some activities for teaching verbs to your Kindergarten, 1st, or 2nd grade students?
Whether your students are just starting to learn about the parts of speech or are well on their way to being grammar gurus, these five activities will make learning about verbs a ton of fun!
Activity #1: Play Simon Says with action words.Introduce the concept of verbs as action words with a game of “Simon Says!”
First, brainstorm a list of action words with your students to use for the game.
You can also use these ready-made word cards from my Kindergarten Grammar Alive curriculum – just cut them out and make a stack or stick them on a binder ring for easy access:
This activity works well as part of a mini-lesson about verbs, and you can also play again during transitions.
Activity #2: Have students look for verbs “in the wild.”In order for grammar to be meaningful, students need to make connections between grammar concepts and actual text.
As a class, we practice identifying verbs in sentences (and acting out the sentences, too!):
Students can also search for verbs in the books they read:
Both of these activities come from my First Grade Grammar Alive program.
Activity #3: Build Verb Vocabulary with GamesBuilding students’ verb vocabulary is important – both for helping them learn verb shades of meaning (see Activity #4 for more on that) AND for helping them learn to use a variety of verbs in their writing.
One easy way to build their vocabulary is to play charades. You or a student acts out a verb, and the class guesses what verb they’re trying to show.
Here’s another verb vocabulary game, where students move around the board and have to name the depicted verbs that they land on:
Activity #4: Put Verbs in Order to Practice Shades of MeaningTo teach students how to choose just the right verb for their writing, work on verb shades of meaning!
First, model how to put the verbs “jog,” “run,” and “sprint” in order from slowest to fastest.
Then, divide students up into small groups. Give each group their own set of cards to put in order.
Once students have ordered the verbs, they can present their work to the class and get feedback.
Finally, you can glue the groups of verbs to chart paper. This creates an anchor chart that students can refer back to during writing time!
Activity #5: Play “Parts of Speech 4 Corners“Once your students have learned about verbs and other parts of speech, get them up and moving with a few rounds of 4 Corners!
To play, label the corners of your classroom as:
Give each child a word card. The words on the cards should be a mix of nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Several of them should say “WILD CARD.”
Students should read the word on their card and then go to the corresponding corner of the classroom.
You or a student leader should stand in the middle of the classroom, eyes closed.
The leader calls out a corner (nouns, verbs, adjectives, or wild card) and all the students who were standing in that corner are out of the game and must sit down.
The remaining players trade cards and go to the corresponding corner. Again, the leader calls out “nouns,” “verbs,” “adjectives,” or “wild card,” and the game continues.
Keep playing until only one student is left – that student becomes the leader next!
All the materials to play this game are included in my First Grade Grammar Alive curriculum.
Need more ideas and materials for teaching grammar?I hope you got a few new ideas for teaching verbs!
For complete grammar lesson plans and many more grammar activities (including the ones featured in this blog post), check out my Grammar Alive programs for Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade:
Or maybe you already have a grammar curriculum – but you stil need independent practice activities for your students!
If so, check out my BoomCardsTM Grammar Games. They’re digital grammar activities that your students can use on any computer, chromebook, or tablet with internet.
My students love using BoomCards!! And the audio directions are great for providing support even when students are working independently.
Happy teaching!
10 Fun Verb Games and Activities for Kids
Learning about verbs in elementary school can be more fun than completing grammar worksheets! Teachers use verb games to introduce new grammar concepts as well as to review familiar grammar concepts. Try these games that teach about verbs in a way your students will love.
examples of action verbs for word games
Classroom Games About Verbs
Since verbs are all about action, use fun classroom games that get kids up and moving! These games are perfect for elementary students and easily adapted for older learners. Make sure you have enough space to get the learning moving.
And Then…
Using a list of verbs on the wall or on individual handouts, one student selects a verb to use in the first line in a story. They choose another student to create the next line using one of the verbs on the list. The game keeps going until the list is through. For extra fun, make sure the verbs are especially zany!
Have each student in the class write down three or four action verbs on a scrap of paper (or make your own list). Collect all the papers, split the class into two teams, and have one student from the first team pick a verb out of a box. They have one minute to act it out. If their team guesses correctly, they choose another verb and act it out until the minute runs out. Then it’s the next team’s turn!
Conjugation Station
Write a noun or pronoun on the whiteboard. Set your class into four lines (“trains”). Whisper a verb to the first student in each line (the “conductor”) and a pronoun or noun to the last student (the “caboose”). The conductor verbally passes the verb down their lines.
The last student in the line determines how to correctly conjugate the verb according to the noun or pronoun they’ve been told. They whisper it back up the line, and the first “conductor” who has the correct answer scores a point for their train. Rotate the first student to the back of the line and try it again.
Fishing for Verbs
Younger learners may enjoy a creative, hands-on game that encourages them to choose the correct part of speech. Fill a kiddie pool (or make a masking tape circle on the carpet) with paper fish. Each fish should have a word written on it. For beginners, put nouns on half the fish and verbs on the other half; older learners can have fish with examples of all eight parts of speech. If it’s not a verb, they have to “throw it back.”
Hot Potato
Choose an item to be your “potato” (e.g. a beach ball, a stuffed animal, a small pillow). Play some fun music and have the class either pass the “potato” around a circle or at their desks. Stop the music; the student holding the item has to name a verb. If they can’t think of one that hasn’t been said before, they’re out. For an extra challenge, have students list one verb per letter of the alphabet.
Jumping for Joy
Using paper and a bold marker (big enough that all students sitting at their desks can see the words clearly), write several sentences with one word on a separate piece of paper. Mix up the papers, group them by sentence, and have each student take a word. (Each sentence is one round of the game).
Tell students to organize themselves in a sentence in a line in front of the class, holding their papers out for their classmates to see. Then say to your students, "If you are holding the verb, jump for joy (or perform the verb)." This is a great chance for your students to begin a discussion of what a verb is and how it functions in the sentence.
Making a Verb Story
Have students write verbs on scrap paper or make your own list. Divide the class into small groups and have each student choose one verb from a box. The group must work together to write a short story that uses every verb they’ve selected. At the end, they share their stories and the class votes for their favorite. (To make the game more challenging, increase the number of verbs that groups must use.)
You need a blackboard, chalk, and two fly swatters for this verb game. Break the room up into two teams. Make three big boxes (about 2'x2') and inside of them, write "helping," "action," and "linking," which are the three kinds of verbs.
For each turn of SWAT, have two students (one from each team) come up to the board. Have them each hold a fly swatter in hand. Then, read aloud one of your sentences. Their job is to swat at the correct box as soon as possible, identifying correctly whether the verb is a helping, action, or linking verb. The team with the most correct swats wins!
Stuck Verbs
Divide the class into groups and come up with a sentence with one or more verbs. Invite one student to make up a new sentence with the same verb in the same verb tense. Give that team a point, then have the next team try to create another sentence with the same verb. Keep giving out points until either a team can’t think of a new sentence or teams get tired of the initial verb. Challenge students by choosing trickier verbs or mandating that conjugations can only be used once.
Verb Cards
On the front of an index card, write a sentence and underline a verb in that sentence. Repeat this preparation with several more sentences and cards. On the back of each card, write whether the underlined verb is a linking, helping, or action verb.
If a student gets the answer right, they keep the card; if they do not, they can put the card under the deck. The students with the most cards at the end of the game wins. These kinds of verb games are for two students to play, and they ensure that students get a lot of individual practice while learning about verbs.
Games That Help Students Learn
Take these ideas and adapt the games for the students in your classroom so that they are appropriate for their age and learning limitations. For more engaging language arts ideas, check out a list of grammar games that are great for any age. You can also bring in noun games or adjective games when your students are ready for the next step.
Staff Writer
Exercises in recognizing the tense of verbs. Grade 2
Lesson summary Russian language in the 2nd grade
Teacher: Tatyana Turkina
Subject: Exercises in recognition tense of verbs.
Targets : 1. Develop and improve spelling skills.
2. Develop the ability to recognize verbs in the text, the ability to identify verb tense
3. Improve sentence parsing skills
4. Improve calligraphic and hygiene skills.
5. Develop cognitive abilities (memory, attention, thinking.) To promote the formation of attentiveness and perseverance, increase performance.
6. Develop cognitive activity.
7. Love the language of your people through poetry.
Lesson progress.
1. Message of the topic of the lesson.
We We continue to work on the topic "Verb".
2. Exercise aimed at developing V.P.F.
MA Melted RDAKSh Runes Smuodmu Warm SHK Sing
9000(Molestal, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, gang (On the blackboard appear
these words.)
- What groups can these words be divided into?
Ch. - melted, run, warm, sing. Ex. - flock, run.
- We are interested in the first column.
( Melted, running, warming, singing.)
- Find the extra word. ( melted, run, warm, sing.)
- On what basis did you find the excess? (verb tense - p.v.)
And now, form from the verb sing the future tense verb ( sing)
Conclusion. A verb is a part of speech that denotes the action of an object and responds to questions: What to do? What is he doing? What have you been doing? What will he do? What will do?
3. Work on the proposal.
Purpose: To develop creative thinking, imagination.
What single theme will unite all these verbs? Spring theme.
Let's try to compose a poem about spring together.
- We will write each line with a capital letter.
The snow has melted,
Streams run,0005
The sun is getting hotter.
Rooks are flying,
Starlings are singing at the window. (15 words )
- Analyze the sentence
Conclusion: Offer, consisting of one grammatical basis is called simple, and of two or more - complex.
4. Physical Minute.
Purpose. Relaxation exercises.
5. Exercises in recognizing the tense of the verb.
Purpose. Practice selective attention.
What genre of literary works does the poem? (Poetry)
- Listen to the poem
(Expressive reading a poem)
(2 students)
Rides Bunny On the wall
and winks I
Jumped to the picture,
lingered on a boot,
Pancreated on the ceiling,
Locked in the corner.
Here he is hiding in the crib,
He is playing with us hide-and-seek.
one, two, three, four, five,
we go his search.
- What is this poem about? (About the sunbeam)
- How do you feel when you read it? (Joyful, gentle - a synonym for warm to a bunny - a speck).
- What part of speech helps to reproduce the picture of what is happening? (Verb)
(To help the card)
- Find the verbs in the text, write them in columns by tense.
Ex. at (Two students perform at the blackboard)
jumped over N. in. B. c.
delayed let's go search
lurk (with - incomplete action) winks
hid plays (board check)
B. c. – What can you say about the verbs of the future (compound) tense?
Conclusion : Verbs of the future (compound) tense denote the action of an object, that should happen, answer the questions: What will be done? What will do? Gl B.v. + Chap. N.f.
Read the following poem,
- How does it make you feel? (Encourages, encourages action)
- Encourages action (verbs).
- Pay attention to the verbs.
- What can you say about them? (Verbs B. sl. c.)
- Explain placing punctuation marks. (Appeal)
We will, guys , cherish kindness,
we will, guys , cherish beauty,
Let's be daring, let's create , Dare - boldly strive for something
Let's be friends cherish your ! new
(V. Viktorov) Create - create
Write down verbs of the future (compound) tense.
6. Let's summarize our lesson.
What can you do say verbatim?
Output :
A verb is a part of speech that means subject and answers the questions: What to do? What is he doing? What have you been doing? What will happen do? Changes in times, in numbers, in units. number of elapsed time childbirth.
Take this poem, as the motto of life and try to apply it in everything.
The wall
and winks on me,
Jumped to the picture,
lingered on a boot,
Panted on the ceiling,
hid in the corner.
Here he hid in the crib,
He plays hide and seek with us.
One, two, three, four, five,
We'll go look for him.
The wall
and winks on me
Jumped to the picture,
lingered on a boot,
Pancied on the ceiling,
lurked in the corner.
Here he hid in the crib,
He plays hide and seek with us.
One, two, three, four, five,
We'll go look for him.
The wall
and winks on me
Jumped to the picture,
lingered on a boot,
Pancied on the ceiling,
lurked in the corner.
Here he hid in the crib,
He plays hide and seek with us.
One, two, three, four, five,
We'll go look for him.
The wall
and winks on me
Jumped to the picture,
lingered on a boot,
Pancied on the ceiling,
lurked in the corner.
Here he is hiding in the crib,
He plays hide and seek with us.
One, two, three, four, five,
We'll go look for him.
Jumping Bunny On the wall
and winks to me,
Jumped to the picture,
lingered on a boot,
dancing on the ceiling,
Came in the corner in the corner.
Here he is hiding in the crib,
With us he plays hide-and-seek.
One, two, three, four, five,
We will go to look for his .
Let's go, guys , cherish kindness,
we will, guys , cherish beauty,
Let's dare, let's create ,
Let's be friendship cherish your ! (V. Viktorov)
Gallopes a bunny on the wall
and Winter to me,
Jumped to the picture,
lingered on a boot,
9000 .
Here he is hiding in the crib,
He is playing with us hide-and-seek.
one, two, three, four, five,
we go his search.
Let's go, guys , cherish kindness,
we will, guys , cherish beauty,
Let's dare, let's create ,
Let's be friendship cherish your ! (V. Viktorov)
Bunny jumps on the wall
And winks at me,
Jumped over to the picture,
Stopped on a shoe,
Danced on the ceiling,
Hidden in a corner.
Here he hid in the crib,
He plays hide-and-seek with us.
One, two, three, four, five,
We'll go look for him.
Let's cherish kindness, guys,
Let's cherish beauty, guys,
Let's be daring, let's create , 9001 Let's cherish our friendship5
(V. Viktorov)
A bunny jumps on the wall
And winks at me,
Jumped over to the picture,
Held on a shoe,
Danced on the corner of the ceiling, 9005
Here he hid in the crib,
He plays hide-and-seek with us.
One, two, three, four, five,
We'll go look for him.
Let's take care of kindness, guys,
Let's take care of beauty, guys,
Let's dare, let's create ,
Let's cherish our friendship! (V. Viktorov)
Exercises on the topic "Verb"
GL1 . Answer questions in writing .
a) What is a verb?
b) In what forms does the verb exist in Russian?
c) List the constant features of the verb.
d) Name the non-permanent features of the verb.
e) Only the verbs ... and ... can have the present tense.
f) The future tense is impossible in such a verb form as ...
g) The gender form is peculiar only to verbs in the form ... and ...
h) Person forms are determined only for verbs in ...
i) Number forms are not characteristic of such verb forms as ...
GL2 . Write out all the verbs (verb forms) from the text, indicate their initial form and determine the permanent signs to and .
Sample : When leaving, close the door, because if the door is locked, then outsiders will not enter the territory of the laboratory .
Leaving - gerund, n.f. - leave; perfect form, 2 conjugation, intransitive, irrevocable.
Close - imperative, n.f. - close; perfect form, 1 conjugation, transitive, irrevocable.
Locked - communion, n.f. - lock; perfect form, 1 conjugation, transitive, irrevocable.
Penetrate - conjugated form of the verb, n.f. - penetrate; perfect form, 1 conjugation, intransitive, irrevocable.
It was getting dark and evening, so we had to hurry up to get out of the forest thickets that were beginning to frighten us. Sitting .. over the horizon, the sun almost did not illuminate our path. After about two kilometers the valley suddenly became narrower..sya. Clay shales began to fall..sya. The width of the valley, having narrowed to a hundred meters, suddenly expanded by more than a kilometer. The branches of the river form such a labyrinth in which it is very easy to get lost if you don't keep to the main channel. You have to walk carefully along the ridge, overgrown with forest, so travelers often stop..s, look around..otherwise, they easily go astray. . (According to V. Arseniev)
GL3 . Determine the conjugation of the verbs. Put each of the verbs into the forms: a) 3rd person singular, b) 3rd person plural. h, c) 2nd person plural, d) real participle of the present tense, e) gerund participle.
Sample: fry - 2nd conjugation; a) fry, b) fry, c) fry, d) frying, e) frying
see, mean.
B) Sow, familiarize, winnow, drive, spread, hate, hear, prick, melt, depend, hope.
GL4 . Write down all the verb forms in the table by inserting the missing letters . Specify their constant features. It is not necessary to rewrite the phrases completely.
Verb | View | Conjugation | Transition | Returnable |
Stars hiding behind the clouds, (she) finds work, strokes . . in a dress, dancing .. artists, (they) additional ..t answer, he breathes ..easy , sow .. you field, glue .. you with wallpaper, do not notice .. shortcomings, wipe .. you dry, mark .. in the absence .. those who, sway .. banners, people fight .. tsya, that snow. .t, a lot depends ..t on circumstances, wander ..shine along the alleys, hating ..those who lie, said no gate, you can do everything, the sun is gre ..t, the window is frosty ..t, hear .. all the rustles, want .. to win.
GL5 . Rewrite the sentences using letters and punctuation marks. In the table, enter the required data for each verb (the table shows examples).
Offer number | Verb (verbal form) | Infinitive | View | Conjugation | Adapter | Returnable | All non-permanent features |
№00 | noting
got out | celebrate
get out | imperfect
perfect | 1
2 | yes
no | no
yes | fixed form indicative, past tense, masculine, singular
1) At the edge of the horizon stretches a silver chain of snowy peaks. (M. Lermontov)
2) A mournful wind drives..t a flock of clouds (?) to the edge of the heavens, the fir tree is broken..a groan..t muffled whisper..t dark forest. (N. Nekrasov)
3) The watchman (?) (slowly) watches the clock: strike ..t once and waits until the sound melts ..t in the blue air.
4) It looks menacingly from (under) clouds (?) gloomy (?) mountains. (A. Maikov)
5) (Some) where in the dark (gray) sky of a blink .. the stars are wet breeze (from) a rare raid .. t a light wave is heard .. restrained .. (n, nn) th (not) clear sh.. sweat of the night. (I. Turgenev)
6) They softly st..t yes.. hard to sleep.
7) Chasing two (n..) one (n..)
8) Ringing and bouncing rolls (?) along the streets .. a nickel cast at a mint built in the last century.
GL6 . Make phrases or sentences with the verbs below. Explain the difference in their spelling .
To weaken - to weaken, to freeze - to freeze, to weaken - to weaken, to bleed - to bleed, to become barren - to deplete, to depopulate - to depopulate.
GL7 . Form all possible forms of real and passive participles, as well as gerunds from these verbs. Specify the type and conjugation. Remember that gerunds are not formed from impersonal verbs!
For reference:
Imperfective verbs can form
- real past participles 8
- present participles
- passive participles (from irrevocable verbs)
- gerunds with suffix -А/-Я
Perfective verbs can form
- only past participles
- passive participles (from irrevocable verbs)
- gerunds with suffix -В / -ВШИ
Sample: print - printing, printing, printing, printing; imperfective form, 1 conjugation.
Like, love, shine, fly, want, go, eat ( eat ), stay, dusk, arrive, stay, repair, praise, laugh, rejoice, draw, put on, get bored, take care, run away, run away, translate.
GL8 . Place the stresses in the verb forms (51 words here) .
A) Acquired, created, created, handed over, handed over, handed over, given away, given away, moldy, waited, frosted over, excluded, understood, understood, hugged, embraced, busy;
;C) anticipate, overstrained, exhausted, compelled, rusted, inquired, rewarded, bent, uncorked, arrived, arrived, arrived, turn on, included, endow, accepted, solicit.
GL9 . Write out from the fragment of the fable of I.A. Krylov "Wolf and Lamb" all verbal forms . Determine their morphological features. Morphological analysis scheme here. Parse the highlighted sentence. The parsing scheme is here.
The strong are always to blame for the weak:
We hear tons of examples of this in history,
But we don’t write history,
But about how in the fables they say ...
The lamb on a hot day went to the stream to get drunk:
and it is necessary to dislod,
that the hungry wolf was hung .
He sees the Lamb, he strives for prey;
But, at least to give the case a legitimate look and sense,
Shouts: "How dare you, insolent, with an unclean snout
Here, pure muddy my drink
With sand and silt?
For such insolence
I'll tear your head off."
GL10 . Rewrite the text - a fragment of the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "White Guard", inserting the missing letters and signs and opening the brackets. Disassemble the bold and underlined verb forms morphologically (the link to the sample is in task 10). Verb forms in italics and marked with index 2, disassemble by composition .
And (on) the end of Petka Shcheglov in the wing..le see..l dream.
Petya was small (that's why) the dream pr..was simple and a solar ball. Bud (that) (would) Petka was walking along a green .. big meadow and on this meadow lay a sparkling diamond ball that was ok.. more than Petka. In a dream, adults when they need to run pr.. would stick (would) to the ground. They groan..t and sword..t..sya trying to tear off their legs from the Children's legs are frisky and free. Petka ran to the diamond ball and suffocated 2 from joyful laughter grabbed him with his hands. The ball doused Petka with sparkling .. mi sprays. Here is the whole dream of Petka. From pleasure, he ra.. laughed 2 in the night and he weighed . .lo str..boiled a the oven..coy. Petka began to see and .. now already light and happy .. vivid dreams and scintillating .. to reviving so (n, nn) muttering 2 night in the family everything sang his song where (that) in the crack.
Last night ra..bloomed . In the second half of it, the whole heavy .. barking sin .. va zan .. the weight of God enclosing the world was covered with stars. It seemed that in the (not) change .. the height behind this floor at the royal gates they served all (w, w, h) nu. Above the Dnieper from the sinful and bloody..oh and snowy land rose 2 into the dark gloomy..full-night heights..the cross of Prince Vladimir. (From) gave to .. it was said that the pop .. speech .. the crossbar was connected with the v.. rtical and from this the cross pr .. turned into a threatening sharp sword.
But he is (not) scary. All will pass 2 suffering torment blood famine and pestilence. The sword and .. does not, but the stars will remain .. when the shadows of our bodies and deeds (do not) remain .. on the earth. There is no (n..) one person who this (n..) would know (would) . So (why) do we (not) want to turn our gaze to them? (Why?
GL11. Redraw the table in your notebook. Write down all the required grammatically possible forms of the verbs. From what verbs is it possible to form forms of passive participles?
Infinitive | 3rd person plural current time | Unit past time feminine | Actual Communion past temp. | gerund | Imperative singular |
Go |
Laugh |
Place |
Translate |
Crowd |
Drive |
Envy |
Endure |
Fly |
Watch |
Disperse |
Find yourself |
GL12. Rewrite the paragraphs provided by the teacher with missing letters and punctuation . Enter the highlighted words in the table and form the required (grammatically possible) verb forms. The table and a sample of its filling are attached.
Dedicated word |
Infinitive |
Kind, conjugation, transitivity |
3 person pl. h. future tense |
Valid participle in singular |
gerund |
Imperative in units |
returned | return | perfect, 2 ref. | will return | returned | returning | come back |
cold | get colder | perfect, 1 question, inconvert. | --- | --- | --- | --- |
you open | open | imperfect, 1 question, transition | will open | opening | opening | open |
A) Quite (not) (a) far away, thirty versts ra..pol..lived rich settlement..vengeance of Prince Vereisky. Prince (in) the course.. of a long time found in foreign lands and (n ..) what kind of relationship (n ..) existed between the two villages of Pokrovsky and Arbatov. But (at) the end of May, prince returned .. returned from (beyond) (borders) and pr .. went to his village of which (from) his family (not) saw . Pr..having kicked out to ra..her..osti, he (not) could endure seclusion..denial and on the third day after his arrival.. went ..was to dine with Troekurov, with whom he was (not) when familiar .
B) Prince was is about fifty years old, but he was much older than . Excesses of every kind exhausted his health and half .. lived his (in) indelible seal. (Despite) his appearance was quite ..yatna deputy ..flax and so on ..the habit of always being in society .. pr. He had (n ..) a great .. need for ra (s, ss, zs) and standing .. about missed . Kirila Petrovich was extremely pleased with his help accepting this as a sign of respect from a person who knows light. He began to treat him to a review of his factories and led him to the kennel. The prince, however, almost suffocated in the dog-like atmosphere and hurried out to light up his nose with a handkerchief sprayed with perfume. The old .. garden with its swift .. lindens and right .. flax a.. he (did not) like them .. but he praised and admired .. he was. The servant came ..l dol that the food was delivered ..o and they went to dinner. The prince pr .. limped tired of his walk and already repented .. waving in his service.
B) But in the hall when their old red tape Marya Kirilovna was amazed..n by her beauty. Troekurov settled a guest near her. The prince was revived by her presence and managed (not) how many times to attract her in..mania with curious ra..kazami. After dinner, Kirila Petrovich pr..dl.. lived to ride, but the prince got out of the way, pointing at his velvet boots and joking over his gout. He preferred a walk in the line so that (would) not be separated from his dear neighbor.
D) Two days after this visit, Kirila Petrovich went with his daughter to visit Prince Vereisky. Approaching to Arbatov, he (n ..) could (n ..) admire .. with clean and cheerful huts of peasants and stone .. the master's house built .. in taste (Ah, a ) English castles. In front of the house ra (s, ss, zs) t .. lay a dense green .. meadow on which (W, W) Swiss cows grazed ringing bells. Prince gave the hand of young beauties. The Volga flowed in front of the windows and loaded barges walked along it under stretched sails and flashed fishermen ..and boats so expressive ..lno were nicknamed gas chambers. Then they occupied themselves with ra. .motoring the of paintings purchases..s by a prince in foreign lands. Prince explained Mary .. Kirilovna .. their merits .. and (in) wealth. He spoke about the paintings n.
E) After dinner, the host invited guests to go to the garden. They drank coffees in a pavilion .. on the shore of a wide lake covered with islands. Suddenly split wind music and (six) rowing boat pr..chalila to the gazebo itself. They drove across the lake and visited (a few) many islands. On one they found a marble statue on another secluded cave on the third monument with a sacrament ..oh inscription aroused in Marya Kirilovna girlish curiosity (not) quite satisfied ..o courteous (not) omissions of the prince. Time has passed perfect.