Adjectives to describe a baby
100+ Positive Adjectives to Describe a Child - With Free Printable Poster!
Today I’m sharing a list of 100+ positive adjectives to describe a child with a free printable poster of positive adjectives. I hope you enjoy and find it helpful!
You won’t find phrases like “well behaved” or adjectives like cute, handsome, or intelligent in this list. They’re all unique, positive ways to describe a child’s personality. The free printable poster has a cheerful rainbow background and is perfect for classrooms or home use.
Have you ever noticed that the qualities we claim to value in adults are the same things we try to discourage in children?
We praise children for being quiet, coloring inside the lines, and standing still. Then we say we value innovation, determination, and authenticity.
We also tend to praise children’s appearance constantly but don’t really mention their personalities and actions in positive ways. This list of positive adjectives to call a child will help you change that!
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Table of Contents
How to describe a child
Hearing the words people use to describe my child has made me very aware of the adjectives I use to describe her. Their descriptions have made me really stop and think about the messages our word choices unintentionally send our children.
Frequently we use kind of milk-toast adjectives like “great,” focus on physical characteristics (“cute” or “pretty”), or praise a child for being so “smart.”
There are a couple problems with always praising a child’s appearance or constantly calling them “good” or “smart.”
For one, girls are already bombarded with messages from society that their appearance matters, maybe more than anything else about them.
Although no one means harm when they tell their daughter how cute she is or that she has a nice outfit, it helps reinforce the idea that how they look is more important then who they are. This can cause a lot of problems and confidence issues down the line!
Virtually everyone who talks to us when we’re out tells us how pretty, beautiful, or cute our LG is. They tell us how my husband is going to jealously guard her from would-be boyfriends. Muñeca (doll) and princesa are favorite adjectives from our Miami family.
A few people do comment on how observant she is, but typically only after they’ve called her cute half a dozen times.
Related read: Printable gratitude journal for kids
I know it’s super hard not to call your little one cute all the time. I’ve tried since day 1 to say other things to LG, but “cute” still slips out frequently because she is cute! But I consciously try to mention her other attributes, like her strength and determination, whenever possible.
Constantly praising a child’s intelligence can also backfire. Although it’s obviously fine to mention their smarts in moderation, a child may become afraid of doing anything that might make them look “stupid” if they’ve tied their identity to being “smart.”
This kind of thinking can lead “talented” students to take less challenging classes and tasks because they’ve tied their identity to being a “good student” and are afraid of making less than straight A’s (If you’re a new reader – I have a Masters in Teaching and this is a topic we studied in developmental psychology and educational theory classes. It’s fascinating stuff!)
It’s also really important to read the research on how praise can backfire in the long run. Read Conditional Parenting – it’s a game changer.
Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and...
- Raising Kids
- Kohn, Alfie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
By using more diverse adjectives to describe your child and mentioning their personality traits more than their appearance, you can help your child develop a more healthy and wholistic self-image and greater confidence!
How to use this list of positive adjectives
These adjectives are great for introducing new words to your child. Some of them are more advanced than others, which makes them the perfect way to introduce new words.
They’re also useful for expanding your own repertoire of complements and descriptions.
Additionally, you can use these adjectives if your child has a school assignment to come up with a list of words to describe themselves.
Challenge your children to describe themselves and others in new, different ways each day of the week! See if you can all go an entire week without simply describing someone as nice, pretty, or great.
Make sure to grab the free printable poster (at the bottom of the post) with all 100+ positive adjectives so you can post it in your home or classroom for reference!
Pin this list of positive adjectives now so you don’t lose track of the post!
100+ positive adjectives to describe a child
- Adaptable
- Adventurous
- Affectionate
- Alert
- Ambitious
- Amiable
- Astute
- Attentive
- Authentic
- Aware
- Awesome
- Bold
- Brave
- Calm
- Capable
- Caring
- Compassionate
- Confident
- Considerate
- Consistant
- Courageous
- Courteous
- Curious
- Decisive
- Dependable
- Determined
- Dexterous
- Diligent
- Diplomatic
- Dynamic
- Earnest
- Encouraging
- Energetic
- Engaging
- Enthusiastic
- Fair
- Fearless
- Flexible
- Focused
- Forgiving
- Forthright
- Free-spirited
- Friendly
- Fun
- Fun-loving
- Generous
- Gentle
- Genuine
- Giving
- Graceful
- Gracious
- Happy
- Hardworking
- Honest
- Hopeful
- Humble
- Humorous
- Idealistic
- Imaginative
- Innovative
- Insightful
- Intuitive
- Inventive
- Joyful
- Just
- Kind
- Lively
- Loving
- Loyal
- Merry
- Motivated
- Motivational
- Nurturing
- Observant
- Open
- Open-hearted
- Open-minded
- Optimistic
- Organized
- Outgoing
- Patient
- Persistent
- Playful
- Positive
- Precise
- Punctual
- Purposeful
- Quick-witted
- Radiant
- Realistic
- Reflective
- Reliable
- Resourceful
- Sincere
- Sociable
- Social
- Strong
- Sympathetic
- Trusting
- Trustworthy
- Upbeat
- Vivacious
- Warm
- Welcoming
- Wise
- Zany
Free printable poster of positive adjectives
Here’s a preview of the printable poster of positive adjectives! (The image is just a low-res preview, not the printable PDF)
If you’d like to reference this list of positive adjectives to describe a child, make sure to grab the free printable!
Download your printable poster of 100 positive adjectives here
This poster of positive adjectives matches a set of the growth mindset poster printables I shared recently. Make sure to stop by and grab your free printable growth mindset posters, too.
More positive parenting resources
You can’t pour from an empty cup. These free self-care ideas for moms can help you be the positive parent you want to be! There are also some free printable affirmation cards to help you out.
Do you want to encourage your toddler’s desire to practice gross motor skills? These indoor gross motor toys for toddlers are the best!
Do you have any additional positive adjectives you’d like to see added to the list?
Descriptive Words for Babies & Toddlers
Here is a list of words that describe the babies and toddlers.
Total number of baby words and adjectives: 317 words
Baby / toddler words are listed in alphabetical order.
angel cake,
angel face,
angel from the skies,
boogie boo,
child mine,
cutie pie,
fast, fearless,
free spirited,
goo goo gaa gaa,
heavenly gift,
honey bunch,
my little teddy bear,
straight forward,
sugar puff,
sweet heart,
sweetie pie,
sweet pea,
Download baby / toddler Words PDF: Descriptive Words for Baby / toddler PDF
(Visited 211,283 times, 6 visits today)
Adjectives for the word child. Adjectives characterizing a person as a person
Hello! Very often, when we are asked to describe ourselves or another person in English, we limit ourselves to a verbal depiction of appearance. Meanwhile, a person is a versatile person, having his own character traits and other characterizing features. Without using these words, you will not be able to tell anything about a person as a person. Describing a person in English
In the vast majority of cases, in order to talk about a person, we use descriptive adjectives. In this article, I tried to collect the most popular adjectives that can describe a man or a girl as an individual. For this purpose, you can use words that are part of the following categories:
- Character traits:
- Personality traits
- Mental abilities
- Volitional qualities
- Attitude towards other people, property, work
Let's analyze all these categories separately.
Appearance Dictionary in English Adjectives describing a person in English
Appearance adjectives
Speaking of appearance, we describe height, age, voice, clothes. For example, height can be tall ( tall ), low ( short ) or medium ( medium) , and age is elderly or old ( old ), middle-aged ( middle-aged ) and young ( young ). Speaking about the voice, you can indicate that it is hoarse (cracked ), voiced ( crisp ) or melodic ( tuneful ).
A smile can be charming ( engaging charming ) and sincere ( sincere ) or vice versa, cunning ( cunning ), simulated ( forced ) and insincere ( artificial ). You also need to express your own opinion about how a person looks, using these adjectives:
- winsome - attractive
- agreeable - pleasant
- stylish - fashionable
- dapper - neat (only about men),
- lovely-looking
- awkward - clumsy
- untidy-looking
Adjectives about character traits
Description of a person in English implies a story about character traits, habits and preferences. Sides of character can be both positive (intelligent, optimistic, extroverted) and negative (stupid, pessimistic, introverted). And sometimes the same feature, depending on intonation and context, can be both positive and negative (determined, thrifty, obstinate).
When characterizing an individual, do not forget to specify why you call him that. For example, saying that a girl is hardworking, explain why you think so:
Any is very hard-working. It can work all day without any break at all. I really admire the way it studies and works. (Annie is very hardworking. She can work all day without a break. I really admire the way she studies and works).
Table of characterizing adjectives
The criteria that make up the character of a person are also varied. For ease of memorization and pronunciation, I put them in a compact table with translation and transcription. So it will be easier for you to navigate the criteria and remember the characterizing adjectives.
Word | Translation | Transcription |
Personality traits | ||
arrogant | arrogant | ["ærəgənt] |
irritable | irritable | ["irit(ə)bl] |
confident | self-confident | [self-"kɔnfidənt] |
persistent | persistent | [pə "sist (ə) nt] |
curious | curious | ["kjuəriəs] |
modest | modest | ["mɔdist] |
capable | bright | [bright] |
brave | brave | [breiv] |
creative | creative | [kri:"eitiv] |
discreet | reserved | [ri'zə:vd] |
observation | observant | [əb"zə:vənt] |
enterprising | enterprise | ["entəpraiziŋ] |
sly | cunning | ["kʌniŋ] |
stubborn | obstinate | ["ɔbstinit] |
purposeful | purposeful | ["pə:pəsful] |
boastful | poignant | ["bəustful] |
incorruptible | corruptible | [‚ɪnkə"rʌptəbəl] |
hot-tempered | hot tempered | [‚hɒt"tempərd] |
resourceful | quick witted | [kwik witɪd] |
Mental abilities | ||
open-minded | broad-minded | ["brɔ:d‚maɪndɪd] |
smart | bright | |
smart | smart | ["klevər] |
wise | wise | [ˈwaɪz] |
stupid | foolish | ["fu:lɪʃ] |
witty | witty | ["wɪtɪ] |
slow | blunt | [blʌnt] |
well-read | well-read | |
uneducated | uneducated | [ˈʌnˈedjukeɪtɪd] |
ignoramus | ignorant | [ˌɪɡnəˈreɪməs] |
polymath | erudite | [ˈerədīt] |
illiterate | illiterate | [ɪ"lɪtərɪt] |
mediocre | mediocre | [‚mi:di:"əʋkər] |
ordinary | ordinary | [ˈɔ:dnrɪ] |
Volitional qualities | ||
bold | bold | |
brave | brave | |
cowardly | coward | ["kaʋərd] |
resolute | resolve | ["rezə‚lu:t] |
indecisive | irresolute | [ɪ"rezə‚lu:t] |
courageous | courageous | [kəʹreıdʒəs] |
thrust | stubborn | ["stʌbərn] |
shy | timid | ["tɪmɪd] |
flexible | flexible | ["fleksəbəl] |
fearful | fearful | [ˈfɪəful] |
stubborn | obstinate | ["ɒbstənɪt] |
unwavering | steady | ["stedɪ] |
Attitude towards other people | ||
sociable | social | ["səuʃəbl] |
selfish | selfish | ["selfiʃ] |
friendly | friendly | ["friendli] |
decent | decent | ["di:s(ə)nt] |
cheeky | impudent | ["ɪmpjədənt] |
honest | honest | ["ɔnist] |
tolerant | tolerant | ["tɔlərənt] |
respectful | respectful | [ris'pektful] |
true | faithful | ["feiθful] |
hospitable | hospitable | ["hɔspitəbl] |
alienated | detached | [dɪtætʃt] |
unreliable | disloyal | [dɪslɔɪəl] |
sincere | frank | |
fair | just | |
deceitful | false | |
indifferent | different | [ɪn" dɪfərənt] |
true | truthful | ["tru:Ɵfəl] |
insidious | treacherous | ["tretʃərəs] |
coarse | harsh | |
sensitive, gentle | tender | ["tender] |
strict | strict | |
good-natured | good-natured | [ˈɡudˈ"neɪtʃərəd] |
demanding | exacting | [ɪg "zæktɪŋ] |
noble | noble | ["nəʋbəl] |
altruistic | altruistic | [ˏæltruˊɪstɪk] |
selfless | selfless | [ self les] |
highly moral | moral | ["mɔ:rəl] |
sneaky | scoundrel | [ˈskaundrəl] |
tactful | tactful | [tæktfʊl] |
Property attitude | ||
greedy | greedy | ["gri:di] |
generous | [ˈdʒenərəs] | |
mean | stingy | ["stɪŋɪ] |
economical | frugal | ["fru:gəl] |
economical | thrifty | [ˈθrɪftɪ] |
wasteful | wasteful | ["weɪstfəl] |
Work attitude | ||
responsible | responsible | [ris'pɔnsəbl] |
industrious | hard-working | [hɑ:rd"wɜ:rkɪŋ] |
cooperating | cooperative | [kəʋ"ɒpərətɪv] |
executive | can-do | [kæn-du:] |
irresponsible |
Each person is a unique and special being, therefore each has its own characteristics. The whole world will not find two similar people. Even if we talk about twins, it’s all the same, their character traits are different, although there is an external similarity. All people differ from each other in interests and inclinations, abilities and talents, in temperament and, of course, in appearance. The Russian language is very rich and varied, it makes it possible to describe the qualities of a person very accurately and correctly. We love to be characterized in a positive way. This happens with the help of an adjective - a part of speech that displays a property or characteristic of an object, as well as its possible belonging to someone or something. Adjectives that characterize a person describe in detail and accurately the personality of each.
The word as a means of information exchange
Every person's real life begins with a word. It is a good medium for information exchange. When for the first time the baby says something similar to a word, parents rejoice endlessly. After all, this means that a new member of society has appeared, who is waiting for an interesting, rich life. With the help of words, people can communicate with each other. Also, words play a big role in the description. For example, adjectives that characterize a person help to learn in detail about the qualities of a person, the properties of his character and behavior. Also, the word is a means to achieve goals, because if a person knows how to speak well, he will comprehend the mind of others. Thanks to this means of information exchange, you can have the closest and most reverent relationship, feel whether an evil or kind person is nearby. You can understand the essence of the interlocutor, find out what is in his heart, with the help of words.
What is an adjective and what function does it serve?
The most pleasant and picturesque part of speech is the adjective, because it can be used to describe your feelings, attitude towards a person, the personality of others and compliments. Russian parts of speech (adjective, noun, verb and others) help to display the environment with the help of a word, while even with your eyes closed you can understand what is being said and orient yourself in space. Adjectives add to the main thoughts in a sentence of precision, concreteness and figurativeness. This part of speech denotes a sign of an object. Such words most often appear in a sentence as a definition or nominal part of the predicate. If we turn to an adjective, then the author describes the appearance of a person, as well as his psychological portrait, for example, his habits, way of life, and so on. Adjectives that characterize a person add accuracy, consistency and brightness to the description of his personality. The main function of an adjective is to designate a feature. Adjectives can be qualitative, relative and possessive. The question of how to describe a person can only be solved with the help of adjectives.
How would you describe a person in general?
Adjectives that characterize a person will help to describe a person in general. For a general description of a person, you need to be able to say about his facial features, figure, posture, clothes, the first impression of him, individual characteristics and character traits. You can make a general description even after meeting. For example, a beautiful person will quickly leave behind a pleasant image in memory, so it will be easier to describe it. Even to describe the character of a person, it will be enough just to look at him, and also to learn about the environment in which he grew up. If a person has work related to mental operations, then it leaves an imprint on the muscles of the face involved in this activity. Emotions that prevail, as well as intellectual activity, leave a mark on a person's face every year, month and day. Therefore, the description of the appearance and character of a person are closely interconnected.
Adjectives that describe a person's face
The face plays a very important role in a person's life. After all, it is the first thing people notice. Naturally, a beautiful person should be like that inside and not boast about his appearance. A beautiful inner personality will leave an indelible impression on those who have ever had contact with her.
Looking at the face, you can immediately determine whether a person is cheerful or not, what his mood is, and what kind of life he lived. A face is like the cover of a book.
Describing a person's face, you can pay attention to its shape, color, location of the eyes and eyebrows, and so on. Everyone knows that the shape of the face can be round, oval, square, triangular, diamond-shaped, trapezoid and elongated. By color, the face can be swarthy, white, pink, tanned, red, freckled, and so on. They also distinguish the type of face: European, Mongolian and Caucasian.
Describing a person's figure using adjectives
Adjectives that characterize a person can also help in describing a person's figure. The formation of a person's figure does not depend on his gender, but on the ratio of growth, skeletal structure and deposition of subcutaneous fat.
If we talk about the height of a person, then it can be short, medium, tall and very tall. But the physique can be thin, average, full, obese, plump, plump, stocky, round-shouldered, hunched, athletic, slender, thin and skinny. Also, a person can be broad-shouldered, broad-shouldered and narrow-shouldered, and sloping shoulders are also possible. For example, a fat person can even be narrow-shouldered.
What adjectives can describe human limbs?
Feet and hands have always played a crucial role in human life. Everyone lives and does not think about the fact that we have them. But if some tragedy happens, and a person is left without them, he begins to appreciate what he has lost.
A fat person may have plump limbs. Slender - thin. Legs, for example, can be long or short, slender or low. But if we talk about the shape of the hand, then you can learn something interesting for yourself. For example, a hand can be elemental, square, spatulate, philosophical, artistic, idealistic, and mixed. Thin fingers on the hands of an adult indicate the activity that he performs. Very often they are violinists or surgeons.
Adjectives describing a person's intelligence and ability
Intelligence and ability is what distinguishes a person from an animal. The level of intelligence can always be developed, and each person can become the best. To do this, you need to work on yourself. An evil person, jealous of others, can never become smarter and improve. It stays where it is at the moment. According to intellectual development, a person can be smart, stupid and moderately developed.
But everyone has their own abilities. It is important to note that from childhood you need to try to detect them and direct them in the right direction. After all, if this is not done, a person may regret a pipe dream all his life. Abilities can be associated with activity, knowledge, giftedness, genius.
What words can express an opinion about human communication?
Communication is one of the processes of interaction between people. In the process of communication, relationships are formed between people. This process involves the exchange of thoughts, feelings and experiences. Sociability is determined by activity in communication, such a person is most often self-confident and will always be in the spotlight.
A kind person can be sociable very easily. He will always find something to talk about with others and how to keep the conversation going. Most often, such people easily make contact and make new friends. But an evil person is mostly closed, closed and intractable.
Description of the main human qualities
Each of us has special qualities and character traits. After all, all people are unique, and there are no completely identical personalities. Most often, the inherent qualities in people are influenced by family upbringing, morality and public morality.
Speaking about the qualities of people, it should be noted that we are all different. But there are qualities that are inherent in many. Among the main qualities of a person, one can single out a sense of ownership, ambition, egocentrism, purposefulness, generosity, the instinct of creation and the instinct of destruction.
If we talk about purposefulness, then a cheerful person will always have this quality. It is very valuable for all people without exception. The one who does not aspire to anything, swims with the flow of life, as a result, is left with nothing. For example, such a quality as generosity is considered one of the best. If a person possesses it, then he will be happy and live in harmony.
What adjectives can express emotions?
Emotions are what accompanies people every day. This special kind of mental processes or states of a person is manifested in the experience of significant situations, phenomena and events throughout life.
Enumeration of human emotions can be confusing, as the list of such will be long. Among the main and positive ones, one can single out a joyful, funny, reliable, grateful, caring, gentle, submissive, aspiring, trembling, satisfied and energetic person.
Describing the emotionality of people, one can also single out those emotions that prevent a person and those around him from living. This is a touchy, whiny, indignant, arrogant, proud, envious, crafty, impatient, eternally suffering and fearful person.
Adjectives to help describe the first impression of a person
The first impression is an emotional and physical attitude to the image of a person whom we saw for the first time in our lives. It plays an important role both for those whom we see, and for us, because a first impression can also form about us.
People with bright appearance are most often remembered. It can be a beautiful person and not very, but who has shown himself in something else. We get impressions from a person's behavior, his first words, appearance, clothes, manifestations of taste and intellect. To describe the first impression of a person, such adjectives can come to the rescue: handsome, scary, hunchbacked, tall, short, smart, rich, quick-witted, cheerful, sad, and many others.
When a new personality is born, it receives a unique character as a gift. Human nature can consist of traits inherited from parents, or it can manifest itself in a completely different, unexpected quality.
Nature not only determines behavioral responses, it specifically affects the manner of communication, attitude towards others and one's own person, towards work. Character traits of a person create a certain worldview in a person.
Behavioral reactions of a person depend on character
These two definitions create confusion, because both of them are involved in the formation of personality and behavioral responses. In fact, character and temperament are heterogeneous:
- Character is formed from a list of certain acquired qualities of a person's mental make-up.
- Temperament is a biological quality. Psychologists distinguish four types of it: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic.
Having the same temperament, individuals can have completely different characters. But temperament has an important influence on the development of nature - smoothing or sharpening it. Also, human nature directly affects temperament.
What is character
Psychologists, speaking of character, mean a certain combination of traits of an individual, persistent in their expression . These traits have the maximum impact on the behavioral line of the personality in diverse relationships:
- among people;
- in the work team;
- to self;
- to the surrounding reality;
- to physical and mental labor.
The word "character" is of Greek origin, it means "to mint". This definition was introduced into use by the naturalist of Ancient Greece, the philosopher Theophrastus. Such a word really, very accurately defines the nature of the individual.
Theophrastus was the first to use the term "character"
The character seems to be drawn as a unique drawing, it gives rise to a unique seal that a person wears in a single copy.
To put it simply, character is an aggregate, an association of stable individual mental characteristics.
How to understand nature
To understand what kind of nature an individual has, one must analyze all his actions. It is behavioral reactions that determine examples of character and characterize the personality.
But such judgment is more often subjective. Far from always a person reacts as intuition tells him. Actions are influenced by upbringing, life experience, customs of the environment where the person lives.
But it is possible to understand what kind of disposition a person has. Observing and analyzing the actions of a certain person for a long time, one can identify individual, especially stable features. If a person in completely different situations behaves in the same way, showing similar reactions, makes the same decision - this indicates the presence of a certain nature in him. .
Knowing what character traits are manifested and dominated by a person, it is possible to predict how she will manifest herself in a given situation.
Character and traits
A character trait is an important part of a personality, it is a stable quality that determines the interaction of a person and the surrounding reality. This is a defining method of resolving emerging situations, so psychologists consider a trait of nature as a predictable personal behavior.
Variety of characters
A person acquires features of character in the course of his entire life span; individual traits of nature cannot be attributed to innate and characterological. In order to analyze and assess the personality, the psychologist not only determines the totality of individual characteristics, but also highlights their distinctive features.
It is character traits that are defined as leading in the study and compilation of the psychological characteristics of a person.
But, defining, evaluating a person, studying the features of behavior in the social plan, the psychologist also uses knowledge of the content orientation of nature. It is defined in:
- strength-weakness;
- latitude-narrowness;
- static-dynamic;
- integrity-inconsistency;
- integrity-fragmentation.
Such nuances constitute a general, complete description of a certain person.
List of personality traits
Human nature is the most complex cumulative combination of peculiar traits, formed into a unique system . This order includes the most vivid, stable personal qualities, which are revealed in the gradations of human-society relationships:
Relationship system | Traits of the individual | |
Plus | Negative | |
To self | Picky | Indulgence |
Self-criticism | Narcissism | |
Meekness | boastfulness | |
Altruism | Egocentrism | |
To other people | Sociability | Closure |
complacency | Callousness | |
Sincerity | Deceit | |
Justice | Injustice | |
Commonwealth | Individualism | |
Sensitivity | Callousness | |
Courtesy | shamelessness | |
Getting to work | Organization | Slackness |
Mandatory | Stupidity | |
Performance | Sloppiness | |
Enterprise | Inertia | |
Diligence | Sloth | |
To items | Thrift | Waste |
Thoroughness | negligence | |
Neatness | Negligence |
In addition to character traits included by psychologists in the gradation of relationships (a separate category), manifestations of nature in the moral, temperamental, cognitive and sthenic spheres were distinguished:

Many leading psychologists tend to believe that certain personality traits should be divided into two categories:
- Productive (motivational). Such traits push a person to commit certain acts and actions. This is the goal-feature.
- Instrumental. Giving personality during any activity individuality and way (manners) of action. These are traits.
Gradation of character traits according to Allport
Allport theory
The famous American psychologist Gordon Allport, an expert and developer of gradations of individual personality traits, divided personality traits into three classes:
Dominant . Such features most clearly reveal the behavioral form: actions, activities of a certain person. These include: kindness, selfishness, greed, secrecy, gentleness, modesty, greed.
Plain . They are equally manifested in all the numerous spheres of human life. These are: humanity, honesty, generosity, arrogance, altruism, egocentrism, cordiality, openness.
Secondary . These nuances do not have a particular effect on behavioral responses. These are not dominant behaviors. These include musicality, poetry, diligence, diligence.
A strong relationship is formed between the traits of nature existing in a person. This regularity forms the final character of the individual.
But any existing structure has its own hierarchy. The warehouse of man was no exception. This nuance is traced in Allport's proposed gradation structure, where minor features can be suppressed by dominant ones. But in order to predict the act of a person, it is necessary to focus on the totality of the features of nature .
What is typicality and individuality
In the manifestation of the nature of each personality is always reflected the individual and typical. This is a harmonious combination of personal qualities, because the typical serves as the basis for identifying the individual.
What is a typical character . When a person has a certain set of traits that are the same (common) for a particular group of people, such a warehouse is called typical. Like a mirror, it reflects the accepted and habitual conditions for the existence of a particular group.
Also, typical features depend on the warehouse (certain type of nature). They are also a condition for the appearance of a behavioral type of character, in the category of which a person is “recorded”.
Having understood exactly what features are inherent in a given personality, a person can make an average (typical) psychological portrait and assign a certain type of temperament. For example:
Positive | Negative |
Choleric | |
Activity | Intemperance |
Energy | Hot temper |
Sociability | Aggressiveness |
Decisiveness | Irritability |
Initiative | Rudeness in communication |
Impulsivity | Instability of behavior |
Phlegmatic | |
Perseverance | Low activity |
Performance | Slowness |
Tranquility | Inactivity |
Uncommunicative | |
Reliability | Individualism |
Integrity | Sloth |
Sanguine | |
Sociability | Monotony aversion |
Activity | Surface |
Kindness | Lack of persistence |
Adaptability | Poor perseverance |
Cheerfulness | Frivolity |
Courage | Recklessness in actions |
resourcefulness | Inability to concentrate |
Melancholic | |
Sensitivity | Closure |
impressionability | Low activity |
Performance | Uncommunicative |
Restraint | Vulnerability |
cordiality | Shyness |
Neatness | Poor performance |
Such typical character traits corresponding to a certain temperament are observed in each (to one degree or another) representative of the group.
Individual manifestation . Relationships between individuals always have an evaluative characteristic, they are manifested in a rich variety of behavioral reactions. The manifestation of individual traits of an individual is greatly influenced by emerging circumstances, a formed worldview and a certain environment.
This feature is reflected in the brightness of various typical features of the individual. They are not the same in intensity and develop in each individual individually.
Some typical traits are so powerful in a person that they become not just individual, but unique.
In this case typicality develops by definition into individuality. This classification of personality helps to identify the negative characteristics of the individual that prevent them from expressing themselves and achieving a certain position in society.
Working on oneself, analyzing and correcting shortcomings in one's own character, each person creates the life he aspires to.
As Victor Hugo used to say, a person has as many as three characters: one attributes the environment to him, the other he attributes to himself, and the third is real, objective.
There are more than five hundred character traits of a person, and not all of them are unambiguously positive or negative, a lot depends on the context .
Therefore, any person who has collected certain qualities in individual proportions is unique.
A person's character is a specific combination of personal, ordered psychological traits, characteristics, and nuances that is unique to him. It is formed, meanwhile, for a lifetime and manifests itself during labor and social interaction.
Soberly assessing and describing the character of the chosen person is not an easy task. After all, not all of its properties are shown to the environment: some features (good and bad) remain in the shadows. Yes, and to ourselves we seem somewhat different than seen in the mirror.
Is it possible? Yes, there is a version that this is possible. Through long efforts and training, you are able to appropriate the qualities you love, becoming a little better.
A person's character is manifested in actions, in social behavior. It is visible in the attitude of the individual to work, to things, to other people and in her self-esteem. .
In addition, the qualities of character are divided into groups - "volitional", "emotional", "intellectual" and "social".
We are not born with specific traits, but acquire them in the process of upbringing, education, exploration of the environment, and so on. Of course, the genotype also influences the formation of character: the apple often falls very close to the apple tree.
At its core, character is close to temperament, but they are not the same thing.
In order to assess oneself and one's role in society relatively soberly, psychologists advise writing down one's positive, neutral and negative traits on a piece of paper and analyzing them.
Try to do this and you will find examples of character traits below.
Positive character traits (list)
Negative character traits (list)
At the same time, some qualities are difficult to classify as good or bad, and you cannot call them neutral either. So, any mother wants her daughter to be shy, silent and bashful, but is this good for the girl?
Again, a dreamy person can be cute, but completely unlucky because of the fact that he is always in the clouds. An assertive individual looks stubborn for some, unbearable and stubborn for others.
Is it bad to be gambling and carefree? How far has cunning gone from wisdom and resourcefulness? Ambitiousness, ambition, purposefulness lead to success or to loneliness? It will probably depend on the situation and context.
And how you will be, you decide for yourself!
Write a list of the qualities of a person that you think are very suitable for him as a person.
We offer you an example of such a list (with a decoding of each quality). We hope it helps you a little:
- Workaholism.
A person is able to work for a long time and not complain of terrible fatigue.
- Altruism. A person always thinks about other people, forgets about his own problems, troubles and worries.
- Accuracy. A person tries to take care of his appearance, clothes, things.
- Creativity. A person thinks outside the box, is able to find a way out of any situation.
- Pedantry. A person acts strictly according to the points of any instruction, not deviating from the information presented by a single step.
Adjectives characterizing a person
Sincere, responsible, reliable, inventive, eccentric, talented, selfless, fair, sociable, responsive, stress-resistant, strong, attentive, smart, strong.
Accentuation of a person's character with a description of each type
It is possible to characterize a person taking into account character accentuations. We will tell you a little about them.
Stuck type
Differs in obvious "stuck" on thoughts, experiences. People are not able to forget past grievances, betrayals, quarrels. In conflict, they take a leading and active position. Arguing with such people is almost always useless and pointless. They will stand their ground and are unlikely to admit they are wrong. "Stuck" people are adamant fighters for real justice.
Negative qualities and aspects of this type: resentment (seriously and over trifles), vindictiveness, rudeness, straightforwardness, jealousy, arrogance, harshness, rejection of any other person's opinion.
Conformal type
People of this type are distinguished by hypersociality, turning into talkativeness. Often they do not have their own opinion, they do not strive to somehow stand out from the crowd. "Conformal" people are very fond of various entertainments, they do not deny their interest in gambling.
Negative qualities and aspects of this type: a long process of adaptation to anything, insincerity, pretense, duplicity, misperception of objective reality.
Alarm type
People develop feelings of inferiority. They constantly think that they are acting incorrectly, making mistakes. They do not know how to be themselves, as they try to be the best in everything. They cannot be trusted with the position of leader, since nothing good will come of it.
Negative qualities and aspects of this type: timidity, shyness, isolation, shyness, "bust" with a sense of duty and responsibility, a high degree of sociability only with close people.
Dysthymic type
"Dysthymic" people attract others with their serious approach to any problems and deeds, conscientiousness and good-heartedness. They are extremely negative about all changes. It is easier for them to live the way they are used to.
Negative qualities and aspects of this type: pessimism, decadent mood, solid slow thinking, love of loneliness, desire to work alone (not in a team).
Cycloid type
The main difference between "cycloid" people is a high degree of efficiency. They dress rather strangely (like for picnics, for outdoor recreation). They try to be as interesting as possible for the interlocutors. Charming.
Negative qualities and aspects of this type: instability, inconstancy, excessive gullibility, obsession, laziness, straightforwardness (sometimes), covetousness, excessive gesticulation, inattention.
Exalted type
Emotions are reflected in constant (frequent) falling in love. In people of this type, mood changes so quickly that they do not have time to keep track of it. "Exaltiras" are strongly attached to their friends and therefore try not to scandal with them. They believe in eternal friendship, but often get burned.
Negative qualities and aspects of this type: alarmism, susceptibility to despair, tendency to neurotic depressions.
You can characterize a person with the help of knowledge of temperamental features
Characteristics of temperament types
Always on the move. There is no gloom and pessimism in it. Choleric is an explosive leader. He always argues to the last, defending his own point of view. His distinguishing features and hobbies are hyper-communicative skills, mobility, perseverance, sexuality, craving for extreme sports and experiments, courage, willingness to take risks.
Quick learner, resourceful, fair, reasonable and talented. He is accustomed to discipline, cleanliness and order. Doesn't like cheating. Sanguine is difficult to piss off, but it is possible. For example, routine work is capable of this, since sanguine people do not tolerate continuous monotony. As soon as they get tired of doing this or that work task, they immediately begin to send out resumes to change the type of usual activity.
He is always betrayed by a “frozen” facial expression, timid speech, excessive vulnerability and resentment, shyness, gloom, puzzlement and depression. The melancholic is very sensitive to criticism and praise. Melancholic people are never afraid of loneliness, because they can find harmony within themselves. Their need for friendship is extremely poorly developed.
Silent, balanced, calm, secretive person. He always manages to do everything (despite his slowness), since everything in his life is planned in advance. They differ in constancy in tastes, habits, views.
There are people belonging to the mixed type of temperament. What is temperamental "mixing"? Type of temperament, which includes a "cocktail" of various qualities of a sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.
Adjectives characterizing a person from the good side
Heading: For every dayHere is the most complete list of adjectives that positively characterize a person. The list does not include obscene words and words that are professional terms used by a narrow circle of people for professional purposes (not in colloquial speech).
The list does not include such words as: “beautiful”, “blue-eyed”, “stately”, “slender” and the like. They describe appearance, but (although they are adjectives used to describe a person) they are not related to character and are unable to shed light on personality traits.
Please note: the list contains words that can be both an adjective and a participle (depending on the context in which the word is used at any given time).
Also, remember that some words are neutral in color and characterize a person from the good side only depending on the context in which it is used. But in the same way, it can be used not as a characteristic of positive personality traits, but simply as a statement of fact (without a specific coloring).
If you need the most complete list of adjectives that characterize a person (both positively and negatively), you will find it at the link above.
- Adventurous (characterizes positively, if used in a good way)
- Adequate
- Gambling (here in the meaning - a positively gambling person, for example - an athlete or reckless in studies, work, i.
e. - very enthusiastic)
- Active
- Neat
- Altruistic (altruistic)
- Ambitious (if positively ambitious, in a good sense, we are talking about healthy ambitions of an adequate person)
- Apolitical
- ascetic
- Assertive (capable of confidently defending their rights, not dependent on external assessments, influences and do this without tramping the rights of others)
- Artistic
- aristocratic
- harmless
- Libony 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Sinless
- Carefree
- Careless
- Defenseless
- Malicious
- Envious
- Selfless
- serene
- harmless
- Naughty
- Impeccable
- Blessed
- Belief
- reckless
- Imperminate
- fearless
- Bescerase. the truth, an uncompromising doctor who fights diseases, uncompromisingly destroys the ignorance of a teacher, etc.
- Lessy
- Blide
- Boe
- Great 9000 Strong-willed
- Freestyle
- Freedom-loving
- Receptive
- Enthusiastic
- Impressive
- Affective (in a good way: for example, he is learning all working tasks and professional issues)
- outstanding
- High -moral
- highly educated
- High -acting
- highly organized by high -organization
- High performance
- High energy
- Hardy
- Galant
- harmonious
- Brillial 9000
- Hot (if used positively)
- Hospitable
- Literate
- Humane
- Gutta-percha
- Forethly visible 9000 as daring)
- Active
- Diplomatic
- Disciplined
- Valiant
- Kind
- Kindest
- friendly
- good -natured
- conscientious
- Dobrony
- Dobrustic
- Good -hearted
- Militable
- Trouble -free
- Pla -In
- Long -LOSTED
, tasks and respect for rights ... a useful quality for many professions and especially for learning something, for becoming a person as a professional in his field, etc.)
- Friendly
- Spiritual and moral
- Successful
- Natural
- Woman-loving (useful property under certain circumstances and in some professions)0008
- Sacrificant
- cheerful 9000 , experienced, hardened in scrapes)
- Inveterate
- Wonderful
- Intricate (if something positive is meant by this adjective, then it characterizes it at least - neutrally)
- Entertaining
- Employed 9000
- Sophisticated
- Refined
- Refined
- Dissident
- Interesting
- company
- Social
- Comfortable (for example: Comfortable in communication, in solving disputed issues, etc.)
- specific
- competitive
- constructive
- conservative
- Creative 9000
- Painstaking
- Meek
- Cultural
- Concise
- Affectionate
- Lightweight (lightweight here.
For example: easy to communicate, easy to get on with, etc.)
- Lyrical (neutral characterizes, but in some cases it is a positive property) M0026
- Slow-speaking
- Insensitive (under certain circumstances, such a character trait can be positive)
- Mannery
- Skilled
- Seasoned (here in the meaning - very experienced, knowledgeable in something)
- Melancholic (neutrally characterizes In some cases, it is a positive characteristic.For example, when it is required to exclude people of choleric temperament from the candidates under consideration ... in this case, characterizing him as "melancholy" will do him good)
- Dreamy
- -dependent
- Meteo -sensitive
- Cute
- Milocular
- Merciful
- Peaceful
- 9000 Many-sided
- Mobile (here in the meaning - mobile, easily moving, etc.)
- Powerful
- Fashion 9000 description, sometimes - can serve as a negative feature)
- Thinking
- Soft (here in the meaning - soft in character, not to the touch)
- Soft -hearted
- Assedic
- Reliable
- Finding
- SELECTIVE (In a good way.
For example, the persistent sales manager does not graze before the consumer refusal and reaches its own using the consumer and reaches its own assertiveness)
- Well-read
- Not indifferent
- Not indifferent
- Undemanding
- Unflappable
- Infant (a useful property for ... for example - a surgeon and other specialists where a certain share of insensibility is required to fulfill their professional tasks)
- Nejadema
- Non -resourceful
- Non -Fire 9000 useful property for a man, rather negative for a woman)
- Gentle
- Independent
- Disinterested (a useful feature when it is required to be disinterested in something in order to be objective)
- indispensable
- uninformed
- unpretentious
- illegitimate
- non -sounding
- unallor
- Non -sound
- Non -miserable
- Robless (neutral peculiarity, in some cases, it may mean that a person is simple and without extra “without extra” cockroaches")
- Innocent
- Uncorrupted
- Incorrigible
- Non-contentious
- Unselfish
- Renuting
- Uncompassed
- NEOMOMICAL (It can positively characterize a person if the lack of emotionality, equanimity, excerpt, etc.
) is required,
- Educated
- Sociable
- Objective
- Obligatory
- Gifted
- Obsessed (here in the meaning - obsessed with work, business, etc.)
- Bulbed
- spiritualized
- mischievous
- Optimistic
- Experienced
- Organized
- Original
- Special 9000 Responsive
- Frank
- Open (here in the meaning - open with the soul; open to everything new, to the world, open to people; open to new knowledge, information, etc.)
- waste
- Desperate 9000 (both literally and figuratively - prolific physically, creatively)
- Malleable
- Movable
- Positive
- Darkly
- Clear
- consistent (for example: consistent in actions, in decisions, etc.)
- Painted
- Plane
- Useful 9000 Complete
- Positive
- Popular
- Amazing
- Decent
- Dedicated
- Consistent
- obedient
- permanent (here in the meaning is constant in its views, principles, attitude, etc.
- A funny
- amazing
- respectful
- Truthful
- righteous
- Orthodox
- Pragmatic
- Practical
- Excellent
- Devotee (here meaning faithful)
- Kind
- Predictable
- Preventive
- Providing
- Beautiful
- excelled
- Administrative
- Successful
- Friendly
- Cool
- decent
- Approximate (here in the meaning - sample for imitation) 9000
- Progressive
- Advanced (here in the meaning - highly experienced, knowledgeable, knowledgeable in something)
- Productive
- Exhale
- Pan -fitting
- insight
- Enlightened
- Enlightened
- Simple -I
- Professional
- Professor
- Listen
- Direct .)
- Straightforward
- Straightforward
- Scary
- Punctual
- Good
- Way
- Inquisitive
- Equal
- Equal
- Joy 9000
- Reasonable
- Reasonable
- Calculating
- Refined
- rational
- reactive (here in the meaning - highly active, quick, energetic, etc.
- Realistic
- Rare
- Rare
- Undercoming
- risky
- Repractive 9000 9000 in the meaning - who can do a lot with his hands, is capable of a lot with his hands)
- Original
- Self-sufficient
- Self-forgetful
- Self -critical 9000 , genuine, etc.)
- Compassionate (here - compassionate, compassionate)
- Serious
- Strong (not necessarily physically strong, for example: a strong-minded person, mentally strong, mentally strong, etc.) e.)
- Skeptical
- Modest
- Scrupulous
- Loquacious
- Complicated (for example, complexly organized, etc. this can be both a negative characteristic and a positive one. This word can be described from a good side only if attached to it positive coloring in the context)
- Smecal
- Brave
- Smiry
- Funny
- Smitted
- Fleased
- collected (here in the meaning of an organized, disciplined person)
- Conscious
- solid
- characterizes positively if used with a positive connotation)
- Calm
- Capable (meaning gifted, talented)
- Stable (constant, durable, sane, emotional-stabil, socially stable, etc.
- Street
- Persistent
- Passionate
- Stress-resistant
- Strict 9000
- Happy
- Tactful
- Talented
- Solid (here it means a reliable, stubborn, courageous, inflexible person)
- Creative
- Lucky
- amazing
- Squeezing
- Smiling 9000 depends on the context and circumstances)
- Balanced
- Diligent
- Diligent
- Helpful
- Successful
- concessive
- Sounded
- Frontier
- Scientist
- Calied
- Sustainable (for example: mentally, emotionally, professionally, etc.)
- fanatical (for example, fanatically devoted to work, family, children, children, children, children, children, children etc.)
- Fantasizing
- Lucky (from the word "luck")
- Fatish (depending on the context - in some cases it serves as a positive, negative or neutral characteristic)
- Philosophical (for example: philosophical-minded, philosophical-reasoning, etc.
- Phlegmatic (neutral characteristic, but phlegmatic can be considered a virtue when a person of exactly the phlegmatic type is required, and all other types are undesirable)
- Photogenic
- Fundamental (here in the meaning - strong, strong)
- Charismatic
- Cold-blooded
- Hospitable
- sensitive
- Sensual 9000 Scrupulous
- Flappy
- Dapper
- Exotic (exotic)
- Economical
- Economical
- Economically competent (economically prepared)
- Expert
- Extravagant (sometimes this word can be positively described, sometimes negatively. Depends on context)
- Energetic
- Empathetic (capable of empathy)
- Extreme
- Erudist
- Outrageous
- Elite
- Spectacular
- Humorous
- Homornaya
- Young
- Legally competent/illiterate
- Yurkiy
- Language
- bright
- Yariy (about any inclinations of a person.
- 9000