Full moon story
Myths About Full Moons You Should Ignore
The full moon gets blamed for a lot of crazy stuff—not just werewolves! Here are the common myths about the moon you can finally stop believing.
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Ashley/Getty Images
Bad moon rising?
Everything from pop culture to astrology to ghost stories is full (get it?) of cautionary tales about how full moons can make people—or even non-human creatures—act strange. And while there are ways a full moon can mess with your emotions, you definitely shouldn’t believe everything you hear about this lunar phenomenon. Here are some common moon myths, debunked by science.
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Myth: Surgery isn’t safe during a full moon
There’s a prevailing myth that major surgeries should be scheduled according to your astrological forecast. According to one hypothesis, that’s because the tides could have an effect on your blood flow. While the full moon does tug at ocean tides, it doesn’t affect your blood flow. A study in the journal Anesthesiology, as reported on livescience.com, shows that the moon’s phase had zero effect on the outcome of some 18,000 heart-related surgeries performed at the Cleveland Clinic between 1993 and 2006. The moon has very little effect on the liquid in your body in general. In fact, some studies suggest that it’s actually safer to have heart surgery during the full moon. Studies show that those surgeries have better outcomes and shorter hospital stays—but experts aren’t sure why. Here are more common weather myths you shouldn’t believe.
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iStock/Sjoerd van der Wal
Myth: The moon has a dark side
Despite being the title of Pink Floyd’s blockbuster 1973 album, the “dark side of the moon,” doesn’t actually exist. According to NASA, what we call the “dark side” is actually a “far side.” That’s because the moon rotates, so there is always 41 percent of the moon’s surface that can never be seen from earth. And despite appearances, scientists have figured out that it’s not actually dark on the far side. The few dark spots you can see from earth are the result of “volcanic plains.” Check out these spooky facts about the moon.
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Myth: Cats and dogs go crazy during a full moon
Some people, even veterinarians, believe that cats and dogs freak out during a full moon, like there’s some kind of lunar force that taps into your pet’s psyche. And studies do show an uptick in emergency room visits for cats and dogs during a full moon and in the days before and after. However, that’s probably not actually due to the moon. It’s been argued that there’s so much more illumination on evenings when the moon is full that pets tend to stay out later, frolicking in the moonlight—and potentially getting into trouble. Learn about the bizarre things humans have left on the moon’s surface.
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Myth: The full moon has zero effect on your sleep
Actually, a group of scientists in Switzerland were shocked when they discovered that adults do seem to get less rest during a full moon. In their study, they found that it took people about five minutes longer to fall to sleep, and they woke up 20 minutes sooner. They also spent 30 percent less time than normal in a state of deep sleep. The researchers haven’t yet figured that part out, but it might have something to do with “circalunar” rhythms—our natural daily cycles. This is what would happen if the moon disappeared altogether.
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Myth: Kids get hyper during a full moon and won’t go to sleep
There’s a widely held belief throughout many cultures that a full moon makes kids more active.
But when scientists finally got around to testing this theory, they discovered that kids are always active—during a new moon, full moon, half moon, crescent moon or any moon that happens to be in the sky. Kids will bounce off the walls at bedtime and any old time. According to the researchers, sleep was “1 percent less during the full moon,” which is not “clinically meaningful.”
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Myth: The moon landing didn’t really happen
People have vast conspiracy theories covering all the possible reasons why the moon landing in 1969 did not actually happen—and every one of them has been debunked. Conspiracy theorists examined every inch of the footage and asked questions such as, “Why is the flag waving when there isn’t a breeze on the moon?” Actually that’s “angular momentum”—because the astronauts are twisting the pole and unrolling the fabric. “Why aren’t there any stars in the background?” Because the camera technology couldn’t capture them. Basically, the moon landing doubters apply earth atmosphere logic to the images. They also don’t account for the intricacies of the technology for rockets and cameras. Here are more popular, totally untrue conspiracy theories that took off.
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Myth: Full moons make everyone nuts
The word “lunatic” derives from the Latin word “luna,” also the name of the ancient moon goddess. For centuries people have associated the full moon with crazy times and crazy behavior. Even Hippocrates, “father of modern medicine,” blamed insanity on the moon goddess’s chariot ride across the sky. The full moon has historically been blamed for craziness and monsters, including werewolves. Full moons are also supposed to be the favored event for vampires. It’s true that there is slightly more crime and more visits to the E.R. during a full moon, but there’s not enough evidence to peg it to the moon’s phases.
Scientists account for the “anecdotal” bump in criminality to the natural increase in activity when there’s more light. Check out these unanswered questions scientists still have about the moon.
- LiveScience: “Full Moon Does Not Affect Surgery Outcomes”
- Popular Science: “Getting Heart Surgery? Wait For The Full Moon”
- The Washington Post: “NASA gives us an amazing look at the ‘dark’ side of the moon”
- LiveScience: “Full Moon Sends More Dogs and Cats to Emergency Room”
- LiveScience: “Bad Sleep? Blame the Moon”
- Frontiers in Pediatrics: “Are Children Like Werewolves? Full Moon and Its Association with Sleep and Activity Behaviors in an International Sample of Children”
- LiveScience: “Strange Things Do Happen at Full Moon”
Originally Published: October 14, 2020
Molly Pennington, PhD
Molly is a writer and collage artist with a PhD in film and cultural studies from the University of Pittsburgh. Her professional astrology services and artwork are available at Baroque Moon Astrology. She covers the zodiac, books, movies, TV and culture for Reader’s Digest, and loves to talk about all the ways we make meaning.
Full Moon - a story by James Schofield.
Looking or free English reading practice? Here’s a very funny short story by James Schofield that provides excellent vocabulary practice. You’ll love the clever twist at the end.
James is an English teacher and a very talented writer. This story was first published in print in http://www.business-spotlight.de/. Find out about James’ latest writing project at http://www.jrtschofield.blogspot.de
Nick Samuel was 48, married to Claire, and had two nice children at an expensive private school and was worried that he was about to lose the job that paid for them all. He was the Human Resources director for Topfoods plc and normally enjoyed his work. Until the day the Chief Executive Officer of Topfoods, Jerome Jones (or JJ as he was called) discovered diversity.
“Diversity?” asked Nick when JJ called him into his office.
“Yes, Nick. Do all people in this company have equal opportunities for promotion? Or is it only white middle-class males like you?”
‘And you’, thought Nick. He pointed out that 45% of Topfoods managers were women, 32% were ethnic minorities and that the offices and factories had all recently been redesigned to allow wheelchair access.
“It’s not enough, Nick. What about gays? Or single parents? Did you know that scientists somewhere have proven that culturally diverse teams produce better results than unmixed teams?”
“Yes,” said Nick. “I read that article in the London Business Journal last month.”
“Good. Well, the Journal is giving an award to the CEO who provides the best example of diversity in action and I want to win it.
“I want someone spectacularly diverse in a senior job.”
“Doesn”t that depend on their skills, JJ?” asked Nick nervously.
“Oh, we’ll find a job where they can’t do any damage. Perhaps say goodbye to somebody who’s been too long in one area.”
“So it’s just about winning this diversity award is it?” asked Claire that evening.
“Definitely. Perhaps I should tell JJ about… you know…”
“Oooo. Too risky,” she said. “Just do as he says and find some interesting candidates in the company. I bet there are lots!”
So for the next three weeks Nick interviewed people and produced a file of twelve high-potential possibilities for JJ.
“Why are these profiles anonymous?” “I only got this information from the individuals on the basis of anonymity. If you decide you want to offer one of them something, I can arrange a meeting with you. Shall I begin?”
”Candidate A is 32 and has qualifications in marketing. She’s divorced and has a 3-year old son and a girlfriend. ”
“Excellent! Is she pretty? Would she look good in photographs?”
“That’s sexist JJ, don’t say that at the awards, but yes, she is. She is also a practising witch and can turn …”
“Wait a minute … a witch?” “Yes. Black magic. Very useful in the strategy department.” “You’re kidding!” “No really, JJ. She’s well-known in witch circles.”
“We can’t promote a witch!”
“Well, it makes her very diverse.”
“I’m not interested in weird diverse, Nick. I want award-winning diverse. What about the next one?”
“Candidate B is a 28 year old junior accountant who went partially deaf three years ago …”
”Good so far …”
“… and is a very skillful mind-reader. He knew exactly what I’d planned for the weekend. He could be head of auditing.”
“I do not want a mind-reader next to me in meetings! Next!”
And so it went on for another ten candidates. There were four who communicated with ghosts, three who could move furniture with their thoughts, two more mind-readers and one genuine zombie.
“I know that guy, Nick! I saw him eating a cat at lunchtime down in the garage a month ago but I thought I was mistaken. This is terrible!”
“I’m sorry JJ,” said Nick. “It’s amazing how much diversity there is in the company.”
“This award was a crazy idea of yours, Nick. What did you say to these weird … I mean the people you interviewed? Are they expecting something?”
“No. I just said that we might promote somebody on the basis of their special skills.” “OK, let’s forget about this and destroy that information. If the newspapers find out about this…”
Nick went home early that evening.
“You were right of course,” he said to Claire over supper. “Lucky I didn’t say anything about my … um … special feature.”
Claire laughed. “Oh, don’t forget the time. The moon will be out soon.”
Nick scratched his chin, which badly needed shaving. “Yes, such a bore. Thank goodness it’s only one night a month. Shall we go for a walk after I’ve changed?”
“That would be nice”, said Claire. I’d like some fresh air.”
So half an hour later, with a bright full moon shining in the sky, Claire Samuel could be seen walking down the street while her husband trotted behind her and sniffed the bottom of all the lampposts.
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description, content, interesting facts and much more about the film
Film Full Moon Kingdom
1 hour 33 min.
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22 9000
A witty and stylish comedy about the first love of two young adventurers. Edward Norton leads the Boy Scouts, Tilda Swinton tries to stop the kids, Bill Murray stays calm, and Bruce Willis, as expected, saves everyone.
The name of the film by the famous inventor Wes Aderson is associated with something magical, and the film really looks like a fairy tale, although this story could well have happened in reality. It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of whether this is an adult or children's movie. It can be said differently: this is a touching and funny story about love, which, as you know, all ages are submissive. The film is set in the 60s. Against the background of the bewitching landscapes of the English island, an equally bewitching story unfolds. One fine day, twelve-year-old Susie Bishop, a girl with a difficult character and a heavy look, runs away from home. At the same time, the brave and judicious Sam Shikaski runs from the Boy Scout camp. The kids have been plotting their escape for a long time and now boldly go on an adventure, hiding from their pursuers who want to return them from the "Kingdom of the Full Moon" back to the world of adults.
The film, which became in every sense of the word the opening of the Cannes Film Festival. Thousands of rave reviews and high marks from critics - with such a resounding success, "Kingdom of the Full Moon" appeared on the screens, and now our Internet cinema offers to watch this wonderful film online.
Rating Evie
Interesting story
2021, Russia, Melodrama
92 minutes
Out of range
2016, Russia, Family
84 minutes
Yolki 5
2017, Russia, Adventure
98 minutes
Private Pioneer 3. Hello, adult life!
1977, USSR, Soviet
91 minutes
2011, Russia, comedies
96 minutes
Christmas trees 2
2017, Russia, comedies
82 minutes 9000 , USSR, Soviet
95 minutes
White ship
2015, Russia, comedies
109 minutes
2017, Russia, Comedies
96 minutes
2022, Russia, fantasy
88 minutes 9000 Comedies
85 minutes
2019, Kazakhstan, comedy
Employment Off-line (in Kazakh)
2018, comedies
92 minutes
2004, Belarus, comedy
79 minutes
Little fugitives
2021, Ukraine, Comedy
matchmakers 7
2019, Russia, Family
103 minutes
, Russia, Russia, sport
128 minutes
Choice IVI
Legend No. 17
2013, Russia, Historical
2018, Russia, Adventure
81 minutes
Heroes and heiress of the throne
2022, Russia, comedies
93 minutes
My dad - leader
9000 9000 9000 2 muurreimuurrey
Trailer (Russian)
1 min.
Evie's Choice
Movies about true love
Movies in HD
Sam Shakasi is an orphan with a difficult character, who was abandoned even by his adoptive parents. The boy is an outcast among his fellow Boy Scouts. Susie Bishop is a twelve-year-old girl, withdrawn and unstable, who prefers the magical worlds of fantasy to reality. Her mother secretly from her husband meets with the local sheriff.
After meeting at a Boy Scout camp, the boys fall in love and decide to run away. Having discovered the loss of his ward, the Boy Scout coach organizes a search party. The guys are found, and Sam rushes into a fight with the boys from the detachment, and Sue, prone to outbursts of rage, injures one of them with scissors.
At the same time, the police are also looking for children. The kids are just trying to find another place where their lives can be happy, but the sheriff finds them and separates them. Now Sam is waiting for a colony for orphans, where he will undergo shock therapy.
Boys from the scout troop, who previously did not like Sam, now have a completely different attitude towards himself and the girl he loves, and therefore they help the couple arrange an escape. Having married in the church, the guys swear eternal fidelity to each other.
A sudden downpour causes the dam to collapse and all the locals, including fugitives and scouts, take refuge in the church. Adults have no choice but to accept the love of children. The sheriff decides to adopt Sam, and the boy agrees to always be by Susie's side.
is a wonderful, ironic, tender and touching film about love and friendship. wild thrill!!! February 27, 2014 , reminded me))). Filled me with regret about the time when I could be myself and believe that this world can be changed and that you can love recklessly and naively. Thanks to the creators. I experienced pleasant moments of fun and hope. Bright unusual! He will be in my favorites)
August 14, 2012
If you are over 18 and you are faced with the fact that it is difficult to love sincerely in our time, then this film is definitely worth watching. Everything here is for real, without any conditions and self-interest - sheer romance. In general, the same story of Romeo and Juliet - it is eternal.
August 7, 2012
This is not the first time we have chosen the Kingdom of the Full Moon to watch online, because we know that it is possible to have a great evening with this film, it creates a very good mood!!!
September 21, 2013
wonderful film, neighing from the heart))
August 7, 2012
nina. sundukova
Light, purity, sincerity. What music! On all the strings of the soul! With faith in hope, with the right to love!
August 23, 2012
Two 12-year-old singles, a boy scout and a reader about "kingdoms" found each other. They fled to find their happiness - to build their own world, and they succeed. Perhaps at the beginning the action is really a little drawn out, there is no dynamic development, but then the events fly along the thumb - a series of escapes, rescue operations, a storm, destruction - and love, so touching, sincere, devoted. The action, by the way, takes place on American Island at 1965 (this is for those who love films of a certain time). Here. Good movie.
February 24, 2013
I haven't watched such films for a long time!!
August 8, 2012
A film about pure and sincere feelings and actions. Looks easy and fun.
August 12, 2012
Fabulous movie! Magical and touching. Wes Anderson is amazing!
August 17, 2012
I haven't seen anything like it. Amazing movie!
June 3, 2013
To the modern society of lost landmarks, this film is a wonderful candle in the ass, especially for those suffering from constipation caused by deceitfulness of character and selfishness, elevated to the rank of slave culture of the system of the devilish bureaucratic power system of corrupt officials of a real society in which we all forgot about the highest values of the most human concepts of sincere friendship, human trust and nobility. This film is an instruction for the survivors, among the walking dead, on returning to the beginning of recovery and cleansing the world of the 21st century from lies and selfishness. With respect and gratitude, Dr. Baaz, to all who participated in the creation of this wonderful film.
June 5, 2013

Details about the movie "Kingdom of the Full Moon".

About the filming
Two-time Oscar nominee Wes Anderson's new film takes viewers to the world of New England in the 1960s and tells the love story of two young hearts. The intrigue of the film revolves around their escape from the camp.
“It's a story of first love and a magical summer,” says film producer Jeremy Dawson. - It's a sweet and charming film, at the same time funny and ironic. The title of the film refers to the name of the bay where our two young heroes are hiding. On the map, this bay has a technical name, but for children it is a secret and magical place, which they give a new name - the Full Moon Kingdom.
The film starred real masters of world cinema - Bill Murray, Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Tilda Swinton, Frances McDormand. And for the role of teenagers in love, Wes invited young debutant actors - Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward, who, according to the director, brilliantly coped with their roles.
Swinton and McDormand, Bruce and Edward worked with Wes Anderson for the first time, which is not the case with Bill Murray and Jason Schwartzman. They played in the famous film directed by Rushmore Academy back in 1998, and after that they worked with Andersen more than once.
The film was written with Wes by Roman Coppola, who also wrote Anderson's comedy Darjeeling Train.
Here is what the young actors say about their heroes.
“Susie Bishop is not understood at home. She has three little brothers, a father with cockroaches in his head and a mother with a love affair on the side. She is a very sensitive and at the same time resilient girl,” says Kara.
“My hero is a boy with extraordinary abilities,” says Jared Gilman. - He suffers constant humiliation from the scouts of his squad and his adopted brothers. One day in the church he meets Susie, they find understanding in each other, they dream of being together and during the year they develop an escape plan.
Wes wanted the guys not just to learn the words of their role, but to feel comfortable in the skin of their characters, understand the motives of their behavior, during the filming he gave Kara and Jared homework. “During filming, I learned how to steer a canoe, learned a few karate moves, tried my hand at cooking – there is a scene in the film where I cook over a fire,” Gilman recalls. The boy needed to feel the atmosphere of the 60s, so Wes gave him the Clint Eastwood film Escape from Alcatraz, which was filmed in 1963 year.
In addition, Wes forced the young actors to write letters to each other, as their characters do, who wrote to each other for a year after they first met. Jared and Kara tried to start emailing each other, but the trick didn't work with Wes, who insisted on handwriting from the young actors.
Cara, she says, felt like she was in the 60s when she saw a typewriter in her screen mom's office, played by Frances McDormand, for the first time in her life.
Frances made a lasting impression on Cara: “Fran is amazing. Probably my favorite scene is the one in the bathroom where I'm talking to my mom. This is a very tender and emotional scene that reveals Suzy's feelings to us. It was great to watch how Frances and I transform and become different people in the frame. I liked the fact that I got the opportunity, at least for some time, while working on the set, to be different from what I am in ordinary life.
Masters and beginners
In general, venerable actors provided all kinds of support to young performers. For example, Bruce Willis advised to run over the words of his role again before filming, even if it seems that the text has already stuck in his memory, and Bill Murray taught Gilman how to tie his tie. Such mentorship is not new to Bill, who he says once taught a guy how to shave.
Actor and director Bob Balaban acted as narrator in Moonlight Kingdom. “When I read the script, I couldn't let it go,” says Bob. - It was a script for a truly captivating film with great characters and dialogues. The main character, Suzy reads a lot and loves adventure books for children. I would say that my character reflects the style of the whole film, becomes the voice of the book, Suzy's own adventure book that she writes in her head. "
Everyone who has worked with Anderson notes how precise his directing style is. He always, even before he arrives on the set, is well aware of what he wants to get on the screen and how to achieve this.
“Wes has a firm hand, but despite that, everything is very relaxed on set,” says Balaban. - Actors love it. He won't bother you if everything is fine. But if he decides to achieve something from the actor, then he will not leave him behind.
“As a producer, writer and director, Wes controls every aspect of the project, from costumes, props to casting,” says producer Dawson. - All these elements are part of the world that he wants to create in the cinema. He wants the film to be a real adventure for all the people involved in making it, whether it's a train journey through India or a submarine in the Mediterranean. And 'Moon Kingdom' continued this tradition."
Children on the playground
Even when there are many takes to be done, Anderson remains calm. This skill was very useful to him on the set of "Kingdom ...", as the main and secondary roles were played by children. “Wes was great with kids, and so was Steven Spielberg. He seems to inspire them,” says Balaban.
Anderson was able to find an approach to children precisely because his films combine the seriousness of the adult world and children's fantasy. "Kingdom of the Full Moon" reveals to the viewer the world of children, full of dreams, secrets and secrets.
The film is set on an island, and the filmmakers had to work hard to find a place that could really capture the imagination of teenagers and awaken their thirst for adventure. The search took the film crew to Rhode Island, known for its landscape splendor. This story was filmed in Narragansett Bay. An 1,800-pack Yawgoog scout camp was set up nearby. In the film, viewers will also see the well-known Trinity Church in Newport in US history, where George Washington himself was a parishioner. But the most unique filming location was Prudence Island. According to producer Dawsen, this is a completely virgin corner of America, where there is no infrastructure at all, but only a small shop. On this island, untouched by civilization, the film crew traveled by ferry.
The filmmakers had to deal with the fact that in one day they had to shoot three or four different locations: a park in one place, a beach in another, a waterfall somewhere else. To do this, Anderson did a huge preparatory work before filming.
A few weeks before principal photography began, he hired a small crew and traveled around the island with child actors, filming footage that later made it into the finished film. “We spent a whole week in the woods,” Gilman recalls. “The scenes filmed during this hike were not written into the script, which left room for improvisation.”
“We had the feeling that we were all in a camp or a well-organized playground with certain rules. This is exactly what the filmmakers were aiming for. Wes wanted all of us to experience a "communal" existence while making this movie," says Balaban.
“My first day of filming fell on camp shooting. When I arrived at the site, I realized that the actors do not have any trailers or anything like that, ”recalls Bill Murray. - We had tents, camping tents. And meanwhile, there was a forty-degree heat and it was raining. When 51 people are stuffed into a tent, it becomes, to put it mildly, a bit hot. But then we got used to it and settled down quite comfortably.”
“From my point of view, all of Anderson's previous films are set in some sort of undefined time, sort of a mix of past and present,” says Dawson. "Moon Kingdom is Wes's attempt at recreating 1965."
In order to adequately convey the 60s on the screen, the filmmakers approached the visual style of the film very carefully.
“We searched hundreds of antique shops, rented things for filming from crew members or older people we knew. Wes looked for adequate props anytime, anywhere, even going for a walk,” recalls set designer Chris Moran, who had already worked with Andersen on the set of The Tenenbaums.
Throughout the country, props were looking for old tents for the Boy Scout camp, and the required number could not be found even in army stores. Chris and his team managed to find only a few vintage tents, but they did not match either in color or in size and shape. Wes wanted to see tents in a certain bright yellow color with padding on the inside. Eventually, New Hampshire, a company that specializes in vintage 40s style tents, accepted the order to build 60s tents.
Fantastic work done by production designer Adam Stockhausen. “I studied that era thoroughly - starting from the lifestyle of people of that time and ending with some minor details of the interiors of the 60s,” Stockhausen recalls. Moreover, Adam researched the history of Scouting and Boy Scout camps, which flourished in the 60s. For the filming of the film, canoes were created, which were tested every morning in the hotel's swimming pool. Local artisans often came to the aid of the filmmakers, for example, one artist carved raccoon figures for the nose of a canoe and totem poles for a Boy Scout camp, another used sticks to create furniture for the tent of the head of the Boy Scout camp, played by Edward Norton.
The next step in recreating the atmosphere of the 1960s was the handmade costumes. The Boy Scout uniforms, which the costume designer recreated in perfect detail, from socks to buttons, had to be especially sweaty. In total, 350 sets of uniforms were sewn for filming.
An unexpected difficulty arose with Suzy's school two-tone leather shoes - these were the shoes in the 60s, and modern manufacturers do not produce such shoes. With great difficulty, two necessary pairs were found, one of which was put up for sale on the Internet.
According to the costume designer, her favorites are those of Susie, the Boy Scouts, and those of Frances McDormand and Tilda Swinton. Tilda Swinton plays a social worker, and her costume is the most rigorous and structured. In everyday life, social workers do not wear uniforms, so the costume designer used the uniforms of the Salvation Army, as well as other services where women work, as inspiration. The costume of Mrs. Bishop, played by Frances McDormand, contrasts with the clothes of the heroine Tilda Swinton. Mrs. Bishop is the personification of the bohemian world of the 60s. Although she is a lawyer by profession, she grew up in a house full of creative people, so Mrs. Bishop's costume is filled with interesting bright elements.
“My mother used to wear the same clothes as Frances when she was young,” says Swinton. - I remember these colors from early childhood. The costumes for the film are recreated with great care.”
“In the story of the Kingdom of the Full Moon, our heroes, adults, do not know what they are doing,” Swinton thinks. “But over time, they realize that they are no less children and no more adults than two teenagers in love.