Matching shapes for toddlers
Shape Matching Game -
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10 Sorting & Matching Toddler Milestones
Today we’re diving into a lesson full of fun shapes and bright colors! We’ll talk about ten key milestones for sorting and matching shapes, colors, and pictures. But it’s not just fun and games. These milestones and skills are so much more than what they appear to be on the surface. They are the gateway to cognitive development for your toddler.
Child development occurs in several categories: Physical motor, Social and cognitive. Just as your baby is learning to wiggle his fingers, roll over, and even crawl, he is learning cognitively too. As he hits sorting and matching milestones, he is working his brain and soaking in new knowledge.
You can read more about Baby & Toddler Cognitive Development here
In fact, all of the types of development work together. As your toddler separates triangles and squares, he is finessing his fine motor skills and his hand-eye coordination. When your little one understands to pick up his bright red toy and not his blue one, he is working his language skills (he’s learning the difference between the words “red,” “yellow,” and “blue”).
Your child’s muscles, movement, and mind are getting better with every milestone and every minute.
That’s why we want to talk about how to help your toddler develop these visual discrimination milestones with useful activities and advice. Your “baby” really isn’t a baby anymore, so you need to know what’s coming next as your toddler takes on a new age of milestones.
We have a lot more information about Baby & Toddler Milestones here
Shaping Up
Your toddler’s visual processing begins in two key areas: shapes and colors.
Sorting shapes is a great way to get better coordination and develop thinking skills. Use toy sorters with holes for different shapes, and watch your munchkin experiment. Point out circles, triangles, and squares and help your toddler understand shape names and match corresponding shapes.
Music and rhyme is another great way to get your little one familiar with basic shapes. Many toys, shows, and books include nursery rhymes about shapes that can be super helpful.
Learning Colors
First comes shapes, then comes colors!
Playing games and reading books that teach colors (we’re fans of The Very Hungry Caterpillar) is a great opportunity for color learning activities. These activities will help your toddler understand the true concept of color. After all, there are thousands of shades of reds, and countless blues, and how is your little one supposed to get a handle on that? Give these color activities for toddlers a shot, and your child will get the education that he needs to understand colors.
One color sorting toy that we love is the set of different-colored rings. Practice with your toddler by saying colors out loud, and see if he can identify the right ring.
If your child is getting older and older and still can’t seem to grasp his colors, don’t freak out! Chances are, color-blindness is not your issue. Teach colors in a way that is easier for kids to understand. For example, say “the car is blue,” not “the blue car.”
This simple change in sentence structure will make a huge difference. Learning colors is like learning a new language, so give your toddler some credit, and be patient. Remember that children learn at different rates and stages.
There are plenty of other matching and sorting activities and learning activities that we encourage you to investigate. Mastering colors and shapes will prepare your toddler for bigger and better things down the road.
Ready for Numbers
Learning shapes and colors may not seem too crucial. It may feel a lot like just fun and games. But the early childhood development skills that your toddler is learning are actually precursors to learning numbers and understanding math, and they’re the beginning of short-term and long-term memory.
If your kiddo has a knack for matching shapes, he’ll be better prepared to take on geometry. If sorting colors and pictures is a cinch, your kid will be right on track for sorting sets according to their number.
Mathematical milestones like one-to-one correspondence and number sense will be much easier in kindergarten if you get your child on track with sorting and matching now. Trust us. Get your preschooler knowing his shapes and colors, and he’ll be killing it in kindergarten.
After all, education shouldn’t start with a teacher in a classroom. It starts with parents, and it starts in the home. And believe it or not, math skills start developing as early as year one. Your toddler may not be spouting off multiplication tables, but he’s definitely working on it.
Recognizing Colors
Development Milestone emerges from age 12 to 18 months.
Your child will become aware of different colors at around one year. For example, your son may favor all of his blue blocks and separate them from the other colors. Perhaps your daughter seems to hesitate before picking a crayon. She’s choosing which color she wants.
Matching Objects
Development Milestone emerges from age 15 to 19 months.
Your soon-to-be toddler is using his brain power to match up his favorite toys!
If you want to channel your little one’s brain waves to start matching objects, place six objects in front of him, with two being different from the rest. See if he will group the similar toys together.
Sorting Objects
Development Milestone emerges from age 19 to 24 months.
This cognitive skill is a level up from just matching! Your big boy can now sort a jumble of toys into three piles of matching objects. Maybe he’ll pick out the peaches, pineapples, and grapes from his fruit cup. Maybe he’ll separate dolls, cars, and dinosaurs.
Create fun sorting games to stretch your toddler even more.
Matching Circles, Triangles, and Squares
Development Milestone emerges from age 26 to 30 months.
Matching shapes like circles, triangles, and squares is a key milestone of being a toddler. You can encourage learning shapes by showing your baby one of each shape and naming and describing them. See if he can point out his own circle, triangle or square.
Matching Black and White
Development Milestone emerges from age 26 to 29 months.
Before we move up to primary colors, your toddler will match black to black and white to white. You can make a fun game out of this by holding up a black or white toy and seeing if your baby can identify another object of the same color.
Matching Two Identical Images
Development Milestone emerges from age 27 to 30 months.
The beginning of card games and matching activities, identifying two identical photos or images is another leap for your young one. Give your baby a photo and let him study it. Then hold up two images, with one being the same as the card in his hand. See if he can pick out which photo matches his.
Matching Reds, Yellows, Blues
Development Milestone emerges from age 29 to 33 months.
Your toddler is starting to see the world in color! He should be able to match reds to reds, blues to blues, and yellows to yellows. See if he can show you that his red toy truck is the same color as a red block or ball.
Matches Similar Pictures
Development Milestone emerges from age 30 to 36 months.
Not only can your toddler match identical cards, but as he approaches that three-year mark, he will be able to identify objects and images that are similar. For example, he will recognize that a gray cat and an orange cat are related.
Find pairs of different items around your house, and see if your little one can pick out which objects are related.
Sorting Basic Shapes
Development Milestone emerges from age 30 to 36 months.
At as early as the thirty-month mark, your toddler will be able to separate circles, triangles, and squares, clearly understanding that they are three distinct shapes.
Challenge your toddler to do this by giving him three boxes to put away his toys--one box for each shape. Watch to see if he can do it, and encourage him to keep trying if he makes a mistake.
Sorting and Recognizing Colors
Development Milestone emerges from age 33 to 40 months.
As your toddler is playing with his countless toys, he might start sorting them all by color. You can encourage color sorting by giving him containers to sort every toy by color. If you ask him to put red blocks here and blue blocks there, he’ll soon be able to group the correctly colored toys.
Click here to view our entire collection of fun and educational activities for Babies and Toddlers
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What kinds of sports are suitable for a child
Sports for children are the key to full development, strong immunity and healthy communication. But all this is only right if the sport you choose is right for your child. Which sports are suitable for children today are determined with the help of special tests.
These studies take into account the temperament of the baby, his physical condition and possible contraindications. After passing the test, you will know for sure in which sport your child will achieve good results.
Determine the child's predisposition to sports
When choosing a sport for a child, almost all parents make the same mistake. They give children to the sections recommended by friends, grandparents, or simply at their own request. At the same time, it does not take into account at all whether this section is suitable for the baby himself.
Many go from the opposite, for example, giving a calm son to active sports, and a fidget to chess. As a result, the child simply refuses to go to the circle, because he is not interested and not comfortable. In fact, it is very important to determine the predisposition of a child to a sport. Not only will this avoid reluctance to go to the section, but it will also prevent a possible risk to health, both mental and physical.
You can determine a child's predisposition to sports on your own using online forms, but these results will not be accurate. If you plan to send your child to professional sports, a specialized test must be passed.
Specialized research determines the appropriate club based on the following factors:
- Age;
- Sex;
- Temperament;
- Interests;
- Physical training;
- State of health.
As a result, you will find out which sports are recommended in your particular case, and which are categorically contraindicated. Below is a test that will help determine the appropriate sports for the child on their own.
When calculating the results, it should be taken into account that this test is of an exploratory nature, and in order to obtain more accurate results, it is necessary to contact a specialized center.
Which sport suits your child - test
Select qualities that match the child's character:
- A - Friendly but not self-confident:
- B - Calm, thoughtful, purposeful;
- B - Inquisitive, cheerful, active;
- G - Likes to be a leader, quick-tempered, restless.
Describe the relationship of the child in the team:
- A - Friendly, he has good relations with the whole class;
- B - He has few friends, he is closed;
- B - There is a best friend;
- G - He has many friends and is always in their company.
How the baby behaves when he starts to lose
- A - After persuasion, he agrees to play more;
- B - Losing upsets him, he refuses to continue the game;
- B - Ignoring the failure continues to play;
- G - Cries and shows aggression.
How the baby behaves on a walk
- A - Plays and has fun with other children;
- B - Can play alone, always finds something to do;
- B - Prefers active games on sports simulators;
- G - Can run without stopping.
If a child is thrown a ball what will be his reaction
- A - Probably won't catch;
- B - Will not even try to catch;
- B - Likely to catch;
- G - Catch and continue the game.
How does the child behave when doing homework
- A - Difficult start, does not show desire, asks for help;
- B - Does homework independently without parental control;
- B - Does it conscientiously, neatly, tries to do everything faster;
- G - Does not do it carefully, but quickly, is distracted by trifles.
Calculation of results
Answers A predominate
The child is sociable, but not very self-confident. It is undesirable for such a baby to engage in individual sports. Better if he is on the team. He is suitable for any team games, such as basketball, football or hockey.
Answers B prevail
Such children feel great with an opponent one on one. They are thoughtful and prefer to develop the fight strategy themselves. These kids are suitable for any martial arts, fencing or chess.
Answers prevail B
The kid was just lucky with his character. He is outgoing, friendly, inquisitive and loves to be the center of attention. Such children are recommended sports where they can reveal their individuality, such as figure skating, acrobatics or golf.
Answers predominate D
You have a growing fidget who simply cannot sit still. For such children, sports are important, where a quick reaction and a change of pace are necessary. Tennis and similar disciplines are suitable for them.
In order to more accurately determine your child's predisposition to a sport, it is recommended to contact one of the testing centers. Enrollment in these centers is carried out online on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow.
What are testing centers and how does it work
Recently, parents are more and more often recommended to take professional testing in specialized centers, where they can determine which sport is suitable for their child. But not everyone knows what testing centers are and how it works.
Centers for determining the predisposition of children to certain sports is a project of the Moscow Sports Committee. There are 11 centers in Moscow where ages 5.5 to 12 can be tested free of charge.
When visiting the center, you must have a parent's identity document, a child's birth certificate, a certificate from the district pediatrician on admission to physical education and a set of sports uniforms. The test cannot be considered as an entrance exam to a sports school. The study is carried out solely for the purpose of determining the appropriate sport.
What does the procedure consist of?
The procedure lasts no more than two hours and consists of several stages. After completing all the tasks, parents receive the results in the form of a small list of sports disciplines that are suitable for a particular child. Also, the recommendation will indicate sports that are not suitable for a young athlete for various reasons. These recommendations must be taken into account when choosing a section. Professional testing was developed by leading specialists of the Moscow Department of Sports.
Professional testing
Professional testing includes anthropometric, functional and sports studies. In total, these centers determine the predisposition for 77 safe and traumatic types of sports disciplines.
During the test, the child will have to complete various exercises and answer a series of questions. Before professional testing, parents are required to fill out a questionnaire, indicating the weight and height of the young athlete. You must arrive at the study center 15 minutes before your scheduled time. The procedure consists of the following steps:
Anthropometric examination
Anthropometric examination is a physical condition measurement. At this stage, experts will determine the weight, height, chest size, body parameters and other physical indicators. The results of this stage form the basis of the following stages of the study. In other words, at this stage, experts determine the predisposition to which sport is inherent in nature.
Function test
Functional testing measures physical abilities such as endurance, balance and performance.
The study consists of four stages:
- Rufier - measurement of heart rate during exercise;
- Step - measurement of endurance of the heart and respiratory system;
- PWC 170 - measurement of endurance with increasing physical activity;
- Romberg - determines the state of the vestibular apparatus and indicators of coordination.
This study is necessary to determine the amount of physical activity acceptable for a particular child. Without this study, there is a high risk of choosing a sport for a child where he will overwork, which will not be beneficial for the body.
Sports testing
Sports testing is aimed at determining the level of physical fitness and readiness of the child to play sports. During the study, it is necessary to perform a number of elementary physical exercises, such as long jumps, squats, push-ups, bends, ball exercises, etc. The speed and number of exercises performed are calculated taking into account the age and gender of the child.
In addition, professional testing includes exercises on reaction speed, memory, attention and questions to determine temperament. The result of the study are recommendations for choosing a sports discipline in which a young athlete can achieve high results.
Online testing
If you are unable to take a professional examination in specialized centers in Moscow, you can take an online test. When passing an online study, the child will have to perform all the same exercises, and the parent will record the results and enter them into the analysis form.
This procedure allows you to determine which sport is best for the child according to his age and physical development, but it does not show which discipline is best for psychological parameters.
Parents should note that the results are not final. Which sports are suitable for children should be determined in a comprehensive and balanced way. When choosing a section, it is important to take into account the desire of the child.
If the child wants to go to a section that is not recommended to him according to the results of the test, there is no need to dissuade the child. Let the child go and try his hand at the desired sport, because he can always change activities if he feels uncomfortable.
Rollers for children. How to choose the right one
Roller skating has become as much a part of outdoor activities today as bicycles. A huge number of roller skaters, as soon as the asphalt dries up after the winter and the weather permits, take to the streets of cities to enjoy this very accessible sport.
Roller skating enthusiasts are attracted by the following factors:
- the almost complete absence of age restrictions - it is best for children to start roller skating from 4-5 years old, when the musculoskeletal, muscular and vestibular apparatus are already fully developed in order to keep balance, control speed, group and consciously maneuver;
- rollerblading is possible wherever there is good asphalt. In parks, near houses, in the area of stadiums - there is a lot of paved space, finding a piece with a flat and smooth surface is not a problem;
- roller skates are an excellent form of maintaining physical fitness in the off-season for skiers, hockey players, figure skating enthusiasts - for all those whose activity in winter is associated with speed, complex coordination activity and specific movement;
- is a great "family" event - all family members can skate at the same time;
- skates provide great opportunities for excellence: you can move in different types of this sport, choosing for yourself the direction and the level of technical complexity that you like and enjoy;
- skates are very accessible in terms of learning how to ride them.
Even if everything is really bad with your coordination, then 1-2 hours of classes are enough for you to start moving confidently, maintaining balance.
Ready to jump straight into shopping?
- rollers for boys
- roller skates for girls
- Unisex roller skates
- roller skates for men
- roller skates for women
- unisex adult skates
The benefits of videos are undeniable and they definitely need to be practiced, especially for children, so that their life is filled with positive emotions and accessible physical activity.
The question of how to choose videos for a child, especially the first ones, is a serious one. A well-chosen model is the key to effective learning of skills and abilities that will be fixed in a child for life: controlling the position of your body in space, choosing a safe speed and trajectory will reduce the risk of injury, and a bright design to the taste of the baby will increase motivation for training.
In order to choose the right quality equipment for your child - an article with our tips.
Where should you start first? - of course, with a key element, with the right choice of roller skates. But how to choose videos for a child? What should you pay special attention to, and what are the important criteria to evaluate the quality of the acquired "children's" model?
1. Place of purchase.
Don't buy skates in open-air markets like Auchan, where rainbow boxes catch your eye and colorful, Christmas-tree-like models of skates are sold at very low prices. Usually such rollers are of extremely poor quality, there is very weak plastic, the bearings are not designed for any serious operation, the wheels are made of an incomprehensible hard polymer, the frame is even more so, and the roller boot resembles a “Spanish boot” in sensations. The only reason it's worth buying these skates from these places is your burning desire to discourage your child from ever riding them ☺.
The life of such "products", even with very light operation - from 2 weeks to 2 months. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that such videos can fall apart at the most unexpected moment, at high speed, injuring your child.
Online stores are a good source of information on technical features and price levels, but despite all their convenience, one cannot do without an in-person fitting, since everyone's feet are different.
Children grow up quickly and a model that was perfect last season, bought in the online store at an attractive price, may not suit the child at all now.
It is best to buy roller skates in offline stores, where there is a large selection and a large assortment of models, reputable and well-known brands and sizes. In addition, in such stores there are always well-trained, professional salespeople who can help you with the correct and accurate choice of model for the goals and characteristics of the child's skiing.
Kant stores offer two of the most popular types of rollers for children:

Tempish Roller Skates 2022 swist flash blue
6040 10 060
Fila Roller Skates 2021 wizy alu black/red/blue
13 400 16 750
Fila Roller Skates 2021 wizy girl black/lightblue/magenta
15 600
Tempish Roller Skates 2022 swist flash pink
11 390
All models for fitness.
B. Freeskate:
Tempish 9 Roller Skates0110 2022 cocktail mate
8 760 14 590
Powerslide Roller Skates 2021 universe blue/black
13 340 16 680
Rollerblade 2019 cyclone black/acid green
Fila Roller Skates 2022 nrk junior black/violet/pink
11 280 14 100
All freeskate models.
What is the difference between "fitness" models and "freeskate" models?
The main difference is in the boot. On fitness skates, a soft, textile boot is usually used, which is placed on a plastic base and reinforced at the back with a special plastic cuff to fix the ankle.
In freeskate models, most often a hard, full boot. It is made of thick, impact-resistant plastic. Such a boot withstands falls on asphalt, perfectly protects the foot from injuries, and more accurately controls movements. For comfort, a soft, plump and comfortable liner is inserted into this plastic boot, which is called a liner or simply "liner".
This design provides a snug fit in the boot and a sufficient level of comfort for long skiing.
Freeskating also usually has a stronger frame, stiffer and faster wheels. The presence of an anti-shock (special lining under the heel) makes riding comfortable on coarse-grained asphalt or paving slabs. On such rollers, you can master jumping or train the passage of a slalom track.
All this makes freeskating skates more versatile than fitness models.
Fitness rollers are great for beginners, they are as comfortable and affordable as possible, frisk rollers are recommended for those who already have some experience in skating and dedicate a lot of time to this sport.
Nowadays, more and more people use freeskate rollers in everyday skating.
2. Roller size selection and fitting.
If you are buying the first skates for your child, then it is absolutely necessary that the chosen model anatomically matches the baby's leg, fixes the foot well, provides protection from injuries and is as comfortable as possible. Uncomfortable skates can permanently discourage your child from playing this sport. Imagine that you are buying a brand of shoes that you will walk in very intensively - if this shoe does not fit you, you will never buy this brand again. It's the same story with children.
If you buy "fixed" skates, which are not designed with a mechanism for increasing the size, then the shoes of roller skates should be strictly on the leg, well, maybe with a little margin, maximum + 0. 5 sizes. In no case should rollers be taken “for growth”, with a large margin, due to the fact that the point of location of the center of gravity of the body planned by the manufacturer will not coincide with the real one and the control of the rollers will be unpredictable. Try to buy yourself shoes 2-3 sizes larger and walk around in them - we think that it will be extremely uncomfortable for you as an adult, and even more so for a child, with his not yet fully formed muscular corset and nervous organization.
Sliding caster models:
Tempish Roller Skates 2022 swist flash blue
6040 10 060
Powerslide Roller Skates 2021 universe 4w red
14 200 17 750
Roller Skates Fila wizy alu girl 2021 black/magenta
13 400 16 750
Fila Roller Skates 2021 wizy alu black/red/blue
13 400 16 750
Fila Roller Skates 2021 wizy black/lime/lightblue
12 480 15 600
Fila Roller Skates 2021 wizy girl black/lightblue/magenta
15 600
Powerslide Roller Skates 2021 universe blue/black
13 340 16 680
Tempish Roller Skates 2022 swist flash pink
11 390
All sliding rollers in Kant.
Even if you are going to surprise your child and buy roller skates as a gift, all the same, there is a need to purchase them only in person, when you come to the store with your child. Rollers must be measured before buying - parameters such as leg shape, instep, foot width are individual for each child, so you need to choose from three or four models of the same class. It is necessary to stay in each model for at least 3-5 minutes. You need to put on models on a thin, tight-fitting leg, sock - the one that you will use while your child is rollerblading. It is better to refuse to buy a model if there is even minimal discomfort.
In order for the rollers to fit snugly on the leg, it is necessary not only to choose the right size of the rollers themselves, but also to choose socks that will sit well on the leg without shifting from active movement.
Accapi socks 2022-23 trekking ultralight jr black/red
1 390
Accapi socks 2022-23 trekking ultralight jr black/cyclamen
1 390
Accapi socks 2022-23 trekking ultralight jr lime
1 390
Accapi socks trekking merino hydro-r blue
1 390
All children's socks suitable for use with roller skates.
When trying on, ask your child to stand up and move around with support. Feel the inside of the boot, it should not have protruding parts, pressing parts, uneven seams. After dressing, the leg in the roller should be well fixed. Ask the child to put the rollers on their side and see if there is a strong bend or a strong collapse of the ankle inward or outward. If there is, then this is a sign of insufficient fixation in the upper part of the boot, the shape of the roller does not fit your child's leg, which is dangerous by dislocation or sprain in the ankle joint when riding.
When putting on the rollers, the child should have a feeling of soft comfort and precise fixation, the leg should not dangle. If, after putting on, the child’s foot begins to go numb and a feeling of discomfort increases, then this means that you either tightened the lacing with buckles and straps too much, or the boot is too small and does not fit your child.
Buying sliding rollers for a child will significantly save the family budget. Their selection principles are exactly the same as for one-size models - they should also sit on the child's leg as comfortably as possible.
3. Types of rollers according to the number of wheels.
At present, rollers with three or four wheels arranged one behind the other in a row are the most widely used.
Differences between four-wheel and three-wheel inline skates.
Four-wheel inline skates with a wheel size of 80 to 84 mm:
- are more stable and for this reason they are most often preferred;
- provide better weight distribution;
- give more control when performing figures;
- are not as fast as tricycles.
They are more suitable for dance, fitness, difficult tricks and amateur riding through the city streets at a slow pace.
Tempish Roller Skates 2022 coctail mate
8 760 14 590
Powerslide Roller Skates 2021 universe 4w red
14 200 17 750
Roller Skates Fila wizy alu girl 2021 black/magenta
13 400 16 750
Fila Roller Skates 2021 wizy alu black/red/blue
13 400 16 750
Fila Roller Skates 2021 wizy black/lime/lightblue
12 480 15 600
Fila Roller Skates 2021 wizy girl black/lightblue/magenta
15 600
Roller Skates FR SKATES 2020 fr j black
18 060
Fila Roller Skates 2022 nrk junior black/lime/light blue
11 280 14 100
All rollers with four wheels in Kant.
Three-wheeled inline skates with large wheels
Less stable and require more skill from the rider, harder to learn to ride. Designed primarily to develop high speeds. In addition, large wheels have a number of other advantages:
- fast acceleration;
- reduced vibration;
- smoother ride and better glide;
- such wheels wear out less, so they will last longer;
- wheels with a diameter of 120-125 mm can be put on a shorter frame, so the skates become more manoeuvrable.
Three wheels fit better than four. The second wheel in the front has always been a challenge for skate designers as it is closest to the ball of the foot and the bolt that attaches the boot to the frame. Three wheels allow the middle one to sit right in the arch area of the foot, and the other two to sit at both ends of it. Thanks to this, it is possible to move the boot and wheels as close as possible to each other, thus lowering the center of gravity.
Powerslide Roller Skates 2021 universe blue/black
13 340 16 680
Powerslide Roller Skates 2021 universe red/black
Powerslide Roller Skates 2022 jet pro black
15 280 19 100
Powerslide Roller Skates 2021 galaxy boys black/blue
16 190 20 240
All children's skates with three wheels in "Kant".
A detailed article on how to choose the right rollers with three wheels.
4. What should I pay special attention to before buying rollers?
When purchasing skates, pay attention to how precisely the parts of its construction fix the foot in the boot: lacing, Velcro straps, buckles, heel strap. It is the density of fixation of these elements that will ensure the convenience and safety of riding for your child. The boot should comfortably envelop, but not put pressure on the child's foot.
For a toddler who doesn't know how to ride, there are models with a removable interior that is easy to remove, wash and dry after training.
The replacement insole is usually made of a special polymer material that dampens vibration on poor pavement and adapts to the shape of the child's foot.
Lacing is a necessary element for fixing the leg. In modern models, it is found in the classic and fast types. In the first case, the laces are tied to a bow, in the second, they are secured with a plastic clasp. Despite the unusualness, the fast-type system is reliable and safe, and even a 4-year-old beginner roller can easily learn to handle it.
In modern skates, there are “by default” three leg fixation systems: lacing, a Velcro strap that presses the instep of the foot to the insole of the rollers, and an upper buckle with a clip and a “ratchet” that fixes the upper part of the boot.
In "soft" models, an additional Velcro strap is often used in the lower, back of the boot, which fixes the heel relative to the boot.
Pay attention to the presence of a heel brake - for children without riding experience - this is an indispensable element in the design of rollers. Usually it is installed on the right roller, if the child is left-handed - on the left, check with the seller in the store if it is possible to rearrange the heel brake to the left skate.
Models with heel brake:
Rollerblade 2021 fury black/white
12 690
Fila Roller Skates 2021 wizy black/lime/lightblue
12 480 15 600
Roller Skates FR SKATES 2020 fr j black
18 060
Rollerblade 2019 cyclone black/acid green
All models with heel brake.
5. Roller frames.
There are three types of frames: metal, plastic and composite. Metal frames are made of steel or aluminum - they are strong and reliable, very resistant to impact loads, but, unfortunately, are heavier than plastic or composite. Plastic frames are used in beginner models for very small rollers due to the fact that such frames are very light. "Plastic" does not perceive shock loads very well, the service life of such models is short and most often it coincides with the period when the child, having gained experience, switches to more durable and complex models. "Composite" frames combine the lightness and strength of metal and plastic, but they are much more expensive and are used in models "sharpened" for speed competitions or acrobatic stunts.
6. Bearings and wheels.
When buying skates, especially if your child trains at a sports school and participates in "speed" competitions, you need to take into account the accuracy class of the bearing: the higher it is, the higher the speed can be developed. ABEC 7 - the fastest, ABEC - 5 - "golden mean", ABEC - 3 - slower, they are for beginners. The higher the class of bearings, the higher the requirements for caring for them - cleaning after each ride, regular lubrication, drying after rainy weather or riding on wet asphalt are mandatory attributes for high-class bearings so that corrosion does not damage the metal.
Rollers with bearings:
- ABEC 3
- ABEC 5
- ABEC 7
Roller wheels are made of plastic or polyurethane. Polyurethane wheels are most often used in high-speed skates and can be of different stiffness - the harder, the higher the speed they can be developed, respectively, and their wear is minimal. Plastic wheels are cheaper, they wear out much faster than polyurethane, they are much slower.
The optimum wheel size for children's roller skates is between 76 and 80 mm. The larger the diameter, the higher the speed, but maintaining balance on a large diameter is not easy.
Rigidity of wheels for children's skates is usually from 78A to 85A. 85A - racing, 78A - for beginners. Typically, the data marking is indicated on the wheel or manufacturer's packaging.
Children's roller skates with wheel stiffness in "Kant":
- 80A
- 82A
- 85A
7. Ski protection.
Child protection when rollerblading is a must!
A set of protection for the most vulnerable places in case of falls must be purchased immediately and as a set.
A good option for beginners is the Rollerblade 2021 Micro Combo with protection kit.
Minimum set: helmet + palm protection + elbow pads + knee pads.
The protection structure is a hard plastic profile that protects against penetrating impacts and injuries of the joints or head, a soft, damping inner part that protects against volume impacts and dissipates their momentum and a fixing structure - elastic bands, Velcro fasteners, a helmet - a belt with plastic clasp.
Roller skating helmet is a must for both beginners and professional riders during tricky tricks. The model should cover the back of the head well, since it is the back of the head that is most often hit by rollers when they lose balance and fall back. For roller skating, you can also use bicycle helmets that cover the occipital and temporal parts of the head well.
Chilli helmet inmold helmet 55-58cm black
4 860 6 930
Chilli helmet inmold helmet 53-55cm black
4 860 6 930
Alpina helmet 2022 ximo white hearts gloss
3 750 6 250
Cycling helmet Alpina 2022 haarlem navy matt
5 690 9 490
Cycling helmet Alpina 2022 haarlem coffee-grey matt
5 690 9 490
Alpina helmet 2022 ximo firefighter gloss
3 750 6 250
BBB helmet 2022 grid matt neon yellow
4 950 8 990
Alpina helmet 2022 ximo disney jungle book gloss
4 790 7 990
Alpina 9 helmet0110 2022 hackney disney cars matt
5 990 8 590
Alpina helmet 2022 hackney disney frozen ii matt
5 990 8 590
Bicycle helmet BBB 2022 grid matt black
4 950 8 990
Alpina helmet 2022 ximo disney rapunzel gloss
4 790 7 990
Knee pads are like a cup attached to the leg with Velcro straps. They protect the knees of athletes from abrasions when falling on the pavement and more serious damage.
Knee protection REKD 2022 ramp knee pads black
3 490
Knee protection REKD 2022 energy pro ramp knee pads black
6 190
Knee Guard REKD 2022 pro ramp knee pads black
4 590
Knee protection BIONT m1
3 390
Knee protection BIONT m2
Knee protection Amplifi 2022-23 polymer knee grom black
4 590
Knee protection BIONT m1
NIDECKER knee guards black/red
3 690
All knee protection.
The elbow pads have the same design as the knee pads, but are slightly smaller. Protect your elbows from falls.
Elbow guards NIDECKER elbow guards kids black
3 290
Elbow Guard NIDECKER multisport elbow guards black/red
4 190
Elbow guards NIDECKER kids elbow guards black/red
5 390
Elbow Guard Dainese 2021-22 pro armor elbow guard black/white
8 210
All elbow protection.
Protection on the palm is needed to prevent injuries to the carpal joint and bones of the hands, when a child tries to secure his hands during a fall and to protect fingers and palms from scuffs and scratches after contact with a hard asphalt surface.
Wrist Guard REKD 2022 pro wrist guards black
Wrist guard BIONT pads
2 890
Amplifi Wrist Guard 2022-23 wrist wrap black
Dainese Wristguard 2021-22 hector wristguard 13 black/carbon
7 040
All wrist protection.
This is a mandatory, minimal equipment, but if your child rides a lot and fast, goes to a sports school, participates in slalom competitions, then we highly recommend buying him additional protection: shorts with plastic pads on the coccyx and sides, back protection or a protective jacket that includes protection for the chest, back and shoulder joints - in this case, your child will be protected from injury when falling on hard asphalt, to the maximum.
- Protective shorts
- Back protector
- Protective jackets
- Protection kits
Children are not very fond of wearing protection, and you will have to use all your pedagogical talent to convince them that they will be much better in the turtle.
Protection is always worn on a child, in any kind of skating - even for training, even for ordinary rides with peers or with parents in the park. Instill in your child from childhood that protective clothing must be worn in any case before skiing.
All protection for children in Kant.
8. How long does it take to change inline skates?
It is not at all necessary to buy new rollers if the wheels of the old ones are worn out “to the ground” or they spin with great difficulty, making various unpleasant sounds. If this happens, then it makes sense to either thoroughly clean the wheels from the dirt that has clogged them and lubricate the bearings, or simply change the old wheels for new ones, on your own or with the help of specialists in a service center.
Wheels, bearings, brakes are considered expendable items and you can safely buy them if you need to replace something.
Usually children's skates wear out during active use in 2-3 seasons: first of all, the frame suffers from impacts, the attachment points of buckles and straps fail. But during this time the child grows up, so he still has to buy new videos with a larger boot.
If the rollers are sliding, then this is just the time after which it is necessary to expand the dimensional frame and increase the size.
If you do not want to deal with the repair or replacement / rearrangement of caster wheels yourself, then our service centers will help you with this operation.
Since girls are more concerned with appearance, they may need to change roller skates more often than boys. However, the latter ride more intensively, so they can wear out the boot itself faster. Thus, changing skates depends on personal preferences and the degree of wear of non-replaceable parts.
All children's videos in Kant.
Roller skating training is held at the Kant sports club.
There are group and individual lessons. You can choose the suitable age group from 3 to 14 years old and suitable level:
- Basic
- Rolled
- rolling
- Advanced
In our complex there are different slopes for training, in bad weather conditions, classes can be held indoors.
The first trial workout is free!
Pre-registration is required for training at the link:
Or by phone: +7 (495) 669 78 49
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We highly recommend buying clothes, shoes, equipment, accessories in Kant stores after a personal visit and consultation with our professional salespeople. However, if you are sure that the model is 100% suitable for you, then our online store is at your service.
When buying online, we have different payment systems:
- cash to courier
- bank transfer
- by card
- by installments
- with gift certificate
All details on different forms of payment
If you have absolutely no time to visit offline stores, then we can deliver the purchased clothes directly to your hands: by courier or transport company.
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