Simon says draw
70 Simon Says Ideas that are Fun and Educational
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Simon Says is one of those classic games kids will always love. I played it frequently when I was teaching in the classroom and it was always a hit.
Try this list of funny Simon Says commands and your child will soon be begging you to play it again and again.
The best thing about this game is how educational it is. You can play it with just your child or a group of children.
Either way, everyone will have fun and, at the same time, develop some crucial skills for their development.
Here is a quick look at how much kids are learning during this game, followed by 70 funny Simon Says ideas that should also inspire you to make up your own fun commands.
Benefits of Simon SaysYour children will learn all kinds of skills by playing this game of funny actions! You can play it the traditional way, or you can play Simon Says with a twist, to teach a particular skill.
In this article, I have divided fun, silly commands into various skill sets. Pick one set at a time or play a few different Simon Says games to work on specific skills.
Feel free to alter and make up your own funny things to act out.
The sections go as follows:
- Body awareness
- Crossing the midline
- Gross motor skills
- Listening skills
- Memory
- Visual perception
- Vocabulary and thinking skills
How do you play Simon Says? Here are the basic rules:
- One person is chosen to be Simon
- Simon gives a command
- Players must only obey the commands that start with “Simon says”
- If you follow a command that doesn’t begin with “Simon says” you are out
Here is a list of the best Simon Says questions, divided into skill sets. These ideas can be used at home or in the classroom.
Watch the video for a few ideas or read on for the list of 70 commands.
Body AwarenessAs children grow, they naturally become aware of their bodies and its parts. Teaching kids about their body develops body awareness, which is an important part of a child’s physical development.
They also need to learn how each body part works and its function. This will help them to have better control over their bodies. Here are ten Simon Says prompts to help your child learn this.
Commands to Build Body Awareness:
- Simon says point to your toes
2. Simon says touch your eyebrows
3. Simon says touch your elbows
4. Simon says touch your ankle
5. Simon says touch your tongue
6. Simon says touch your left shoulder
7. Simon says touch your back
8. Simon says tickle your armpit
9. Simon says touch your right knee
10. Simon says touch your fingernail
Crossing the Midline
The midline is the imaginary line that vertically cuts the body in half.
Children need to be able to cross the midline for a variety of activities, including tying their shoes, getting dressed or reaching for a toy.
It also helps them to read more fluently as they rely on visual tracking to cross from the left side of the page to the right.
Try these Simon Says instructions to build this vital skill.
Prompts to Help Cross the Midline:
11. Simon says hug yourself
12. Simon says touch both elbows at the same time
13. Simon says touch your right knee with your left hand
14. Simon says fold your arms
15. Simon says crisscross your legs
16. Simon says high five the person next to you (this can be Simon if playing with only one child)
17. Simon says dance for 10 seconds
18. Simon says touch your left shoulder with your right hand
19. Simon says wave your arms above your head
20. Simon says twist from side to side
Gross Motor Skills
Gross motor skills involve movements that use the larger muscles in your body. This includes running, climbing, jumping, dancing, etc.
Using these muscles each and every day helps your child to strengthen and coordinate the muscles they need in order to function.
It is vital for your child to learn how to use the major muscles in their body to help them develop great balance and strength. It also helps them to be able to carry out regular movements with ease.
Commands to Develop Gross Motor Skills:
21. Simon says run around in a circle really fast
22. Simon says climb up the stairs (or on the couch or something nearby if you don’t have stairs)
23. Simon says roll over twice on the ground
24. Simon says walk backwards in a straight line
25. Simon says pretend to be a fish and swim around the room
26. Simon says do a crazy dance for 15 seconds
27. Simon says act like an elephant and swing your trunk around
28. Simon says move like your favourite animal
29. Simon says spin in a circle with your arms out
30. Simon says jump up and down ten times
Simon Says is one of the best games to teach your child good listening skills as each command requires listening to sets of information:
- They have to identify if they must follow the command or not.
- They then have to listen to understand what they must do.
This helps your child learn to pay attention to important details along with learning to listen to instructions given.
These listening skills will help children to follow instructions at home, as well as throughout their schooling years.
You can make them as easy or as difficult as the child needs. Start off with simple instructions and make them more challenging as you go.
You can also speak quickly to see if they can keep up with you, or add words or phrases not related to the command.
Switch it up to make sure you are beginning with “Simon says” only for some and not all of them. Go back and forth to allow them to listen and follow correctly.
Examples to Improve Listening Skills:
31. Simon says bend over to touch your toes three times
32. Simon says clap five times in a row
33. Simon says spin in a circle, stopping in the same spot you began
34. Simon says solve this problem. Answer out loud as soon as you solve it. What is 5 x 3? (you can adapt this to fit their grade level and skills)
35. Simon says do six jumping jacks as fast as you can
36. Simon says touch each knee with the opposite hand
37. Simon says count to ten in your head. Raise your hand when you’re done
38. Simon says close your eyes and balance on one foot. You can choose which foot
39. Simon says pat yourself on the back because you are doing a great job!
40. Simon says meow like a cat. Then, bark like a dog
Here are more great listening activities for kids.
MemorySimilar to listening skills, you can give multiple instructions at one time to help your child remember what was said. Your child will have to practice listening and memorizing at the same time.
This will help your child when instructions are given and help them to do better at school. Again, you can alter these to make them more difficult, keeping age and concentration level in mind.
For this game, always say “Simon says” so your child can focus on remembering without also needing to listen to whether or not the command should be followed.
Commands to Improve Memory Skills:
41. Simon says turn around two times and then clap your hands
42. Simon says wiggle your nose. Then, smile and show your teeth
43. Simon says touch your right elbow with your left hand and your left knee with your right hand
44. Simon says touch your left earlobe at the same time as you touch your right knee
45. Simon says do three jumping jacks. Then, tap your head twice.
46. Simon says blink five times in a row. Then, turn your head to the left and say the word pig
47. Simon says act like a dog. Bark three times. Then sit down on the ground.
48. Simon says touch your toes on your right foot with your left hand. Then, stand up straight. Touch your left ear with your right hand.
49. Simon says put your hands on your head. Then turn around twice.
50. Simon says touch each of your fingers on each hand. Then do the same thing with your toes.
Playing Broken Telephone is another fun way to build memory.
Visual PerceptionWhen you look at something, your brain will try to understand what it sees. This is visual perception.
In this version of the game, you will still say Simon Says, but the instructions will be silent. Instead, you will show the actions the children must follow.
This will help them develop strong visual perception, which is used almost every second of the day. Their brain will get stronger, and they will be able to understand more of what is going on around them.
Commands to Build Visual Perception Skills:
51. Simon says (clap your hands, then hold your elbows with opposite hands)
52. Simon says (spin around in a circle)
53. Simon says (make a heart with your hands)
54. Simon says (play the flute)
55. Simon says (do a jumping jack)
56. Simon says (touch both earlobes at the same time)
57. Simon says (bend down to touch your toes)
58. Simon says (do silly dance moves)
59. Simon says (give yourself a hug)
60. Simon says (fold your arms and look side to side)
Another great way to work this skill would be to make a set of Simon Says action cards. Draw the actions on the cards and flash the cards one at a time. This takes a bit more concentration and brainpower!
Vocabulary and Thinking SkillsIn this variation, you can make your child Simon. He has to think of his own commands that you must follow. This helps to strengthen vocabulary as he must think of what to say and do.
If he is already reading, pass him this article to use these ideas as a start, and then continue making up his own. If your child is still young, he can just make up his own ideas.
Commands to Strengthen Vocabulary and Thinking Skills:
61. Simon says touch your bicep muscles
62. Simon says act like a kangaroo and jump up and down
63. Simon says stand on your left leg
64. Simon says twist from side to side
65. Simon says act like your favourite animal
66. Simon says to pretend to play your favourite sport
67. Simon says do a specific exercise
68. Simon says sing your favourite song
69. Simon says act like you are sweeping the floors
70. Simon says touch your elbows with the opposite hands, then do the same with your shoulders
I hope you’ll enjoy using these ideas and strengthening your children’s skills through play. Need more ideas? Try this awesome list of Simon Says commands or these games like Simon Says.
Expose your kids to other games such as Musical Statues, the Odd One Out Game, or a game of following directions to draw a picture and you will be building many great foundational skills while having fun.
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6 Fun Games Like Simon Says
The classic game Simon Says is a super fun activity loved by children of all ages. Simon Says is great for teaching listening skills, cognitive skills, and to teach children how to follow instructions. In this post, we list our favorite games like Simon Says that kids really love. Most of these games like Simon Says can be played both offline and online via Zoom. If you’re not sure how to play the original Simon Says game, then check out our post on How To Play Simon Says.
1. Touch Your Nose, Please.
This first game like Simon Says has all the same rules as Simon Says with one difference. Instead of saying ‘Simon Says…’ each time, the student playing ‘Simon’ must say ‘please‘ instead. For example, rather than say “Simon says touch your nose.”, a student would say “Touch your nose, please.”. If ‘Simon’ does not say ‘please’ then the students should not do the action. What’s great about this Simon Says variation is that it teaches students how to ask for something politely.
2. Do As I Say, Not As I Do
If the classic Simon Says game is too easy for your students, a great game like Simon Says is ‘Do As I Say, Not As I Do’. The title of this game says it all really. Students must listen to the teacher carefully and do what the teacher says, not has he/she does. For example, the teacher might say ‘Touch your nose.” and at the same time touch his/her head. This variation of Simon Says is a little more difficult and can be a really fun challenge for kids.
3. Follow The Leader
This game is a little like Simon Says in that students must follow what the ‘leader’ is doing. The leader can be the teacher or another student. This game is best played outside or in a place with lots of space. The leader will walk around in any direction they wish, and the rest of the students will follow. The leader can also walk or act in anyway they wish and everyone must copy. For example, the leader might begin walking in slow motion, and then change to moving along like a train, and then change to walking like a monkey. The sillier the better! This game is great as a warm up activity if your class has lots of energy.
4. What Time Is It Mr. Wolf?
‘What Time Is It Mr. Wolf?’ is a fun game like Simon Says because students must listen carefully to the ‘wolf’ and follow what he/she says. This game is best played outside or in a space large enough for students to run around safely. To play, choose one student to be the ‘wolf’. This person will stand at one end of the playground facing away from the other students. The other students will be standing on the other side of the playground. Now the game can begin.
All students will shout “What time is it Mr. Wolf?” and the wolf will answer “It’s one o’clock.”, “It’s five o’clock.”, etc. The students must then take steps forward towards the wolf. The number of steps the students take should correspond to the time. So, if the wolf says ‘It’s three o’clock.”, then students should take three steps forward. Once students are close enough to the wolf, the wolf can shout ‘Dinner Time!” and then turn around and chase the other students. If the wolf catches a student, then that student becomes the wolf and the game starts again.
5. Simon Says Draw
This game like Simon Says is great if you’re students like to draw. To play, give each student a piece of paper and a pencil. Next, draw a picture of a face on a white board, but don’t show the students. Now the game can begin. Tell the students what to draw so that they make a face just like the one you drew. For example, you can say “Draw two big blue eyes.”, “Draw a big nose.”, “Draw short curly hair.”, etc. Once students have finished their drawing, reveal the face that you drew and see how similar they are.
6. Simon Says Spell…
This next game is a variation of Simon Says designed to practice spelling. This is a great way to review vocabulary from the lesson. To play, go around the class and ask each student to spell a word from the lesson by saying ‘Simon says spell banana.” This may sound a little boring, but to make it more fun tell students that if you don’t say ‘Simon says…’ then students should not spell the word, but should instead shout the word. ” If a student spells the word when they should shout, or shout when they should spell the word, then they are out.
Thanks for reading. I hope these games like Simon Says have given you some inspiration for your next classroom game. Before you go, you may also be interested in these related articles: 10 Fun Time Filler Activities, 5 Fun Virtual Classroom Games.
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"West" and "East" and their requests for art. Simon Hewitt's point of view
Yesterday at the Museum of the History of the Latvian Railway, which hosts the art fair Art Riga 2014 , organized by the gallery team Happy Art Museum from the leading experts in the art of Eastern Europe, Simon Hewitt. We met Simon at gallery booth Fine Art , which brought Dmitry Shokhin's paintings to Riga - airplanes, girls, sky. Simon stood with a glass in his hand and slowly talked with a representative of the gallery. We were glad to welcome in Riga the author of several articles published on our portal (including the impact of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine on the art market).
This time, Simon chose for his speech the theme of the difference in approach to contemporary art in the post-Soviet and "Western" space. In his opinion, this difference is still present and is largely formed due to the system of art education itself. He cited as an example Aida Makhmudova, the owner of gallery Yarat in Baku. This gallery has already participated in the 2013 Venice Biennale, the Biennial of Young Art in Moscow, and Simon met Aida Makhmudova at Vienna F air this fall. And the owner of Yarat , who graduated from Central Saint Martins in London, told him how important it was for her to combine a “western” education with the academic, classical approach that still prevails in the ex-USSR space. In conversation, she told Simon, "In London, when I was there, technique and learning were considered far less important than learning how to think. " Simon Hewitt thinks this is a very important comment, because figurative painting in the classical sense is something that in the Western world is associated with socialist realism, "a little Stalinist, a little ... Putinist." Of course, this style is still held in high esteem in China and North Korea with their authoritarian regimes. Due to the fact that he still glorifies proud workers, happy peasants and golden wheat fields in these countries, it is easy to ironize over him. But academic excellence in this kind of work can be at a very serious level.
Simon Hewitt in Riga
Simon Hewitt believes that the capital of "academic art" is still St. Petersburg, namely the former Imperial Academy of Arts (now the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. E. Repin) with seven hundred students, seven hours a day engaged in their education. Here, future artists study anatomy, perspective, composition and the technology of using various materials in painting. “This is not at all the training that Aida Makhmudova received at Central Saint Martins in London." As Semyon Mikhailovsky, rector of the institute, told Simon, who in a conversation compared his students with graduates of French art universities: “Everything that they do looks smart and intellectual. But they can't draw."
The same cannot be said about the Muscovites who graduated from the Surikov Institute (MGAHI named after VI Surikov), such as, say, the artistic tandem of Vinogradov and Dubossarsky. Dmitry Khankin (boss of the largest Moscow gallery "Triumph") explains their success by the fact that "skill, sense of composition and color and general professionalism, which the artists received in Surikov, remain in the price of discerning clients." Despite the fact that Moscow is considered a bastion of conceptualism, figurative art is still in great demand in galleries.
Vinogradov and Dubossarsky. Red fish
This happens not only in Moscow, but also in the Russian provinces, for example, in Vladivostok, where the Arka Gallery is actively working. But according to local curators, tons of "academic art" are sailing from there to China, where they are in ever-increasing demand. The roots of this "Russian-Chinese unity" Simon advises to look for in 1955, when, on the instructions of the Soviet government, the recognized socialist realist, Surikovka professor Konstantin Maksimov went to Beijing to teach a 2-year course in oil painting - an art previously unknown in China. Several of Maksimov's 20 students still hold truly key positions in Chinese art, and it was they who stood at the origins of the flourishing of Chinese figurative art, which continues to flourish today. Chinese students appeared at the Repin Academy in the 1950s, and they still make up the majority of the 300 Academy students who came to study from abroad.
“China is a huge market for figurative art,” says the rector of the St. Petersburg Institute. Repin, many of the teachers sell their work there. Interest in figurative art in Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary or the countries of Central Asia is also at a high level. Valeria Ibrayeva, former head of the Soros Center in Kazakhstan, says that "academic education still plays a key role because most Kazakh art buyers prefer still life or landscapes with horses in the steppes." Many of these works, says Simon Hewitt, are the epitome of lifeless, banal clichés, but talent can express itself in any context, and when combined with a powerful imagination, great results can be achieved.
In this sense, he cites the example of Ukrainian artists Viktor Sidorenko, Yevgeny Petrov and Yuri Yermolenko, exhibiting in the Kyiv gallery "Tsekh". Or the best of the Lithuanian figurative artists dominating the annual summer art fairs Art Vilnius . Similar examples can be found in Latvia, says Simon. The key things here are the concept of "beautiful" and craftsmanship. In a sense, understanding these works and enjoying them does not require additional intellectual baggage. And here Simon Hewitt sees a fundamental difference in the perception of art in the post-Soviet and Western worlds. "Beautiful" and "intellectual" compete with each other here. Students at London art colleges are taught "how to think", artistic technical skill is not at the forefront. "Beautiful" is not a fundamental concept. As a result, we see a lot of artists with good ideas, but with rather lame execution. We see them at numerous art fairs and galleries, "their ideas are very smart, so smart that most visitors don't understand them, so curators are needed to explain them." Today curators are everywhere, there are even special educational institutions for curators. Curators become superstars, even more important than artists. It is they who explain why certain authors are significant, and even what exactly they think and mean in their works.
Viktor Sidorenko. From the Levitation project
Academic art is often associated with totalitarian art, but the totalitarian approach in the contemporary art world is more likely to come from curators. They work in conjunction with galleries and promote selected artists. .. The Western art world is a world of "initiates", and if you are not from their circle, you may feel that you are nobody. "It's a giant game of its own," says Simon Hewitt. Most buyers in the Western art market buy art as an investment and see it as an investment, they are aware of price indices and feel “involved” when the curators speak to them. But often they know very little about art. And even less about beauty. Such a commercialized system is perhaps the inevitable consequence of an advanced capitalist society. It differs from what is happening in the "Eastern" market, because there are not enough collectors themselves to support such a system. Artists here make art without much hope of finding a gallery to represent them. Most galleries do what they do for the love of art, and not just to "develop the business", which should bring them a tidy sum. “I personally prefer to travel around this world in search of artists who work tirelessly to improve their technique.”
According to Simon Hewitt, there is a need for a new art fair to promote such art. And, in his opinion, Riga has the potential to implement such an idea.
Simon Says is a Casual, Fun and Party video by CodeLabyrinth. Test his mental sharpness with this demanding game. This is a children's game for three or more players where one player plays the role of Simon and issues instructions to the other players that must be followed only if they are preceded by the phrase Simon Says. Players will be kicked out of the game either following the following instructions, not immediately preceded by a phrase, without following the instructions that Simon says. The ultimate goal of the player is to act like Simon and try as much as possible to eliminate all other players. The winner of the game is usually the last player to successfully complete all given commands. It is available on Android and iOS platforms and offers over thirty actions to complete. Try it, you will surely enjoy it.

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