Was humpty dumpty a king
What are the origins of ‘Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall’, and what do the lyrics mean?
30 July 2021, 09:40
What are the origins of ‘Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall’, and what do the lyrics mean? Picture: AlamyBy Rosie Pentreath
We explore the origins, history and lyrics of one of the most popular children’s songs in the English-speaking world.
Humpy Dumpty sat on the wall is one of the nation’s most enduringly popular nursery rhymes.
But who was Humpty Dumpty? What brought him to that wall? And how did he fall off?
We unpack the origins, history, lyrics and meaning of one of the most well-known children’s songs in the English-speaking world.
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What are the origins of ‘Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall’?
In 1870, a chap called James William Elliott included ‘Humpty Dumpty’ when he collected together a load of English nursery rhymes and songs, set them to music, and published them in a volume called Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs Set to Music, with beautiful engravings by London engravers, The Brothers Dalziel.
Before that, the rhyme can be traced back to the 18th century, and variations in lyrics (see below) have been recorded over time. It’s not clear who originally conceived the four-line poem.
Who was Humpty Dumpty?
Humpty Dumpty is the protagonist of the English nursery rhyme, ‘Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall’.
Perhaps due to his fragility revealed in the fall, he has often been portrayed as an egg – including by actor George L. Fox in his Broadway pantomime Humpty Dumpty, and by Lewis Caroll in his weird and wonderful Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
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What is the meaning behind the nursery rhyme?
There are other theories around the meaning of ‘Humpty Dumpty’. Some historians believe Humpty Dumpty was simply a device for a riddle around breakable things.
Others have suggested that Humpty Dumpty is King Richard III of England, who is supposed to have been humpbacked and who was defeated at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485.
We could assume Humpty Dumpty is the King, the wall is his reign and fight to preserve power, the fall is his defeat, and ‘All the king’s horses and all the king’s men’ the army that failed to prevail.
Another theory is that Humpty is actually a cannon. During the English Civil War, history says, a one-eyed gunner named Thompson managed to get a cannon – colloquially called ‘Humpty Dumpty’, to the top of the tower of St Mary at the Walls church and wreak untold destruction on the forces below, before return cannon fire dislodged the pair of them. Hence “had a great fall”.
Alice meets Humpty Dumpty. Picture: AlamyA professor David Daube once had a fourth theory to add. In 1956, he posited that ‘Humpty Dumpty’ might have been reference to an armoured siege engine that was deployed unsuccessfully in the 1643 Siege of Gloucester during the English Civil War.
This one was soon dismissed as a bit of a spoof by academics – but not before English composer Richard Rodney Bennett took the plot and ran with it for his children’s opera, All the King's Men.
Interestingly, Francis Grose’s Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue from 1785 – we’re totally imagining this as the Urban Dictionary of its time – defines ‘Humpty Dumpty’ as “a short clumsy person of either sex; also ale boiled with brandy”, so the rhyme could have derived from either meaning.
Although – we have a bit of a chicken or the egg dilemma here: what came first? ‘Humpty Dumpty’ the Grose definition as chicken, or ‘Humpty Dumpty’ the egg? Take a look at the lyrics, and see what you think...
Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall – full lyrics
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men,
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
Humpty Dumpty – oldest known lyrics (1797)
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
Four-score Men and Four-score more,
Could not make Humpty Dumpty where he was before.
The Egg-citing Truth Behind Humpty Dumpty
We all know the story of Humpty Dumpty. He sat on a wall, had a great fall, and none of the king’s men could put him back together again. Neither could their horses. It’s one of those classic, beloved nursery rhymes that generations have grown up with.
As with a lot of these iconic old tales, though, things aren’t as they seem here. Not at all. Incredibly, the original Humpty Dumpty wasn’t an egg. “He” was probably a cannon!
The Origin Of The Egg
For the most part, children’s TV shows, picture books and the like continue to depict the character in one of two ways: either as a human with strangely egg-like qualities, or just a plain old anthropomorphic egg. Heck, DC Comics even created a villain named Humpty Dumpty (real name Humphry Dumpler), a nemesis for Batman whose only real crime is a compulsive desire to take apart and “fix” all mechanical items he comes across.
As supervillains go, Humpty Dumpty is less than stellar, and as depictions of the original Humpty Dumpty go, the whole egg thing really doesn’t cut it. If you want to know where the iconic image of Humpty as an egg came from, you’ve got to take a look back at Lewis Carroll’s similarly-beloved novel, Through the Looking-Glass.
The novel was published back in December 1871 and its sixth chapter is simply titled “Humpty Dumpty.” Here’s what happens when Alice meets the character:
“…the egg only got larger and larger, and more and more human: when she had come within a few yards of it, she saw that it had eyes and a nose and mouth; and when she had come close to it, she saw clearly that it was Humpty Dumpty himself. ‘It can’t be anybody else!’ she said to herself. ‘I’m as certain of it, as if his name were written all over his face.'”
Here, then, is the Humpty Dumpty most of us know today: a huge, bizarre, sentient egg. He’s even sitting precariously on a high wall, as per tradition. If you’re familiar with Lewis Carroll’s tales of Wonderland, you’ll know that this is exactly the kind of odd character who would fit in perfectly around here. But there’s the rub: Carroll seems to have created the idea of Humpty as an egg himself!
Humpty Dumpty The… Cannon?
The original story pre-dates Carroll’s take on the character. According to a number of military historians, Humpty Dumpty was the name of a cannon used by the Royalists during the English Civil War.
The conflict raged from 1642 to 1649, and in June of 1648, Humpty Dumpty was stationed on the walls of Colchester. It was one of several cannons erected to try and keep Parliament’s army from taking the city. The next month, however, the Parliamentary forces heavily damaged the walls beneath Humpty Dumpty with their own artillery. You can guess where this is going: Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, and broke into pieces.
As for that business with all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, it seems those lines can be taken literally. The Royalists, or Cavaliers, were very much the king’s men, fighting in support of King Charles I—who would go on to lose the war and his head, pathing the way for Oliver Cromwell’s brief stint as Lord Protector.
An Egg-cellent Theory
This all fits together very neatly, but there’s no decisive evidence that the tale is the origin of the nursery rhyme. In 15th-Century England, “Humpty Dumpty” was a common snarky nickname for somebody who was a little on the large side. Muddling the matter further, it’s also been suggested that Charles I himself was Humpty Dumpty, having been toppled from a great height by his Parliament. Those loyal to him certainly couldn’t put him back in his lofty position, after all!
There were many sudden and dramatic falls from grace over this period of the country’s history, and others have also been put forward as possible inspiration for the story. Richard III’s defeat at the Battle of Bosworth Field, for instance. The Colchester cannon is certainly the most popular theory, though, and what a tale it makes.
By Chris Littlechild, contributor for Ripleys.com
The history of the appearance of the character. Humpty Dumpty
Direct knowledge of history
In front of you is an illustration by William Wallace Danslow. By what name do we know the one who is depicted on it?
Answer: Humpty Dumpty.
Credit: Humpty-Dumpty.
Comment: This is what the illustrator thought Humpty Dumpty looked like after he fell.
For example, with an indication of the cavalry, army and others:
Listen to the beginning of a very free translation of this text into Ukrainian: "Cossack Mamai galloping across the Danube, The kind gepnuvsya so, scho lusnuv get out to the edge. The whole film of Doroshenko, Mustache Viysko Morozenka, No Cossack brothers, no father, no mother Mamai can’t buy zibrati before. Name the person referred to in the classical translation of this text into Russian.
Answer: Humpty Dumpty.
Comment: Marshak's translation:
Humpty Dumpty was sitting on the wall. Humpty Dumpty collapsed in his sleep. All the king's cavalry, all the king's men...
In the Tower of London, they say that the English King Richard III came to power by killing his two young nephews - heirs to the throne. The people did not like him for his cruelty and outward ugliness. He died during the battle, defending the right to the throne - both his legs were cut off in the thick of the battle, so that none of his troops could help him at the right time. How in Russian does the nickname given to him by the people after these events sound?
Answer: Humpty Dumpty.
Source: Tour of the Tower of London.
For example, with a hint of a wall
Shortly before the stock market crash in 2008, The New Yorker magazine depicted HIM sitting on the eaves of a building on Wall Street. Name HIM.
Answer: Humpty Dumpty.
Credit: Humpty-Dumpty.
Comment: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. (Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty fell down in his sleep). "Wall" - "wall".
Source: The New Yorker, February 4, 2008.
According to historical sources, the SECOND was sometimes used in the construction of the FIRST. According to the literary source, on the FIRST there was someone similar to the SECOND. And what was his name?
Answer: Humpty Dumpty.
Credit: Humpty Dumpty.
Comment: FIRST - walls, SECOND - eggs; when building especially strong walls, eggs were sometimes used to mix the mortar; Humpty Dumpty, who Alice thought looked like an egg, sat on the wall.
Source: 1. http://www.stroinauka.ru/d26dr7003m428.html
2. L. Carroll. Alice in the Wonderland.
With a direct hint of the fall
Both had a great influence on the actions of the armed forces of their countries for some time. Both occupied a high position, which they later lost. Even the historical homeland of these two is almost the same; True, there are different versions about the origin of one, and the city where the ancestors of the other lived is known for sure. And, finally, these two are united by the requirement to abuse the gift of speech. Name both.
Answer: Humpty Dumpty, Barclay de Tolly
Comment: Barclay de Tolly was a Scot by origin, his ancestors lived in the town of Tolly. In 1812, he was the commander-in-chief of the Russian army and received the nickname "Chatty-yes-only." Humpty Dumpty is a character in English folklore; for versions of its origin, see 4 and 5. These two are united by the imperative mood of the verb "talk".
Source: 1. Lev Uspensky "You and your name" Volgograd 1994 p.224 (chapter "Something else about surnames", distortion of the name of Barclay de Tolly)
2. http://www.tartans.com/clans/Barclay/barclay.html (origin of Barclay de Tolly )
Through the Looking Glass
Is the hero of Lewis Carroll's book "Through the Looking-Glass", where he looks like a large humanoid egg with a tie. Appears on the sixth chess cell in the Looking Glass. Alice finds him in the shop of the Sheep that the White Queen has turned into. Humpty Dumpty transforms from an ordinary egg that Alice bought. He sits in Turkish on a high wall and acts as a sage through the mirror, who helps Alice to comprehend the meaning of the words from the poem about Jabberwocky. Humpty Dumpty insists that every name must mean something.
In addition, he claims that words have the meaning that he himself gives them. Behind this statement are the disputes of mathematicians of that time, what is raising to a negative power, etc. Carroll the mathematician was of the position that one should not look for what the mathematical concept "really" is, but give a definition. This point of view eventually prevailed.
He has a special affinity for the King, receives gifts from him for his "non-birthday" (that is, all other days of the year except one). After the fall of Humpty Dumpty, the White King sends "all the king's cavalry, all the king's men" ( English all the King's horses and all the King's men) in order to collect it.
Character story
Possibly, the rhyme "Humpty Dumpty" was dedicated to King Richard III, who actually fell off the wall during the battle of 1485.
Initially, the verse about Humpty Dumpty was included in the Tales of Mother Goose. In modern English, the word "humpty dumpty" (humpty dumpty) has two meanings: "fatty-shorty" and "a thing that has fallen or broken and unrepairable."
Historically, the Humpty Dumpty is believed to have been a large fortress weapon. The story is connected with the events of the English Civil War (1642-1649), which took place during the siege of the city of Colchester by supporters of Oliver Cromwell in the summer of 1648. The Royalists heavily fortified Colchester. A huge cannon, colloquially called "Humpty-Dumpty" ("Humpty Dumpty"), was mounted on a wall next to St. Mary's Church. During the siege, the parliamentarians managed to damage the wall below the Humpty Dumpty with a cannon shot, and the gun fell to the ground. The royalists tried to install "Humpty Dumpty" on another part of the wall. However, the cannon was so heavy that "all the king's men and all the king's horses were unable to lift it again". As a result, the royalist forces were severely undermined and the strategically important Colchester fell after an 11-week siege.
Saying goodbye to Alice, Humpty Dumpty says that the next time they meet, he won't recognize her because he can't tell her face from other people's faces. Thus, Lewis Carroll gives one of the first descriptions of prosopagnosia - a mental disorder, expressed in the inability to recognize faces. Informally, this disorder is sometimes referred to as "Humpty Dumpty Syndrome".
In Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle, this famous verse was chosen by the translators as a demonstration of the dialect. In the original, the demonstration is made over the verse "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", little known to the Russian reader.
R.P. chose a line from a poem about Humpty Dumpty. Warren as the title for his famous novel All the King's Men.
The character is not currently forgotten. His image was used in the Kinder Surprise commercial
- In the animated film Puss in Boots (2011), Humpty "Alexander" Dumpty is a friend of Puss in Boots. They were both orphans in an orphanage.
- In the same year, Humpty Dumpty appears as one of the main characters in the Oscar-winning cartoon "
As you probably noticed, in the children's poem "Humpty Dumpty" it is not mentioned anywhere who this very Humpty was, although he is often represented as an egg in illustrations in books for kids. The version of the rhyme that most children today know by heart is as follows:
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,
Humpty Dumpty fell off in his sleep.
And all the king's cavalry,
And all the king's men0079 Humpty Dumpty,
Humpty Dumpty collect!
Samuel Arnold's 1797 children's book was the first known publication about this hero. In his version, the last lines should read "more than eighty men cannot put Humpty Dumpty back where he was before. " Over the next century, the rhyme appeared in numerous books with various variations on the theme of who collected the hapless character.
Interestingly, all of these publications did not use the name "Humpty Dumpty". According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term "Humpty Dumpty" was first used in the 17th century to refer to brandy and ale. In the 1700s, the word was also used to describe a clumsy person. In addition, it was synonymous with a drunkard or a frequenter of drinking establishments, perhaps because the person to whom this nickname was attached drank a drink of the same name.
Since the popular nursery rhyme does not contain any information about a bottle of alcohol, and also does not introduce us to a lover to sit in a bar with a glass of strong drink, scientists believe that the famous rhyme was a simple riddle. The answer to it, of course, was “an egg”, since it is this object that, if it falls from a height, will break and even the largest number of people will not be able to collect it. Today, this answer is well known, so the character of Humpty Dumpty began to be depicted as an egg, and this riddle has become a common entertaining story for kids.
Because of this transition from "mystery" to "story", many people believe that there is a mysterious and yet unsolved meaning behind the plot of this poem. In this case, we could heed the advice of Humpty Dumpty himself in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass: "When I use a word, it only means what I want it to mean, no more, no less." People will always attribute more meaning to poems than their author intended.
Rhymes of this kind were usually associated with historical events, but sometimes it is difficult to prove that the images in children's folklore tell about historical places and personalities. Most modern rhymes were created with the intention of being silly, repetitive, and funny for the entertainment of children, and not because of the historical significance of the events described in them (take, for example, "Patty patties" or "Geese, geese, ha-ha-ha ").
Two of the most popular theories about Humpty Dumpty's biography refer to two separate historical events. The first is the fall of the English city of Colchester. During the Civil War in 1648 Colchester was under siege. Supposedly, a man named Jack Thompson was on the wall with a cannon nicknamed "Humpty Dumpty". Thompson managed to do a good job of hurting the advancing Parliamentary troops until his cannon was blown off the wall and fell to the ground. Given the gun's size and weight, the dozens of men who tried to lift it back into place were unable to do so. In the end, Colchester was forced to open their gates and surrender. But more than a hundred years passed between the siege of the city and the first mention of Humpty Dumpty in literature, so the connection between these two events can be questioned.
The second popular theory is that Richard III was called Humpty Dumpty. The people called him the "humpbacked king", although the latest data showed that Shakespeare greatly exaggerated this physical defect of the royal person, and Richard had only a slight scoliosis, which made his right shoulder slightly higher than the left.
But back to our theories. Everyone knows that in 1485 Richard III fought at the Battle of Bosworth. In this variation on "Humpty Dumpty's" origin, it was said that either his horse was called "the wall" or his warriors who abandoned him on the battlefield. In any case, whether the king fell off his horse or became an easy target for the enemy, he died, so "no one could collect him." There are gaps in this theory. For example, the nickname "hunchbacked" did not exist until the 18th century, and the recently found well-preserved remains of the king indicate that the king died from a blow to the head with a heavy object. Apart from pure speculation, as in the previous version of the legend of the siege of Colchester, there is no historical evidence of Richard's involvement in the name of Humpty Dumpty. Which of the two theories to believe is up to you.
Humpty Dumpty ) — character of many classic English nursery rhymes, very well known in English speaking world. Is the hero of the book Lewis Carroll " Alice Through the Looking Glass 'where looks big a humanoid egg tie . Appears on the sixth chess cell in the Looking Glass. Alice finds him in the shop of the Sheep that the White Queen has turned into. Humpty Dumpty transforms from an ordinary egg that Alice bought. He sits in Turkish on a high wall and acts as a sage through the mirror, who helps Alice to comprehend the meaning of the words from the poem about Jabberwocky. Humpty Dumpty insists that every name must mean something. In addition, he claims that words have the meaning that he himself gives them. Behind this statement are the disputes of mathematicians of that time, what is raising to a negative power, etc. Carroll the mathematician was of the position that one should not look for what the mathematical concept "really" is, but give a definition. This point of view eventually prevailed.
He has a special affinity for the King, receives gifts from him on his "unbirthday" (that is, all other days of the year except one). After the fall of Humpty Dumpty, the White King sends "all the king's cavalry, all the king's men" (eng. all the King's horses and all the King's men ) in order to assemble it.
Saying goodbye to Alice, Humpty Dumpty says that the next time they meet, he won't recognize her, because he can't distinguish her face from the faces of other people. Thus, Lewis Carroll gives one of the first descriptions of prosopagnosia - a mental disorder, expressed in the inability to recognize faces. Informally, this disorder is sometimes referred to as "Humpty Dumpty Syndrome." Perhaps the rhyme "Humpty Dumpty" was dedicated to the king To Richard III, who actually fell off the wall during the battle of 1485. Historically, the Humpty Dumpty is believed to have been a large fortification weapon. His story is connected with the events English Civil War (1642-1649)) that occurred during the siege by supporters Cromwell city Colchester in the summer of 1648. The Royalists heavily fortified Colchester. A huge cannon, colloquially called "Humpty-Dumpty" ("Humpty Dumpty"), was mounted on a wall next to St. Mary's Church. During the siege the parliamentarians managed to damage the wall below the Humpty Dumpty with a cannon shot, and the gun fell to the ground. The royalists tried to install "Humpty Dumpty" on another part of the wall. However, the cannon was so heavy that "all the king's men and all the king's horses were unable to lift it again". As a result, the royalist forces were severely undermined and the strategically important Colchester fell after an 11-week siege.
Add. link: Humpty Dumpty - A Chain of Intelligent Pendles - LiveJournal
Alice and Humpty Dumpty (illustrated by John Tenniel to the English original of the book)
Humpty Dumpty is a character in many classic English nursery rhymes, very well known in the English speaking world. Despite the fact that he does not have a clear image, he is usually represented in the form of an egg. The first mention of him in poetry dates back to the beginning of the nineteenth century.
Character Story:
- Possibly the poem "Humpty Dumpty" was dedicated to King Richard III, who actually fell off the wall during the battle of 1485.
- Initially, the poem about Humpty Dumpty was included in the Tales of Mother Goose. In modern English, the word "humpty dumpty" (humpty dumpty) has two meanings: "fatty-shorty" and "a thing that has fallen or broken and unrepairable."
- Historically, the Humpty Dumpty is believed to have been a large fortress weapon. His story is connected with the events of the civil war in England (1642-1649).), which took place during the siege by Cromwell's supporters of the city of Colchester in the summer of 1648. The Royalists heavily fortified Colchester. A huge cannon, colloquially called "Humpty-Dumpty" ("Humpty Dumpty"), was mounted on a wall next to St. Mary's Church. During the siege, the parliamentarians managed to damage the wall below the Humpty Dumpty with a cannon shot, and the gun fell to the ground. The royalists tried to install "Humpty Dumpty" on another part of the wall. However, the cannon was so heavy that "all the king's men and all the king's horses were unable to lift it again". As a result, the royalist forces were severely undermined and the strategically important Colchester fell after an 11-week siege.
- Saying goodbye to Alice, Humpty Dumpty says that the next time they meet, he won't recognize her, because he can't distinguish her face from the faces of other people. Thus, Lewis Carroll gives one of the first descriptions of prosopagnosia - a mental disorder, expressed in the inability to recognize faces. Informally, this disorder is sometimes referred to as "Humpty Dumpty Syndrome".
Original (1871):
“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall:
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty in his place again. ”
Translated by T. Shchepkina-Kupernik (used in the translation by V. Ashkenazy, 1924)
Roly-Vstanka on the fence
sat very cheerfully.
Vanka-Vstanka suddenly flew off the fence
straight onto his back.
Let the King of horses bring,
let him call for the army -
No one will ever be able
to put Vanka-Vstanka there again.
Considered by the classic translation by S. Marshak:
Shaltai-Boltai sat on the wall
Shaltai-Boltai fell in a dream,
The entire royal army
could not
Can't Humpty,
Humpty Dumpty,
Humpty Humpty,
Humpty Dumpty collect!
Translated by A. Shcherbakov (1969):
Sat on the ledge.
Crashed down.
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