Level 10 readers
Oxford Reading Tree & Levels: parent guide
Here at Oxford we publish our own reading scheme – the Oxford Reading Tree. The Oxford Reading Tree has over 800 books across different fiction and non-fiction strands including Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories, Songbirds, Traditional Tales, and in Fact. Your child’s school probably has some books from the Oxford Reading Tree and you might even have learned to read with Biff, Chip and Kipper yourself.
What are Oxford Levels and Book Bands?
The books in the Oxford Reading Tree are graded across 20 levels to support your child from first starting to read in Reception to being a fluent reader in Year 6. These levels are matched to the general Book Bands colours.
Oxford Levels and Book Bands
Download our full table of Oxford Levels and Book Bands used at primary school. Find out which Level is best suited to your child, and how Levels 1–20 relate to Book Bands.
This information is intended as a guide only.
Take a look
Oxford Levels
Find out more about the individual Oxford Levels by clicking the tabs below
Oxford Level 1
Level 1 books are for children who are just beginning to learn about books and reading. At this stage, your child is likely to be learning the alphabet at nursery, and may be able to recognise some simple, common words.
Some books are wordless, with pictures telling the story. Wordless books provide lots to talk about, and help your child learn how to hold a book and turn the pages.
Approximate age: 3–4 years old
School: Nursery
Equivalent to: Book Band Lilac | Read with Oxford Stage 1
Taken from The Hedgehog.
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Oxford Level 1+
Level 1+ books are for children who are just beginning to use simple phonics to read words like ‘sat’ and ’pin’. The books use words that are familiar and predictable, and the pictures help convey the meaning of the story.
Approximate age: 4–5 years old
School: Reception
Equivalent to: Book Band Pink | Read with Oxford Stage 1
Taken from A Dragon Balloon.
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Oxford Level 2
By this stage, your child will be able to use their knowledge of letters and sounds to work out new words, though they may still need help.
Pictures are used to help convey story meaning, and sentences are still mostly short and straightforward. Stories become very slightly more complex as your child becomes more comfortable reading more words.
Approximate age: 4–5 years old
School: Reception
Equivalent to: Book Band Red | Read with Oxford Stage 2
Taken from Jack.
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Oxford Level 3
At this level, your child will be using phonics to help them read slightly more complicated words, including words with common digraphs like ‘ee’, ‘oa’, ‘ch’, and ‘th’.
They will use phonics knowledge to work out less familiar words.
Approximate age: 4–5 years old
School: Reception
Equivalent to: Book Band Yellow | Read with Oxford Stage 2
Taken from The Right Home.
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Oxford Level 4
By Level 4, your child will be using their phonics knowledge to work out words quickly, and will know a range of common tricky words (like ‘said’, ‘some’, and ‘what’) by sight. They are likely to be more confident in giving their opinion about stories and non-fiction texts.
Approximate age: 4–6 years old
School: Reception and Year 1
Equivalent to: Book Band Light Blue | Read with Oxford
Stage 3
Taken from The Stinky Plant.
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Oxford Level 5
By Level 5, your child will start learning alternative spellings for the sounds in words – for example, they will learn that the letters ‘ou’ can be pronounced like ‘ow’ or ‘oo’.
Level 5 books may contain words with apostrophes, such as ‘didn’t’ and ‘wasn’t’. They will also introduce children to unusual words that extend their vocabulary, like ‘terrible’ instead of ‘bad’.
Approximate age: 5–6 years old
School: Year 1
Equivalent to: Book Band Green | Read with Oxford Stage 3
Taken from The Parachute.
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Oxford Level 6
Stories in Level 6 are longer and more complex than in previous levels.
By Level 6, your child will often notice when their reading does not make sense, and they will go back to correct themselves without being asked to. They will be able to work out many words automatically without sounding them out. They will be working on more alternative spellings for different sounds – for example, they may know that the ‘igh’ sound can also be spelled ‘ie’, ‘y, or ‘i’.
Approximate age: 5–6 years old
School: Year 1
Equivalent to:
Book Band Orange | Read with Oxford Stage 4
Taken from Who Eats Who.
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Oxford Level 7
At Level 7, most children can read out loud quite fluently and can usually find the answer to a question within a section of text. Your child will get used to words with unusual phonics patterns, such as ‘beautiful’, ‘eye’, and ‘any’. Words with several syllables will often be included.
Approximate age: 5–6 years old
School: Year 1 and Year 2
Equivalent to: Book Band Turquoise | Read with Oxford Stage 4
Taken from Planet Exis.
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Oxford Level 8
At Level 8, children are generally more confident in their reading and know most common, non-decodable tricky words. Level 8 stories are often split into chapters. Your child is likely to enjoy choosing which books to read, often reading some of the text in order to help them decide.
Approximate age: 6–7 years old
School: Years 2 and 3
Equivalent to: Book Band Purple and Brown | Read with Oxford Stage 5
Taken from Mini Marvels.
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Oxford Level 9
Once your child is at Level 9, they will be able to read most words automatically, either silently or out loud. With non-fiction texts, they will be able to use features like indexes, headings, and photo captions to find information.
Approximate age: 6–8 years old
School: Years 2 and 3
Equivalent to: Book Band Gold and Brown | Read with Oxford Stage 5
Taken from False Alarms.
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Oxford Level 10
By Level 10, your child will be building up their stamina to read longer texts. They will use parts of unfamiliar words to help them work out the meaning (for example, spotting that ‘clarify’ is a bit like ‘clear’ so ‘clarify’ means ‘to make clear’).
Approximate age: 6–8 years old
School: Years 2 and 3
Equivalent to: Book Band White and Brown | Read with Oxford Stage 6
Taken from A Life in the Sky.
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Oxford Level 11
Children at Level 11 usually show a good understanding of what they are reading, and automatically take account of punctuation when they read. Your child may begin to read between the lines more confidently, working out information that may only be hinted at in the text.
Approximate age: 6–8 years old
School: Years 2 and 3
Equivalent to: Book Band Lime and Brown | Read with Oxford Stage 6
Taken from Tasty Travels.
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Oxford Level 12
By Level 12, your child will be using clues from a text to help them work out the meaning of words. They will use inference and empathy to understand the narrator’s feelings.
Approximate age: 6–8 years old
School: Years 2 and 3
Equivalent to: Book Band Lime+ and Grey | Read with Oxford Stage 6
Taken from The Crayfish Catchers.
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Oxford Level 13
By Level 13, your child will probably be able to read for 20 or 30 minutes at a time. They will be learning to skim and scan non-fiction texts to find information and answer questions.
Approximate age: 7–8 years old
School: Year 3
Equivalent to: Book Band Grey
Taken from Peter and the Wolf.
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Oxford Level 14
Children at Level 14 can read increasingly complex stories and non-fiction confidently and fluently. Your child will be able to express an opinion about a story or non-fiction book, and may sometimes back up their opinion with quotations from the text.
Approximate age: 7–9 years old
School: Years 3 and 4
Equivalent to: Book Band Grey
Taken from Grace the Pirate.
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Oxford Level 15
By Level 15, your child will sometimes independently read several chapters of a book in one go. They may be introduced to more technical language and demanding vocabulary. At school, your child will probably be learning to understand charts and diagrams in non-fiction texts.
Approximate age: 8–9 years old
School: Year 4
Equivalent to: Book Band Dark Blue
Taken from Animal Tales.
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Oxford Level 16
At Level 16, your child will be more confident in using inference, learning about characters through dialogue as well as direct description. They may be able to retell a story from the point of view of a different character.
Approximate age: 8–10 years old
School: Years 4 and 5
Equivalent to: Book Band Dark Blue
Taken from Exploring the Deep.
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Oxford Level 17
At this level, children can read quite demanding novels and non-fiction independently and fluently. Your child will be able to quote from a text in order to explain their thoughts about it.
Approximate age: 9–10 years old
School: Year 5
Equivalent to: Book Band Dark Red
Taken from Simon Barbecue.
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Oxford Level 18
By Level 18, your child will be introduced to more unusual and sophisticated vocabulary, with words like ‘interference’ and ‘crescendo’. They will sometimes be able to work out the point of view of a particular story or non-fiction text.
Authors writing at this level use many diverse styles, and your child is likely to react very differently to different books they are reading.
Approximate age: 9–11 years old
School: Years 5 and 6
Equivalent to: Book Band Dark Red
Taken from Grimm.
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Oxford Level 19
By now, your child will be reading books and non-fiction texts that are very varied in structure, tone, language, and approach. They will be able to detect and discuss some of the ways in which an author’s writing can influence how readers feel about a book.
Approximate age: 10–11 years old
School: Year 6
Equivalent to: Book Band Dark Red
Taken from The Rise of the Empty People.
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Oxford Level 20
At Level 20, children can read challenging, age-appropriate novels and non-fiction texts independently and fluently. They know that there may be different layers of meaning in a text, and will be able to identify some underlying themes and ideas.
Approximate age: 10–11 years old
School: Year 6
Equivalent to: Book Band Dark Red
Taken from Selkie Summer.
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Which series are in Oxford Reading Tree?
Because children need a diverse range of texts to build their vocabulary, and we know that different children are engaged by different genres and topics, Oxford Reading Tree has developed an extensive range of series to help schools teach children to read, to enjoy reading.
Oxford Reading Tree series include:
- Biff, Chip and Kipper stories. This best-loved character series inspires children and helps them to develop as independent readers.
- Floppy’s Phonics. These fiction and non-fiction books give children access to motivating and humorous decodable texts to engage them in reading and help their fluency develop.
- Songbirds Phonics. This series of books by best-selling author Julia Donaldson offers a rich range of beautifully written decodable stories. (We also have a range of Julia Donaldson’s Songbirds to use at home.)
- Oxford Reading Tree inFact. A distinctive non-fiction series that engages children in reading for pleasure as powerfully as fiction.
Supporting Oxford Reading Tree at home
- Find out how to share your child’s reading book here.
- Download further books at your child’s level from our Oxford Owl free eBook library.
- Use our home reading scheme Read with Oxford to build your child’s confidence.
Learn about the different reading schemes your child will encounter.
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Find a wide range of eBooks at all Levels in our free library.
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Find out more about our home reading scheme, Read with Oxford.
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Leveled Books
Home > Leveled Books
As a member of Raz-Plus, you gain access to thousands of leveled books, assessments, and other resources in printable, projectable, digital, and mobile formats.
Ensure success in your classroom and beyond with engaging, developmentally appropriate books at various levels of text complexity. Students can read texts at different levels and in their areas of interest anytime with 24/7 Web access to the practice they need to become better, more confident readers. Easily assign books using the Assign button on the book's thumbnail or landing page.
More About Leveled Books
Showing 812 of 812 books View
The Birthday Party Level aa Fiction
City Street Level aa Nonfiction
The City Level aa Nonfiction
The Classroom Level aa Nonfiction
Farm Animals Level aa Nonfiction
Fido Gets Dressed Level aa Fiction
The Fort Level aa Nonfiction
The Garden Level aa Nonfiction
Good Night Level aa Fiction
In Level aa Fiction
It Is Fall Level aa Nonfiction
Little Level aa Nonfiction
My Family Level aa Fiction
On Level aa Fiction
Play Ball! Level aa Nonfiction
The Playground Level aa Nonfiction
Spring Level aa Nonfiction
Summer Level aa Nonfiction
Summer Picnics Level aa Nonfiction
We Go Camping Level aa Fiction
Yellow Level aa Nonfiction
All Kinds of Faces Level A Nonfiction
Athletes Level A Nonfiction
Baby Animals Level A Nonfiction
Bedtime Counting Level A Fiction
The Big Cat Level A Fiction
Bird Colors Level A Nonfiction
Bird Goes Home Level A Fiction
Building with Blocks Level A Fiction
Car Parts Level A Nonfiction
Carlos Counts Kittens Level A Fiction
Carlos Goes to School Level A Fiction
Clean, Not Clean Level A Fiction
The Forest Level A Nonfiction
Going Places Level A Nonfiction
Hot and Cold Level A Nonfiction
Russian readers named The Green Mile as Stephen King's favorite book September 21, 2022 - September 21, 2022
Afisha Plus
King, September 21, the results of a survey of Russian readers about their favorite work of the "king of horrors" were announced.

The Green Mile was written in 1996 and is set in an American prison in the 1930s and is told from the perspective of Paul Edgecomb, a former warden. The screenplay of the work was written and directed by Frank Darabont, and Tom Hanks played in the film.
The second place among readers was taken by the novel "It" (29.3%), about how seven friends fight against a monster that kills children and is able to take any physical form. The third is "Pet Cemetery" (26.5%), about a family that, after moving, witnesses monstrous events.
In fourth place is the psychological thriller The Shining (26.4%). The Dark Tower cycle closes the top five (18.6%).
The service also conducted a survey about the writer's scariest and most frightening characters. The first place was taken by Pennywise (40.7%), the second is Jack Torrens (18.2%) - a young teacher and former alcoholic from The Shining, the lady - the insane nurse Annie Wilks (13%) from the book "Misery" was the third.
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and 21 - Turandot and Cinderella on the Stages of the Mariinsky Theater
From 20 to 22 September, Days of Culture of the Rostov Region will take place in St. Petersburg. In honor of the 85th anniversary, which this year is celebrated by the Rostov region, the leading cultural institutions of the Don will present their work at one of the largest venues in the Northern capital. The Rostov Musical Theater will show its two bright premieres at the Mariinsky Theatre. Opera "Turandot" by G. Puccini Rostovites will show on September 20 on the stage of Marinsky-2. The Rostov production involves video projection and LED screens, neon, mobile two-level scenery, futuristic...
The Honored Orchestra of Russia will perform two great symphonies of the 20th century
On February 7 and 13 in the Great Hall of the St. Two great symphonies of the 20th century will be performed - Gustav Mahler's Ninth and Dmitri Shostakovich's Fifth. The concert of the Honored Ensemble on February 7 is part of the cycle "Philharmonic - 100. History in the Mirror of Decades", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, which it celebrates in 2021. The cycle brings together programs of famous conductors performed at different times in the Great Hall. February 7 will sound ...
An exhibition of archival photographs “Five Centuries of the History of Parnassus” will be held in St. Petersburg ". More than five hundred years of history will be placed on twelve information stands on Fyodor Abramov Street. The exhibition will be held from March 15 to April 30 (0+). Residential complex "North Valley" of the company "Glavstroy of St. Petersburg" is located in one of the most historically "ancient" places in St. Petersburg. The first mention of Pargolov was made in the census salary book of the Vodskaya Pyatina...
1Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: 11 people were killed and 15 injured in a terrorist attack on a military training ground in the Belgorod region
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2In St. Petersburg, men who have gathered abroad are greeted with subpoenas
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1353“They took and took away like cattle.” A Petersburger in Moscow was pulled out with his colleagues from the watch and sent to the military registration and enlistment office
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1734 An emergency mode has been declared in the city. Military plane crashed on a residential building in Yeysk: online report
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545St. Petersburg gymnasium teacher died while performing a combat mission
172 437
Company news
Money from the reader: how and what you can earn | Press Club Belarus
Synopsis of the "Summer lecture" from the Media Academy with the editor-in-chief of "Ukrainian Pravda" Sevgil Musayeva.
Sevgil Musaeva is a Ukrainian journalist, editor-in-chief of the online publication Ukrayinska Pravda. The main focus of the publication is political news and social issues. In 2019Sevgil graduated from the Nieman Foundation for Journalism program at Harvard University, where she studied business models for contemporary news publications.
The glue for the community
All media today are facing challenges caused by two global changes:
- Social networks have changed reader consumption, which forces newsrooms to meet readers and build horizontal connections with the audience.
- The fall of the advertising market is forcing editors to look for new ways of monetization, one of which is reader support.
There are three main models of reader support:
- paywall
- crowdfunding/donations
- creation of a reading community (readers' club)
In exchange for money, editorial offices often offer a story about their inner workings, which forms internal connections, trust is the glue for the community.
At the beginning of 2020, when the quarantine was announced, Ukrayinska Pravda decided to focus on the reader model, on creating value for readers (through UGC) and on finding and developing innovative editorial forms. Before launching the reader model, the editorial staff researched their audience in detail.
How brand DNA and the choice of reader model are connected
Ukrayinska Pravda turned to the reader club model for a reason. The main factors that influenced the choice of this particular model of reader support:
"UP" was created by its founders as a response to censorship in Ukraine and neighboring countries in order to ensure free access of readers to truthful objective information as a basic human right. Therefore, the sudden introduction of paywall on the basis of Western publications would be contrary to the DNA of the brand.
Also, UP has always been in the wake of public interests, public organizations in Ukraine, supporting people with an active civic position. Creating a community in the form of a club would help unite people with active citizenship.
Finally, this model involves constant feedback from readers, which directly affects the life of the newsroom and helps it to become better.
Ukrayinska Pravda Club
Ukrayinska Pravda Club offers three levels of membership, depending on what the publication has to offer its readers:
#1. UP Club - $2 per month / $18 per year. This is the base level of support. That same cup of cappuccino that “you don’t drink, but spend on supporting your favorite media.” A symbolic amount that each person can spend once a month not on coffee, but on media. In exchange, UP hosts private events, readers access and communicate with UP's editorial team, vote on topics and text, submit their text ideas, and receive a weekly newsletter written by a member of the editorial board.
#2. Toloka UP - $4.5 per month / $36 per year. In addition to the options from the basic level, readers are also provided with special discounts or offers from UP partners. Toloka is such a concept from Ukrainian culture, denoting mutual assistance and mutual assistance of the inhabitants of one village, especially in difficult times. Toloka UP was also born during the covid crisis, when businesses lost customers, media lost advertising revenue, and readers were forced to save on something. This is how an interaction model arose when everyone helps each other - media helps businesses by placing ads, giving access to their audience, businesses help media through discounts, which attracts the reader, and the reader, in turn, receives benefits from both the media and from business.
#3. Editors Club - $1250 per year. This is a discussion intellectual club. It gives all the privileges that other participants have, but mainly it is a discussion intellectual platform for business, diplomats, people from creative fields who discuss the vision of the country's development directions and participate in discussions. Also, the participants have a blog on "UP", where they can speak on important events. In addition, it is involvement in the mission and values - support for journalism. Demonstration that medium and large businesses can thus contribute to the development of independent media.
The message of the Club "UP": "Together we create high-quality journalism."
A year after the launch of the UP Club, the reader model takes 10% of the budget.
Audience Research and Community Management
One of the most important steps before launching a reader model is to research your audience. The survey, which involved more than 3.5 thousand readers of "UP", showed that 28% of the audience has been reading it for more than 10 years. This is an indicator of audience loyalty.
There is one indicator of reader behavior that is considered more or less universal for all media, including The New York Times and The Guardian, which was also confirmed for UP: the number of readers who are ready to support the editorial office financially does not exceed 3-5% of the total audience.