Show me a stegosaurus

Stegosaurus Pictures & Facts - The Dinosaur Database

Stegosaurus was a herbivore. It lived in the Jurassic period and inhabited Europe and North America. Its fossils have been found in places such as Utah, Xinjiang (China) and South Dakota.

Among the most famous of all dinosaurs, the Stegosaurus is recognized chiefly for the two rows of armored plates that ran down the length of its spine from its head to the tip of its tail. It had a narrow, tapering head held close to the ground, and its forelegs were considerably shorter than its hindlegs.

As with the other more popular dinosaurs, the depiction of the Stegosaurus in art has changed considerably over the years as more and more new information has come to light. In early illustrations, the gait of the Stegosaurus was more squat, and it carried its tail low to the ground; it is now known that it walked with its hind legs held straighter, and its tail high in the air. Newer illustrations will sometimes incorporate these changes in understanding.

The plates that line the Stegosaurus’ back have inspired much debate as to their function. While they were initially thought to serve as armored protection for the creature’s back, some alternative theories have recently been proposed, ranging from an aesthetic display to heat regulation.

Quick facts about Stegosaurus:

  • Existed from Upper Jurassic Epoch to Lower Cretaceous Epoch
  • Lived in a terrestrial habitat
  • Was a herbivore
  • Reproduced by laying eggs
  • 75 different specimens have been found by paleontologists

All the Stegosaurus illustrations below were collected from the internet. Enjoy and explore:

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Location of Stegosaurus fossils.

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Thanks to the illustrators, PaleoDB, Dr. Christopher Scotese, and QuickChart Chart API enabling us to create this page.

Did T. rex Eat Stegosaurus?

Katie, the Museum’s own paleontology whiz who is also a published author, answers dinosaur questions we've received, from feathered fossils to the swimming Spinosaurus. Learn the origins of the word “dinosaur,” find out if they are really related to birds (they are), and much more in this Pulsar podcast from #MOSatHome.

We ask questions submitted by listeners, so if you have a question you'd like us to ask an expert, send it to us at [email protected].

Theme song by Destin Heilman

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ERIC: From the Museum of Science Boston, this is Pulsar, a podcast where we answer questions from you, our audience. I'm your host, Eric. My guest today is Katie, a paleontologist and educator at the museum. Katie, thanks for joining me.

KATIE: Thanks for having me.

ERIC: So our first question to start off, is a good one that comes from Taylor and it is, what does the word dinosaur mean?

KATIE: Well, the word dinosaur means terrible lizard. But the person who came up with that word never actually referenced it being terrible lizard. He actually referenced it being fearfully great, but if you actually take the Greek meaning of it, it is terrible lizard. I kinda like fearfully great though a little bit better, because they're not technically lizards.

ERIC: So that reason to a question we've got a lot, are dinosaurs related to birds?

KATIE: Yes, absolutely. Birds are dinosaurs. Not all dinosaurs are birds but birds are dinosaurs. I like to compare to mammals and whales. Whales are a type of mammal but not all mammals are whales.

And whales are a really weird type of mammal like you could easily if you just came as an alien spaceship to this planet and looked at all the animals that lived here. You could decide, whales look way too different from other mammals so we don't count them as mammals but obviously they are.

And that's the same with birds and dinosaurs. We now know that birds do fall into the dinosaur category. Some people think like, but they're so little, they're not what I think of when I hear the word dinosaurs well, though, scientifically speaking, they have all the hallmarks of being a dinosaur.

They have the genetics of being a dinosaur. And so they are.

ERIC: So if some of the dinosaurs survived the extinction and then evolved over 65 million years to look like the birds we have today.

KATIE: Exactly. In fact, a lot of them already were looking like the birds we had today back during that extinction event.

ERIC: So related to that, if they looked like that, did they have feathers? We've got a lot of questions about dinosaur feathers and also how we know that they had feathers, since we usually think of only finding the fossils of their bones.

KATIE: Yes, so not all dinosaurs had feathers, but a number of them did and the ones that are surviving today certainly do.

The feathers we found in the fossil record tend to be from impressions so feathers themselves don't fossilize very well. Usually only hard substances like bone can actually mineralize and fossilize into what we classically think of as a fossil. But there are impressions you can find, people find footprints, they find skin impressions, they find feather impressions in the rock.

And the most famous is probably Archaeopteryx, which has a beautiful array of feathers on multiple different fossil discoveries. But you can also find feathers on number of other different extinct dinosaurs. So one of my favorites is Microraptor, which show that there were feathers on its arms and legs that were long.

It almost looked like it had four wings to fly around, very cool. And you can even find feather evidence on bones. So it's not just always the impressions. Some bones have something called quill knobs, which are little tiny bumps along them to show where feathers would have attached.

And actually, velociraptor is a great example of a dinosaur that had quill knobs on its bones.

ERIC: So next question is from Lydia. What is the biggest dinosaur egg?

KATIE: Yeah, I love this question because it's probably not what you would expect. At least the biggest egg that we know of from a dinosaur, for sure is the elephant bird.

So this is something that lived relatively recently, it went extinct a couple of thousand years ago. And this was a type of bird that was absolutely huge, it was almost ten feet tall. It lived in Madagascar and its egg would have been over a foot long and weighed over 20 pounds.

So it was a huge egg. But you think to yourself, well, what about the really giant dinosaurs of the past, they had to have bigger eggs than that. And maybe they did. We just haven't found great evidence of larger eggs than that. The sauropod of the long neck dinosaurs the biggest eggs we found there were about 12 inches, the elephant bird's is 13 inches.

And those were animals that could get not just 10 feet tall, but the biggest sauropod, Argentinosauros, was 110 feet long. So it's a little interesting that even the giant dinosaurs still seem to have relatively small eggs compared to modern birds.

ERIC: So we got a question from Liam that I love, did T. rex eat Stegosaurus?

KATIE: Uh-huh, no. I love that question too. There were some really cool carnivores that went after Stegosaurus during the time it lived which was during the Jurassic period. So about 150 maybe until 255 million years ago. That's when Stegosaurus was a species of dinosaur that walked around the Earth.

But T. rex didn't live until about 80 million years ago, up until about 65 million years ago in the great extinction event. So there's about just as much time between us and T. rex as there is between T. rex and Stegosaurus, so they never would have met each other.

ERIC: That's something we really don't think about. We think about the world of dinosaurs being a long time ago, and then all the dinosaurs were there, but they were on the earth for a really long time, right?

KATIE: Absolutely. Yeah, they first appeared about 230 million years ago, and they're still around now.

So we have a lot of dinosaur history to look at.

ERIC: We got a couple different questions from people asking about Spinosaurus. And that was a dinosaur that was in the news last month, there was a new study or new fossil found, so can you tell us a little bit about that?

KATIE: Yes, Spinosaurus is so cool. So Spinosaurus is this large two legged kind of dinosaur that was about 50 feet long. It was a carnivore, and it lived also in the Cretaceous, but a little earlier than the Tyrannosaurus rex. So, little different time period. This is one of my favorite dinosaurs because it has such a cool history just with paleontology.

The original fossils were found about 100 years ago, but were stored in a museum that got bombed during World War Two. And so the fossils were just totally destroyed. But everyone really liked this dinosaur because it was cool it had a possible sale on its back, it looked really different than some of the other dinosaurs we had found and it was gigantic, so cool but then destroyed.

So paleontologists worked really hard to find new fossils and in recent years they have. So the fossils they've been finding suggested that it could be partially aquatic or at least a fish. The teeth that had looked like it was great for catching fish, kind of crocodilian teeth. Ring bones suggested that it'd be good for swimming.

They've been discovering more and more about those recently, but the newest find is about its tail. So the most complete Spinosaurus tail ever has been found and those tail bones are well tall for lack of a better word for that. They're kind of wide but not in the horizontal way in a vertical way like a tadpole tail.

They're very long neural spines. And it forms a paddle like structure, which tells us that, It could use that in the water to swim. Now why is that so cool? Because most dinosaurs don't swim. There are other really cool prehistoric reptiles that could swim around like Ichthyosaurs and Plesiosaurs, but dinosaurs not so much until we got the birds that could dive and swim.

But Spinosaurus seems to have all the adaptations in place to be a swimming dinosaur: a 50 foot long crocodilian teeth filled, fierce thing in the water. It's so cool.

ERIC: So our final question comes from Eamon, do you believe there are many dinosaur types that we haven't discovered yet?

KATIE: Yes definitely, we find new dinosaur fossils all the time. One of the coolest latest finds was this eenie bitty tiny dinosaur that was actually trapped in amber and it was so tiny that researchers looking at it realized they didn't really have any groups of dinosaurs to directly compared it to.

It's kind of its own new thing which tells us there's a whole new group of dinosaurs we really haven't even begun to discover maybe because they're so small. So you really never know what's next. But knowing how many dinosaurs are around today, with the birds, there's about 10,000 different species that are alive today versus how many extinct ones that we found, which is about 1,000.

And knowing that they've been around this earth since 230 million years ago, you could do the math. We've got a lot more species to find.

ERIC: Katie, thanks so much for talking to us and answering our dinosaur questions today.

KATIE: Of course, I love talking dinosaurs. Thanks so much for having me.

ERIC: If you'd like to have one of your questions answered by a visiting expert or a museum of science educator, you can email them to [email protected]. If you enjoyed this episode of pulsar, don't forget to subscribe on the apple podcast app or on Spotify as well as leaving a rating or review for us.

Please visit to support MOS at Home. That's it for this episode of Pulsar, join us again soon.

ERIC: Desde el Museo de Ciencias de Boston, esto es Pulsar, un pódcast donde respondemos a las preguntas de nuestra audiencia. Soy su presentador, Eric. Mi invitada de hoy es Katie, paleontóloga y educadora del museo. Katie, gracias por acompañarme.

KATIE: Gracias por invitarme.

ERIC: Para empezar, nuestra primera pregunta es una buena pregunta que hace Taylor y qué dice, ¿qué significa la palabra dinosaurio?

KATIE: Bueno, la palabra dinosaurio significa lagarto terrible. Pero la persona que inventó esa palabra nunca se refirió a que fuera un lagarto terrible. En realidad se refería a que era tremendamente grande, pero si se toma el significado del griego, es lagarto terrible. Me gusta algo así como "tremendamente grande", aunque un poco mejor, porque técnicamente no son lagartos.

ERIC: Esa es la razón de una pregunta que se nos plantea a menudo, ¿los dinosaurios están relacionados con las aves?

KATIE: Sí, por supuesto. Las aves son dinosaurios. No todos los dinosaurios son aves, pero las aves son dinosaurios. Me gusta comparar esto con los mamíferos y las ballenas, las ballenas son un tipo de mamífero, pero no todos los mamíferos son ballenas.

Y las ballenas son un tipo de mamífero muy raro, como podrías ver fácilmente si vinieras como una nave espacial alienígena a este planeta y vieras todos los animales que han vivido aquí, podrías determinar que las ballenas se ven muy diferentes de otros mamíferos, así que no las contamos como tales, pero obviamente lo son.

Y lo mismo ocurre con las aves y los dinosaurios. Ahora sabemos que las aves corresponden a la categoría de los dinosaurios. Algunas personas dicen, como son tan pequeñas no pienso en ellas cuando escucho la palabra dinosaurios. Bueno, desde el punto de vista científico, tienen todas las características de los dinosaurios, tienen la genética de un dinosaurio, y lo son.

ERIC: ¿Así que algunos de los dinosaurios sobrevivieron a la extinción y luego evolucionaron durante 65 millones de años hasta parecerse a las aves que conocemos hoy en día?

KATIE: Exactamente. De hecho, muchos de ellos ya se parecían a las aves que conocemos hoy durante esa extinción.

ERIC: En relación con eso, si se veían así, ¿tenían plumas?

Nos hacemos muchas preguntas sobre las plumas de los dinosaurios y también sobre cómo se sabe que las tenían, ya que normalmente solo pensamos en encontrar los fósiles de sus huesos.

KATIE: Sí, no todos los dinosaurios tenían plumas, pero varios de ellos las tenían y los que sobreviven hoy en día sin duda las tienen.

Las plumas que encontramos en el registro fósil suelen ser de impresiones, por lo que las plumas en sí no se fosilizan muy bien. Por lo general, solo las sustancias duras como el hueso pueden mineralizarse y fosilizarse para convertirse en lo que tradicionalmente consideramos un fósil. Pero se pueden encontrar impresiones, se encuentran huellas, impresiones de piel y de plumas en la roca.

Y el más famoso probablemente sea el Archaeopteryx, que tiene un hermoso conjunto de plumas en varios descubrimientos de fósiles diferentes. Pero también se pueden encontrar plumas en otros dinosaurios extintos. Uno de mis favoritos es el Microraptor, que muestra que tenía plumas largas en los brazos y patas. Casi parecía como si tuviera cuatro alas para volar, genial.

E incluso puedes encontrar indicios de plumas en los huesos, así que no se trata solo de las impresiones. Algunos huesos tienen algo llamado protuberancias de plumas, que son pequeños bultos que muestran dónde se habrían unido las plumas. Y en realidad, el Velociraptor es un gran ejemplo de un dinosaurio que tenía protuberancias de plumas en los huesos.

ERIC: La próxima pregunta es de Lydia. ¿Cuál es el huevo de dinosaurio más grande?

KATIE: Sí, me encanta esta pregunta porque probablemente no es lo que te esperarías. Al menos el huevo más grande de dinosaurio que conocemos, seguro que es el de un ave elefante. Se trata de un animal que vivió hace relativamente poco tiempo, se extinguió hace un par de miles de años.

Y era un tipo de ave que era absolutamente enorme, medía casi tres metros de altura. Vivía en Madagascar y su huevo tenía más de un pie de largo y pesaba más de 20 libras. Era un huevo enorme. Pero si piensas, ¿y qué hay de los dinosaurios realmente grandes del pasado?

Tenían que tener huevos más grandes que esos. Y quizás lo eran. No hemos encontrado evidencias de que tuvieran huevos más grandes que esos. Del saurópodo, de los dinosaurios de cuello largo, los huevos más grandes que encontramos eran de unas 12 pulgadas, y el del ave elefante es de 13 pulgadas.

Y esos eran animales que no solo podían alcanzar 10 pies de altura, sino que el saurópodo más grande de los Argentinosaurus, medía 110 pies de largo. Es bastante interesante que incluso los dinosaurios gigantes parecen tener huevos relativamente pequeños en comparación con las aves modernas.

ERIC: Tenemos una pregunta de Liam que me encanta, ¿el T. rex se comía al Estegosaurio?

KATIE: Ja ja, no. A mi también me encanta esa pregunta. Hubo algunos carnívoros realmente fantásticos que fueron tras el Estegosaurio durante la época en que vivió, que fue durante el periodo Jurásico, que fue hace unos 150 a 255 millones de años, eso era cuando el Estegosaurio era una especie de dinosaurio que caminaba por la Tierra.

Pero el T. rex no vivió hasta hace unos 80 millones de años, hasta hace unos 65 millones de años, en la gran extinción. Por lo tanto, pasó tanto tiempo entre nosotros y el T. rex como entre el T. rex y el Estegosaurio, así que nunca se habrían conocido.

ERIC: Eso es algo en lo que realmente no pensamos. Pensamos que el mundo de los dinosaurios fue hace mucho tiempo, y entonces todos los dinosaurios existían, pero estuvieron en la Tierra durante mucho tiempo, ¿verdad?

KATIE: Por supuesto. Aparecieron por primera vez hace unos 230 millones de años, y todavía están entre nosotros.

Tenemos una larga historia de los dinosaurios para estudiar.

ERIC: Tenemos un par de preguntas de la gente sobre los Espinosaurios, un tipo de dinosaurio que estuvo en las noticias el mes pasado, pues hubo un nuevo estudio o se encontró un nuevo fósil, ¿puede contarnos un poco sobre eso?

KATIE: Sí, el Espinosaurio es fantástico. El Espinosaurio es este tipo de dinosaurio grande de dos patas que medía unos 50 pies de largo. Era carnívoro, y también vivió en el Cretáceo, pero un poco antes que el Tiranosaurio rex, un periodo de tiempo ligeramente diferente. Este es uno de mis dinosaurios favoritos porque tiene una historia fantástica relacionada con la paleontología.

Los fósiles originales se encontraron hace unos 100 años, pero se almacenaron en un museo que fue bombardeado durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y los fósiles fueron totalmente destruidos. Pero a todo el mundo le gustaba mucho este dinosaurio porque era genial, tenía una posible vela en el lomo, se veía muy diferente a algunos de los otros dinosaurios que se habían encontrado y era gigantesco, muy interesante, pero fue destruido.

Así que los paleontólogos trabajaron intensamente para encontrar nuevos fósiles y en los últimos años lo han conseguido. Los fósiles que han encontrado sugieren que podría ser parcialmente acuático o al menos un pez. Sus dientes, aparentemente excelentes para atrapar peces, eran como los de un cocodrilo. Los huesos en forma de anillo sugirieron que sería apto para la natación.

Recientemente han descubierto cada vez más cosas sobre ellos, pero el último hallazgo es sobre su cola. Se ha encontrado la cola más completa de un Espinosaurio y esos huesos de la cola son muy altos, a falta de una palabra mejor para definirlos. Son algo anchos, pero no en dirección horizontal, sino vertical, como la cola de un renacuajo, son espinas neurales muy largas, y forman una estructura parecida a una paleta, lo que nos dice que podrían usarla en el agua para nadar.

¿Por qué es tan interesante? Porque la mayoría de los dinosaurios no nadan. Hay otros reptiles prehistóricos realmente interesantes que sabían nadar, como los Ictiosaurios y Plesiosaurios pero, por lo que sabemos, los dinosaurios no tanto. Las aves podían bucear y nadar, pero el Espinosaurio parece que tenía todas las adaptaciones para ser un dinosaurio nadador, un cocodrilo de 50 pies de largo con unos dientes feroces en el agua.

Es fantástico.

ERIC: Nuestra última pregunta viene de Eamon, ¿crees que hay muchos tipos de dinosaurios que aún no hemos descubierto?

KATIE: Sí, sin duda, encontramos nuevos fósiles de dinosaurios todo el tiempo. Uno de los últimos hallazgos más interesantes fue este pequeño dinosaurio que estaba atrapado en el ámbar y era tan pequeño que los investigadores que lo observaron se dieron cuenta de que no tenían ningún grupo de dinosaurios con el que compararlo directamente.

Es una especie de novedad que nos dice que hay todo un nuevo grupo de dinosaurios que ni siquiera hemos empezado a descubrir, tal vez porque son muy pequeños. Realmente nunca sabes qué será lo próximo. Pero sabiendo cuántos dinosaurios existen hoy en día, con las aves, hay unas 10 mil especies diferentes vivas hoy en día, frente a las extintas que encontramos, que son unas 1000.

Y sabiendo que están en el planeta desde hace 230 millones de años, podrías hacer las cuentas. Tenemos muchas más especies por encontrar.

ERIC: Katie, muchas gracias por hablar con nosotros y responder a nuestras preguntas sobre los dinosaurios hoy.

KATIE: Por supuesto, me encanta hablar de dinosaurios. Gracias por invitarme.

ERIC: Si quieres que una de tus preguntas la responda un experto o un educador del Museo de Ciencias, puedes enviarles un correo electrónico a [email protected]. Si te ha gustado este episodio de Pulsar, no olvides suscribirte a la aplicación de pódcasts de Apple o en Spotify, además de dejarnos una calificación o reseña.

Visita para apoyar MOS desde Casa. Eso es todo por este episodio de Pulsar, nos vemos pronto.

30 ways to draw different dinosaurs



How to draw a Tyrannosaurus Rex

Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTube

What you need

  • Paper;
  • pencil or marker.

How to draw a dinosaur

Draw a small slash down to the left. Drop it down and turn to the right. This will be the front of the animal's mouth.

Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTube

Draw a smooth checkmark at the top. Under it draw an oval eye, and inside it is a dark pupil. Draw a slash down from the left corner of the eye.

Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTube

At the top of the mouth, add a small drop nostril. Draw a horizontal line above the lower border of the mouth, lift it up and draw a small corner at the end.

Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTube

Finish the head by drawing a smooth line at an angle from the top of the check mark. Extend the lower border of the mouth slightly and round the line upwards. Add some triangular teeth to the dinosaur.

Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTube

Draw a smooth sloping line from the lower right edge of the head - this will be the back of the animal. Round it and bring it up to the right, depicting part of the tail.

Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTube

From the mouth down, draw a small line. At the bottom, add a perpendicular rounded line. Draw a stroke up from its right edge. From the left edge down, draw two checkmarks - dinosaur fingers. Draw the right side of the paw with a zigzag line.

Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTube

Behind this paw, add another one, drawing only the fingers. Draw a curved belly under the paws. Under the back, draw something like an inclined bowl - the thigh of an animal.

Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTube

Draw another similar line next to the belly line. From the hip, draw a dash to the side, draw a smooth curved line down from it. Add another one on the right.

Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTube

Draw a few fingers between these lines with checkmarks. On the left, draw another paw, as in the photo and video below.

Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTube

Draw the tail by drawing a curved line to the right paw. In the master class, all the outer contours of the drawing were additionally outlined in fatter, but this is not necessary.

What other options are there

Of course, the T. rex was not as cute as in the simple picture above. But this dinosaur is already more like a real one:

Here you can see how to color a Tyrannosaurus Rex:

Here is an animal from a different angle:

And another very realistic pencil drawing:

How to draw a Triceratops

Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTube

What you need

  • Paper;
  • pencil or marker.

How to draw a dinosaur

Draw a smooth zigzag line from the bottom up. From the top end, draw down a regular, slightly rounded line.

Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTube

Below it, add a long narrow horn with a rounded base.

Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTube

From it down to the right draw a curved forehead line and draw another small triangular horn. Lower the line down from it and turn it to the left, drawing an acute-angled mouth. Approximately from the middle of this line, draw a curved lower part of the head to the left.

Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTube

Draw an arc under the big horn and an oval eye under it. Color it in leaving a white dot. Behind this horn draw another one of the same. On the teeth of the collar, add a small corner.

Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTube

From the neck, draw a short line down to the left, lower it down and draw a few fingers in a zigzag. Finish the leg by lifting the line up. Add another one on the right.

Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTube

Approximately from the middle of the collar, bring the line of the back to the left and round it down. From the front leg, draw up another curved line. To the left of her draw a big leg, as in the photo below.

Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTube

Draw an oblique line under the belly, depicting part of the other hind leg. Continue the line of the back, draw another one from the leg and connect them so that you get a pointed tail.

Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTube

Draw a few slanted strokes on the tail. Draw small vertical lines along the edge of the back and on the legs and add a few on the side of the animal. Draw short lines on the collar, add an arc next to the horn and a small nostril.

What other options are there? At the end of the video it is explained how to color the drawing:

In this master class, a dinosaur is drawn in pencil:

How to draw a Velociraptor

Frame: @FishWhale / YouTube

What you need

  • Paper;
  • pencil or marker.

How to draw a dinosaur

On the left side of the sheet, draw a semi-oval without a bottom border. Inside, on the right side, add a circle, and in it - a bold dot. This will be the eye.

Frame: @FishWhale / YouTube

From the drawn part of the head, draw a long wavy line to the right side, as in the photo.

Frame: @FishWhale / YouTube

Draw the bottom border of the head. Below it, add a flat, elongated shape. Draw a smooth line down from the right edge of the head and round to the right - this is the neck of the animal.

Frame: @FishWhale / YouTube

Under the rise in the center, draw a vertical line that bulges to the left. At the end, round it in the other direction. To the right of the line, draw another one so that the outline resembles a dinosaur paw.

Frame: @FishWhale / YouTube

Below, draw two small claws, and above them - one large pointed one. They should look like crescents.

Frame: @FishWhale / YouTube

From the upper right part of the paw, draw a line to the side and connect it with the upper one so that you get a sharp tail. Draw another line under it.

Shot: @FishWhale / YouTube

To the right of the neck, draw a short curved foot with ticked claws, as in the photo and video below. From it to the hind paw, draw a line, and under it - another one, drawing the belly.

Frame: @FishWhale / YouTube

Add another hind leg and complete the line of the abdomen under the neck.

What other options are there? Here are more realistic Velociraptors. In this video, there are two master classes at once, as well as the technique of coloring animals:

And here is how to draw a dinosaur with a pencil:

How to draw a stegosaurus

Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTube

What you need

  • Paper;
  • pencil or marker.

How to draw a dinosaur

On the left side of the sheet, draw a small line at an angle. Draw a wavy line from its lower end to the right. This will be the dinosaur's mouth.

Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTube

In front of the lower part of the mouth, add a small line - the mouth. Put a thick dot on top - the eye. Draw a smooth rounded line above it.

Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTube

Draw a small straight line up to the right from this line. At the bottom, draw an expanding neck. In front, depict the nostril as a small dot. Also add small dashes on both sides of the eye.

Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTube

Under the neck, add a small patch of skin by drawing a curved line. To the right of the lower border of the neck, draw a smooth vertical line, and from it down to the left draw another straight line. Draw the right side of the paw with a wide daw.

Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTube

On the right, draw the belly of the animal with a horizontal line. Up and down from the end of this line, draw another one at an angle. Draw the right side of the curved paw as shown in the photo.

Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTube

Extend the top line of the neck and round it down to about above the hind leg. From the middle of this paw, draw a rounded line down. Connect the two lines together to make a pointed tail.

Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTube

Draw a small corner on top of the neck, add another larger one next to it. Draw a few more angular “petals” on the back of the dinosaur, increasing the size of each subsequent one.

Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTube

Draw the paws with two rounded lines. Add another row of plates between the already drawn ones.

Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTube

Behind the back paw, draw another one, as in the photo below. In front of the front paw, draw a part of the other, drawing parallel lines. On the tail, add a couple of small plates, draw similar shapes on the other side.

Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTube

Draw in curves at the bases of the paws and knees, separate the toes and add some kind of spikes on both sides at the end of the tail.

What other options are there

Here is a simpler, very childish drawing:

This tutorial shows how to color a stegosaurus:

This dinosaur is drawn in pencil. The hardest part is shading:

Here's another more realistic option:

How to draw a brachiosaurus

Frame: @Cool Kids Art / YouTube

What you need

  • Paper;
  • pencil or marker.

How to draw a dinosaur

The author of the master class at the beginning made a pencil sketch for convenience. But you can do without it.

Draw an arc, to the right of it draw a longer arched line down.

Frame: @Cool Kids Art / YouTube

Under the first arc, draw two rounded lines next to each other - this will be the thigh. From each line, bring down one more, slightly narrowing the leg down. Draw the paw and outline the triangular claw.

Frame: @Cool Kids Art / YouTube

On the right, draw another tilted hip. Draw the bottom of the leg straight. Add paw and claw.

Frame: @Cool Kids Art / YouTube

Connect the legs with a curved line - this will be the abdomen. From the left leg, bring up small arcs to the right and left. Add a similar one to the left of the right leg.

Frame: @Cool Kids Art / YouTube

Draw a long, curved line up to the left of the back. Draw the neck from the opposite side, bringing the line to an arc next to the leg.

Frame: @Cool Kids Art / YouTube

Draw an arc on top, and below it - an oval eye with a black dot in the corner. From the arc, draw a line to the left, round it down and draw an open mouth with a daw. Smoothly bring out the lower part of the mouth, and next to the neck - another arc.

Frame: @Cool Kids Art / YouTube

Continue the line of the back down, then lift it up. Draw a line from the thigh of the back leg and connect it upwards with the previous one so that you get a pointed tail.

Frame: @Cool Kids Art / YouTube

Draw the other two legs and draw a line along the lower border of the neck, belly and tail.

What other options are

In this video shows how to paint a brachiosaurus:

Pencil drawing:

Bonus: how to draw other dinosaurs

This instruction will help you portray ankilosaurus:

If it is difficult, use this master class:

This is a flying pterodactyl depicted with a pencil:

Here is a frightening spinosaur:


and another figure and another figure and another figure

And in this master class they draw a dilophosaurus:

Read also 🖼🖌👍

  • 5 ways to draw fabulous unicorns
  • 9 ways to draw the cutest cats
  • 25 ways to draw a car
  • How to draw a dog for someone who is not an artist at all
  • 7 ways to draw a five-pointed star

*Activity of Meta Platforms Inc. and its social networks Facebook and Instagram are prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.

dr in dinosaur style. Little dinosaurs

We offer to arrange a fun and unusual party in honor of the birthday of a boy aged 8-10 years. To hold the celebration, you will need certain props and decorations, as well as the participation of the parents of the birthday boy, the invited presenter and an adult who wants to “try on” the “Snake Gorynych” costume for the holiday.

Decorating the room

In order to create the right atmosphere in the room, it is enough to hang posters and drawings depicting dinosaurs on the walls, and also make a “cave” with your own hands, in which “primitive people” will live. The "cave" can be made from chairs, brown blankets or a children's tent, and soft toys can become "primitive people".


  1. “Snake Gorynych” suit.
  2. Costumes of dinosaurs and primitive people (for guests and organizers).
  3. Green balloons (10-15 pieces).
  4. 10 Kinder surprises.
  5. Large plastic egg with a picture of a dinosaur.
  6. Toy soft dinosaur.
  7. 2 tapes.
  8. Wooden sticks, such as Chinese (two sticks per player).
  9. Twigs from which the organizers will make a "bonfire".
  10. Pacifiers (one for each participant in the game).
  11. Cardboard or paper sheets in brown, marbled or gray color (one sheet per player).
  12. Crayons or pencils.
  13. 4th matchbox.
  14. Small gifts for all guests (sweets, stationery, toys, etc.).

Scenario of the event

The host meets the guests and says:

On this day without fuss
All dreams come true.
I wanted a phone -
Here it is among the gifts.
In a word, whatever you wish,
On this day you receive.
So, right, Birthday -
The holiday is the best, without a doubt!
To prove it,
Let's start congratulating.

And then the parents congratulate the birthday boy with the words:

Dear son!
You walked for nine years,
And grew up, and became older.
In a year on the anniversary
You will be even older.
And today at this hour
Rejoice you, (name) , pop.
Everyone should recognize you
Only from the best side.
You are our gift. (give a gift to the birthday man).

Let everyone surprise you with a gift,

And congratulations on a wonderful holiday!.

After these words, all the guests present the gifts brought to the birthday boy and the parents invite everyone to the table. And after the festive feast, the host turns on the music and invites everyone to dance.

Approximately 20-30 minutes later, an adult volunteer dressed as the “Snake of Gorynych” enters the room and says (the host turns off the music): “Hi, friends! I am the Serpent Gorynych! I am very glad to see everyone, but how many of you are here! (Sniffing) Aha! I felt a mile away that it smells like a holiday here, so I flew in. Maybe you can treat me to something delicious? (Children: "Yes!"). Oh, if you knew... (sadly) Things are really bad for me right now... The thing is, I'm not just hungry! My heads want not only to eat, but also to have fun. One head wants “frightening” food, and the second one wants “fun” food, and the third one wants “guessing” food! I am sure that there are always a lot of different foods on holidays, including this one. After all, it’s so boring for me to sit alone, and there’s nothing to eat at home ... (Rejoiced) Yes, but maybe I can also help here with something! I'll definitely come in handy, you'll see!

Lead : "Oh, I know how to cheer up our friend! I know how to feed him and save him from loneliness! Let's go to those prehistoric times, when there were many, many "mountain kites", that is, dinosaurs, on our Earth!

After these words, the presenter turns on the song "Dinosaurs" by M. Boyarsky, and the guests and organizers of the celebration change into pre-prepared costumes of dinosaurs and primitive people. The host puts on a primitive man's costume and says:

“A long time ago, several million years ago, there were… who? That's right, the first people.
What were their names?
Who called,
He knew,
And we call them primitive.
How old were they?
How many winters,
So many years.
I have an answer to this,
Unfortunately, no.
What did they look like?
In skins, shaggy,
With a beard and mustache…
However, now you will see for yourself!.

Parents discreetly turn on the music and lead the children one by one to the next room of the apartment or to the next room, in which one half is occupied by chairs for the “auditorium” (the chairs should be in a semicircle), and the second half is occupied by a carpet and pillows (or ottomans, on which children can sit). The children, the presenter and the Serpent Gorynych sit on the pillows, and the rest of the guests (including the parents of the birthday boy) take their places in the "auditorium".

When everyone takes their places Zmey Gorynych addresses the children:

“And who is at the head of them?
Of course I am.
After all,
was chosen as the leader of the tribe not in vain.
Introducing my compatriots (refers to the "spectators" and points with his hand at the children sitting next to each other in turn).
- Oh!
- Oi!
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
- Hey!
- Hey!
- Whoa!

The host warns the children in advance that they should nod their heads when Gorynych calls their “names” and points to them with his hand.

Having completed such an unusual "acquaintance" of children with the audience, Gorynych falls silent and the "right to vote" passes to the leader.

Master : “Once upon a time, people believed that terrible gods ruled everything in the world ... They asked them for help, presented them with gifts and made sacrifices so that it rained on the crops, so that the game itself ran to the hunters, so that the fish themselves swam to the fishermen in nets . .. And today, so that lightning does not strike our house or a meteorite falls on it, so that an earthquake or tsunami does not start, we must appease the gods who patronize our tribe with a ritual dance. I will now show you the movements of this dance. Repeat after me! (includes moving music).

Examples of movements (they can be accompanied by inarticulate cries of "primitive" children):

  1. Two jumps up.
  2. Three squats.
  3. Two taps with the left foot.
  4. Two taps with the right foot.
  5. Raise your arms up twice.
  6. Three jumps back.
  7. Turn your head to the left three times.
  8. Turn your head to the right three times.

The facilitator turns off the music and addresses the children after the “ritual dance”: “Guys, I think that everyone present in the course, but I'll tell you about it anyway. So, in order for a person to survive, only the most necessary things are needed: food, water and shelter. Water, as we know, is found in abundance in natural reservoirs, caves (also of natural origin) served as shelter for most primitive people, but food has always been the most difficult to obtain. Now we will practice looking for bird eggs and, if we can do it without difficulty, then our tribe will definitely survive in any conditions. So let's go! Try to hit our egg cave!”.

The children search for and eventually find (possibly with a prompt from the facilitator) 10 Kinder Surprise boxes and one large plastic egg with a dragon on it.

Master (examining the found eggs): "Oh, look, some strange egg was found! Let's ask Zmey Gorynych what to do with him, because a representative of his family is depicted here.

Serpent Gorynych (picks up an egg): "It's a dinosaur egg! In order for the baby to hatch, we need to keep him warm!

Lead : “Serpent Gorynych, so you can just hold him in your paws! After all, you breathe fire and your body temperature is many times higher than ours!

Serpent Gorynych : "Yeah, that's a good idea, but do you really want this dinosaur to hatch. .. What if it's not a herbivore?"

Master : "Well, we'll keep an eye on him all the time, and he'll be born quite small. And he definitely won't want to eat us! But we will now put the bird eggs in a bonfire and wait until they are cooked (puts packages from “kinder surprises” into an improvised “bonfire” of branches).

Serpent Gorynych : “Don't underestimate a dinosaur, even a small one... He will grow up and become a giant, and then he will start to win back his territory from those who even lived on it before him! I am a scientist, and he will be wild! Tell, or rather show the children (addressing the presenter), how my prehistoric ancestors fought for territory and food.

Master : "Okay, now the children themselves will try, like wild dinosaurs in prehistoric times, to drive out a stranger from their territory by tearing off his long tail."

The facilitator chooses two volunteers, who are tied with ribbons to the back of their pants (or belts), which are then tied in the form of “bows”. The task of the participants is to untie each other's bows. The one who can do it first wins.

Master : “I think that we should sing this wonderful battle in our legends, but legends, as you know, are passed from mouth to mouth, therefore they undergo significant changes and, in the end, the truth does not remain in these stories at all. Therefore, it would be better if we capture our battle on the walls of the cave. I think we can draw a dragon, which will henceforth become our totem animal.

Serpent Gorynych : "But other tribes will definitely be offended and try to erase our drawings, because they have completely different animals as totems, namely: a saber-toothed dog, a horned turtle, a fanged hedgehog, a shaggy pig and a tailless cat."

Master : "Okay, then let's draw their spirit animals. Guys, now I will distribute everything that is needed for applying ritual drawings.

The facilitator distributes sheets of paper in brown, gray or marble colors, as well as crayons or even ordinary pencils to the children and asks them to draw the above totem animals.

Serpent Gorynych : “You know, drawings were not in vain deified by primitive people! People didn’t just draw animals, they “got used” to their roles, tried to copy their habits in order to get their strength and endurance.”

Master : "Yes, and members of our tribe also know how to imitate animals. And now I'll prove it! So, stand up everyone and do what I say. Just try to portray."

Children's commands:

  • Act like a cat about to jump.
  • Depict a butterfly that sat on a flower.
  • Show how the turtle hides its head in its shell.
  • What does an anaconda do when it wants to eat someone?

At the end of this game, the host can give prizes to the guys who depicted animals in the most artistic way.

Serpent Gorynych (looking at the "bonfire"): "Oh, and the eggs are ready! Tribe! It's time to eat!"

Master : "Stop! The fire is hot, and the eggs too! Guys, here I have chopsticks with which you can get eggs from the fire (he distributes two chopsticks to the children, for example, Chinese ones for eating). Now I'll time it and see which of you can get the most eggs out of the fire with just two sticks. Go".

After the competition is over, the facilitator may award the winner (or all children) with a small present.

Serpent Gorynych (joyfully): "Look, the dinosaur has hatched! Hooray! (Pulls out and shows the children a dinosaur soft toy). I'm so happy! I'm practically a father now! Oh, and what to feed him?

Master : "First of all, it's still quite small, and secondly, I know that some dinosaurs eat meat, while others eat grass."

Serpent Gorynych : "Yes, it's true, he's still sucking a baby. Let's give him a pacifier for now (trying to insert a dummy into the mouth of a soft toy, but it naturally falls out of the dragon's mouth). Oh, but he doesn't want to take it."

Master : "Yes, apparently this dinosaur won't be small for long. I propose to arrange a fun competition to find out if all the members of our tribe will be small for a long time, or vice versa, one of us will grow up very quickly (gives each child a pacifier). Children, stand in a row, and take pacifiers in your mouth. At my signal, everyone should spit their pacifiers out of their mouths. And the one whose dummy flies the farthest wins.

The facilitator may reward the winner (or all participants) with a small present.

Serpent Gorynych : "Listen, we haven't named our baby yet! Let's all come up with a name for him. I only ask that the first two letters of his name be "di", because he is a dinosaur.

Master : "Good! Children, what name do you think will suit our dinosaur? Maybe Dino?

Children offer their options.

Master : "That's good! Beautiful name! And now let's think about how we will teach him to speak a human language so that he becomes as smart as our Serpent Gorynych! So, I think the easiest words to teach him are those words that start with "di", because, for sure, one of the first words he learns is the word "dinosaur" and his name.

Children list words that begin with these two letters. For example: dingo, porcupine, savage, etc. The participant who lists the most words receives a prize from the presenter.

Serpent Gorynych : "Oh, you know, a real dinosaur won't learn anything if it wants to eat... First it has to eat."

Master : "Yeah, I agree! Let's try, together with the baby, to stuff our bellies with grass ... Oh, wait, first we will determine which of us is able to digest grass and who has a lot of food to fit in his stomach.

Parents bring as many inflated green balloons into the room as possible. After that, the host asks the children to try to put as many balls as possible under a jacket or sweater. The one who managed to put the most balls under the jacket receives the title of "Chief Herbivore" and a small present.

Serpent Gorynych : "Oh, while the tribe was practicing, our baby jumped so high for joy that I even thought that he was not a dinosaur, but a jumposaurus!"

Presenter : "Guys, let's become jumposaurs ourselves! I need 4 volunteers and 2 balloons (chooses guys, forms two pairs of them and gives each pair one balloon). So, dear friends, now the guys from each pair should hold the balls between their foreheads and jump, without dropping them, from this wall to that one (shows with his hand where and how far you need to jump). The pair that doesn't drop the ball and gets to the wall first wins.

The game ends with the awarding of the winners with small presents.

Serpent Gorynych : "And I remember that once upon a time not only jumposaurs lived on Earth, but also begosaurs, each of which had 6 paws."

Master : "Wow! As many as 6! Tribe members! I propose to depict begosaurs to find out how they could move around with so many paws. To do this, we need matches and two volunteers who are ready to participate in the competition. I think the volunteers will quickly realize that the secret of the Begosaurs was to keep their balance."

The facilitator selects volunteers and gives each of them two matchboxes. The task of the players is to run from wall to wall of the room, holding a matchbox on their shoulders, which should not fall, in any case. The winner is the player who runs to the wall faster than the opponent, while his boxes should not fall.

Serpent Gorynych : “Look (shows a soft toy to children), and our dinosaur seems to be quite happy! I fed him, and it's time to put him to bed, because all children sleep a lot. I also wanted to say thank you for such a nice welcome! I ate, and had fun, and got scared, and learned a lot! Thanks friends!".

Lead (looks at his wristwatch): “Oh, you know, Gorynych, it's time for us to go back! It's time to return from primitive times to the present! And, of course, we will leave the dinosaur here, because here is his home. Can you imagine how smart he will grow up? We began to teach him to speak like a human being! Let's all say goodbye to the dinosaur."

Children : "Bye!".

Serpent Gorynych : “Guys, wait… I'm not going back anywhere. After all, this kid is still quite small, and we have just begun to teach him everything. And his mother is not here. In short, I'm staying!"

Lead : “Well, all right, Serpent Gorynych! Good luck to you! Tell your child about us and educate him properly! To become smarter when he grows up! Guys, it's time for us to go back! Let's go: one, two, three ... (Parents turn on the music). It's time to change!"

Guests and event organizers change into their normal clothes.

Master : "Well, here we are at home! I liked the trip to the world of primitive people and dinosaurs! Let's celebrate the birthday now! Let's sing the song "Loaf"!

Children sing the song “Karavai” (“Karavay-loaf, choose whom you want!”). Parents call everyone to the table and have a tea party with a cake. You can end the event with a disco.

"Creative Mom 2015" - Elena Ogulkova shares with us the script for a children's birthday party at home, which she organized for her son. The birthday turned out to be thematic, informative and emotionally very rich. I think this day was remembered by all the participants of the holiday! We pass the floor to Elena.

Six months ago, my son saw piñatas in some store and got excited about the idea of ​​making a piñata on his own, and always in the form of a dinosaur. Thus, the theme of the Birthday was a foregone conclusion, we needed a Dinosaur holiday.

I've searched a lot on the internet and put together a script that works best for us. I wanted the games to be suitable for ages from 2 to 7 years old, there were no competitive moments and the whole event took no more than 30-40 minutes. In general, I chose the most interesting, in my opinion.

Preparing for the holiday

Dinosaur piñata

We inflated, cut the newspaper into pieces about 10 by 10 cm and prepared the glue (PVA mixed with water in a ratio of 1:1). Then, using the papier-mâché technique, the ball was pasted over in 2 layers. When the design dried, it took a couple of days, we pierced the ball and pulled it out.

Filled the piñata with confetti and small chocolates and sealed the hole with tape. Then they decorated the blank with corrugated paper and glued the details of the dinosaur drawn on cardboard. (Semyon took an active part in making the piñata and drew the head of a tyrannosaurus rex himself)

Soda volcano

Inside the volcano there is a crumpled newspaper for volume, a layer of foil on top to give shape, then it is covered with building plaster and painted with acrylic paints. The mouth of the volcano is made from a cup of Rastishka. It took me no more than 15 minutes. To make an eruption, you need to pour soda into the vent, pour a little dishwashing detergent mixed with red paint, and then add vinegar.


Wooden parts from a three-dimensional puzzle in the form of a dinosaur buried in the sand. At home, you can use semolina or any other cereal.

Tyrannosaurus Nest

The nest contains books as a gift: "Dinosaur Studies" and "". And also foil eggs with small dinosaur figures inside.

Scenario for children's birthday "Journey to the world of dinosaurs"

Paleontologist: Hello guys. Do you know who I am? I am a paleontologist. A paleontologist is a scientist who studies the fossil remains of extinct organisms, studies the features of their existence and distribution in space and time. I am especially interested in dinosaurs. But tell me where I am. Where did my time machine take me this time?

(Children say it's for a birthday.)

Time Machine

Paleontologist: Wow! I heartily congratulate the birthday man and want to get to know you. What is your name, how old are you, what do you like to do? Do you like adventure? Then I want to ask you for help. I confess to you that I am an unusual paleontologist, I have a time machine on which I can move into the past and study everything that interests me there.

Last time I was in the Cretaceous period. I kept a diary called "Dinosaur Studies", which contains very important facts unknown to modern scientists. But Tyrannosaurus rex attacked me and running away from him, I lost my work. Guys, could you go with me to the past and help me find my diary. I have a map of my route. And here is the time machine. You are ready? Then everything is behind me.

(I had a tent as a time machine, I recorded a short video from some science film on the tablet in advance, which shows moving into the past. While the children are watching a piece of the film, the assistant lays out bumps and snakes).

Paleontologist (shows the map to the children): Our path lies through a swamp with poisonous snakes , you need to jump over bumps so as not to fall into the swamp!

Look at the map.

Volcano Valley

Paleontologist: We ended up in Volcano Valley . During the Cretaceous, volcanic activity intensified. Gradually the seasons appeared. What do you know, what time of year is it now?

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Flowering plants arose, herbivorous dinosaurs ate them with pleasure. Now let's watch the volcanic eruption.

(We pour vinegar from a test tube into the mouth of the volcano and observe the eruption. At this time, an assistant from the bag throws red balloons at the children.)

Paleontologist: Children hot lava is flowing into our valley! (Children pierce balloons with toothpicks or pop them in any other way)

Thank you very much, you saved the valley from the fire!

Dinosaur excavation

Paleontologist: Let's look at the map, where should we go next? We are waiting for excavation area . Last time I didn't manage to dig up all the fossils, can you help me? Everything we know about dinosaurs comes from fossils—bones and other traces of life—preserved in rocks.

(Children take out all the details of the dinosaur from the sand, you can collect it later.)

Herbivorous dinosaurs

Paleontologist: Let's look at the map. Oh, we have Herbivorous Dinosaur Valley ahead of us. .

Herbivorous dinosaurs reached enormous sizes. One of the largest dinosaurs was the Supersaurus. He weighed as much as 10 elephants. Each such heavyweight required hundreds of kilograms of food daily.

(There are chopped fruits and vegetables and a bag of whole fruits on the table. Children first determine by touch what is in the bag. And then, blindfolded, they try the treat and try to guess by taste).

Tyrannosaurus battle

Paleontologist: Where will the map take us now? Children, we are waiting for meeting with the most terrible dinosaur Cretaceous period! Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest land predators in the history of civilization, had excellent eyesight and a well-developed sense of smell. With mighty sharp teeth, like giant scissors, he tore prey and crushed the bones of herbivorous dinosaurs. Tyrannosaurus rex were brutal, aggressive predatory killers. Are you ready to fight him?

(Go to the dinosaur-shaped piñata and break it. Treat yourself to sweets.)

Gifts in the nest

Paleontologist: Look, it seems that is the nest of a Tyrannosaurus Rex , and in it is my diary of Dinosaur Studies! And dinosaur eggs, let's see what's in them!

Did you know that the first dinosaur eggs were the eggs of Hypselosaurus. The shape of the eggs practically did not differ from each other, usually they were rounded and elongated, the difference was only in size from 15 cm to 1 m 20 cm. Let's imagine these dimensions.

(At this time, the children open the eggs and find small dinosaur figurines in them, which they keep as souvenirs)

Guys, thank you so much for your help, I'm so happy! And now let's drive a "loaf" around the birthday boy!

Did you like the children's birthday scenario? Save your favorite social network to the wall to please your child on the next holiday!

December we got sick. Not all, but half. First the boys, then me. Protracted illnesses, poor health, and here the holidays are one on one. We all tried to organize them, invite guests, there were three home events planned - and all failed. The biggest upset for Rodion, because he was looking forward to his birthday - 3 years old. And he chose the theme of the holiday - dinosaurs. But here is 1.5 weeks of illness, but there is really no improvement. The holiday had to be cancelled. More precisely, the guests, and I quickly prepared the holiday, because you can’t leave the baby without an adventure. Unfortunately, everything was done quickly, between treatments, with a foggy head, because there was not much entertainment, and I had mistakes, but still it turned out fun, and most importantly, the birthday boy was happy! Today I decided to go back almost a month ago and finally tell you how it was.

From the very morning the children followed me and asked: "When are we going to play? When will the holiday be?" And I still didn't have everything ready. Wet sand did not have time to dry completely, the monolith for excavations did not dry up to the end. The posters are not up. In general, I delayed it all the time, and closer to dinner, I decided that it was useless to wait further - if you didn’t eat enough, you won’t get drunk, we’ll play with what we have and quickly decorated the places of celebration. Ellinka was assigned an important role - a pterodactyl, her daughter prepared the costume herself and disappeared into the vestibule. The children and I settled down in the hallway and merrily took pictures next to the dinosaurs on the wall and a large balloon dinosaur that Rodion received as a gift.
And then the doorbell rang.... On the threshold of a Pterodactyl with a box.

The boys recognized the guest immediately. The flying lizard reported that the box contained a present for Rodion's birthday, but instead of a gift, a note was found.... Of course, we immediately followed the tracks and moved).

First, the tracks led us to two hungry dinosaurs - a predator and a herbivore. It was necessary to feed them by putting appropriate food into their mouths. Food was scattered all over the room in abundance - vegetables, fruits and meat-containing products.
The boys were happy to throw the right food into the mouths of the dinosaurs.

And then, laughing, they themselves were swallowed by dinosaurs. Even the herbivore happily ate the boys))).

And they ended up near a large coloring book with dinosaurs.

The task was to find and color all the lizards. In eight hands we set to work.

In addition, we found two absolutely identical dinosaurs. They searched for all tyrannosaurs, stegosaurus, triceratops and other pterodactyls. Counted them. Found the biggest and the smallest. In general, there were enough tasks. The coloring is printed on 8 A4 sheets. Can be printed in any format entirely. Download

Dinosaur eggs were found during the excavations, but not a single gift.

The path of dinosaur footprints led us to the next task. We depicted dinosaurs by drawing cards with their appearance. It's time to fool around.)

Children showed how this or that dinosaur ate, how it walked, hunted and slept. In general, everything about his life))).

And so the tracks led us to an interesting place. It was evident from everything that we had to carry out archaeological excavations.

I got this stone with dinosaurs immured in it from cat litter. I spied the idea on Julia's blog. Such a big little world. The recipe and filler features can be found in her post. I will only note that I overdid it))). I put in too much filler. It did not soak well with water, so I poured too much of it. Maybe he would have dried up, but he had only 18 hours of time. Really, much more is needed for such an amount. But I did not cancel the archaeological event. However, the children with great enthusiasm hollowed out a block and scratched out dinosaurs.

But I had a hard time. Not dried filler is a very sticky thing, washing it, especially from small parts, is not an easy task. But I didn’t look for easy ways, drying up and didn’t wait here, nevertheless I cleaned out all the dinosaurs, and hammers, and even children))).
The gift was not found again during the excavations. And so the tracks led us to a new place. The boys were asked to temporarily become dinosaurs and run in their "paws". The idea is not bad, but not thought through to the end, the paws still needed to be fixed more firmly from the heel side too. However, the children ran with pleasure, and they still get these paws for games. I made them from fiberboard.

And finally the tracks led us to the last point of the journey....

And Rodion found his present! Cake and clockwork dinosaur!

This is the cake. Rodioshka was delighted.

If you are not a professional archaeologist, rest assured that your children know much more about dinosaurs than you do - from cartoons, comics, computer games. And the dinosaurs are sure to delight them. You can dedicate dinosaurs to anyone from birthday to graduation in kindergarten. We have collected interesting Dino ideas that will help you arrange a fun themed party for your little ones.

How to throw a party for kids: Dino invitations

The holiday begins with invitations. They are the ones who create the holiday spirit. Download and print Dino Party Invitations here. Fill in the boxes with the names of your guests and have your child pass them out.

And these wonderful flying dinosaurs can meet guests. They are so cool and so different! All you need is to glue paper paws and tails to the balloons.

Dino flags, drink bottle stickers and treat signs can also be made with a dinosaur theme. Children will be interested in recognizing already familiar characters, and getting to know new ones.

Kids Party Ideas: Dino Outfits

What is the main thing in dinosaurs? Wings, legs and tail! Your party guests will be happy to transform into dinosaurs if you offer them tails on their belts, slippers, paws, caps with combs and wings. All this can be easily done from colored cardboard and cleaning cloths.

Dino treats: kids party ideas

At a dino party, treats should also be dino-themed, and bear the imprint of eras. Bake cookies with dinosaur footprints, make "sugar bones" - string marshmallows on straws, pour over the "bones" with sugar icing and let them harden.

Another "dinosaur" yummy - a cocktail of mud lakes. Make chocolate pudding and decorate it with lizard figurines. Large grapes can play the role of dinosaur eggs. Sandwiches, cookies, jellies and candies in the form of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals are also suitable.

An interesting and unusual script for the birthday of a boy of 6 years old and his 7 friends on the theme - dinosaurs, the lost world and adventures, we held in our studio Kalyak Malak.

The scenario is suitable for children aged 6-9 and can be changed for different ages.

A paleontologist appears before the children.
- Oh, where did I get to? I don't recognize this place! Where did my time machine take me this time?
The guys begin to explain that it's a birthday, that he's a birthday boy, and he's 6 years old today.
- Wow! So let's celebrate our birthday! I will ask you questions and you answer. If the answer is YES, shout YES loudly, and if not, stomp your feet.

Slava - old-old grandfather? (No!)
Glory turned a hundred years old? (No!)
Is birthday a fun day? (Yes!)
Are you waiting for games and fun? (Yes!)
Is the birthday boy a bully? (No!)
Does he like to fight? (No!)
Are we exercising now? (No!)
Are we okay with humor? (Yes!)
Shall we sit in sorrow? (No!)
Waiting for us a cake with candles? (Yes!)
Congratulate the birthday boy? (Yes!)
Will we play later? (yes!)

We build a throne (mountain) from pillows, our birthday boy climbs up there and everyone gives him gifts, not forgetting about wishes. It looks spectacular - be sure to take a picture - a birthday boy sitting in a mountain of pillows and littered with a mountain of gifts! :) Then you can dance "loaf".

The paleontologist had a map with him, which indicated the place where the treasure was hidden. We lay out the card - whatman paper, with a path drawn in circles. It turns out that we can go through the map and reach the treasures only with the help of magic stones. A girl in our team was given a case with a first-aid kit and was appointed a doctor. Throughout the journey, there was always some kind of "wounded" (pretend, of course), whom she treated with pleasure: she wrapped it with a bandage, smeared it with iodine and gave injections.

We all get into the "time machine" and are transported to the past, to the WORLD OF DINOSAURS...


We found ourselves in a swampy area. To get out of the water "dry" we play Land - water: everyone stands in 1 line, the driver calls the land (earth, island, sand, etc. ) - everyone jumps forward, water (stream, sea, ocean, etc. .)- back.

Next we need to go to land (to another room), but how to get over the swamp? Of course on bumps! But be careful, there are snakes everywhere (ropes and toy snakes laid out on the floor), jump only over bumps and not step on the water! (hummocks and snakes were not removed throughout the game, and the children walked over them with pleasure even when they went out to wash their hands or moved to another room :))

We go into another room, there is dim light, palm trees and... a tent (real, camping)! The excitement knew no bounds! We climbed into the tent and settled down for the night, posting 2 guards at the entrance to warn of the appearance of dinosaurs.

A paleontologist (whom everyone simply called "Captain" :)) gave out flashlights and a few pebbles for passing the swamps and for courage. In the dark, in a tent and with flashlights... what else do children need to be happy? :)

We lay out a path with stones on the map and get into the desert.


There is a lot of sand in a large bowl (millet is better, semolina is very dusty and scatters). Each is given a straw or straw for a cocktail. The task is to inflate the millet to find the pebbles buried in it.

We extract, we run to put it on the map, we store it in a tent.

Dinosaur Island.

The path led to Dinosaur Island. While we are discussing what dinosaurs are, what they eat and how they live, night falls. We put those who wish to guard (and there were more than enough of them :)) and go to bed.

In the morning a dinosaur looks in on us, which turns out to be my old friend. It turned out that he and his friends were playing nearby and heard the roar of a huge tyrannosaurus rex, but they got so scared that they fled all over the island. Now he can't find them. Can we help? Of course! We are looking for pictures with dinosaurs hidden in the hall. On each picture there is a letter, they form the word VOLCANOES. We spread the word and run to make volcanoes. (Our volcanoes were made in advance from plasticine. I poured soda into the crater.)

Volcanoes turned out to be "sleeping", to wake them up, they added a magic liquid - very poisonous!!! (vinegar) - and they came to life, lava poured, everyone really liked it :). Got stones.

By this time, many were already hungry, so everyone was seated at the table to refresh themselves and gain strength.

Suddenly, our familiar dinosaur comes running and shouts that volcanoes have awakened and an earthquake has begun, and now dinosaur eggs are falling from a cliff! We urgently grab a handkerchief and catch eggs. (each child held a blanket by the corner and tried to make the egg balls that I threw fall on the blanket and not break).

1 egg contained a clue - a painted Tyrannosaurus Island.

Again through the swamp over bumps they moved to another hall, treated the bitten and wounded and discussed the plan of action.

Everyone, of course, knew that the tyrannosaurus is a predator, and so that it does not devour us, we need to come up with something. They thought and thought and came up with - to catch fish for him, maybe he will eat up and won't touch us? We decided to go to the sea. But there are no rods? How to be? And then they remembered the experience of ancient hunters and fishermen - they fished with sharpened sticks (spears or harpoons). We found sticks, stuck plasticine to them, loaded into the boat and went to fish. Fishing - children catch paper fish with sticks with plasticine at the end.

They caught all the fish, even the predatory ones, and one of them had some kind of map. Yes, this is the way to Tyrannosaurus Island! We get out on the shore, take a catch with us and go along the path drawn on the map. During the journey, the roar of a hungry tyrannosaurus rex is sometimes heard, and everyone needs to immediately freeze and pretend to be a tree.

Finally, we have arrived. And then everyone was surprised to find instead of a huge terrible Tyrannosaurus Rex a small and cute dinosaur (probably its cub!) We fed him fish, and he took us to his cave.

Dinosaur cave.

There are many, many balloons (not big) in a big bag, and some of them contain magic stones, without which we will not get to the treasure! Everyone is given 5 seconds to climb up there and try to find the ball with the stone. And in that cave, a little surprise awaited us (especially for the birthday boy!) The test went with a bang, everyone climbed into the cave with pleasure and many, many times!

My laptop was also there, with a video about the life of dinosaurs (video and presentation about dinosaurs)

We watch the video, thank the Tyrannosaurus, and head back. We lay out a stone path on the map, but a few stones are missing from the treasure. Here our dinosaur friend offers to leave his contribution to history and make a rock drawing. We draw a portrait of the birthday man in full growth.

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